When Li Mu taught Conan a lesson, the police had already arrived at the scene.

Because Li Mu and others were with children, the police did not suspect Li Mu and others.

"Come on, let's go listen and see."

Li Mu walked up to the policeman and listened carefully to what he said.

As a good young man, Li Mu said that he didn't know English when he was in school, but who gave Li Mu the system.

But the people around him couldn't understand. After all, not everyone has a system.

Fortunately, Dr. Ali outside immediately adjusted the language for Li Mu and others.

But just after the adjustment, Dr. Ali lost all control of the system and was completely controlled by Noah's Ark. Living

"I understand, great"

"Yes, I already understand English. Could it be that we are geniuses?"

Li Mu didn't look at these excited and silly little devils. He turned around and walked in the other direction.

16"Brother Li, where do you want to go?"Lan asked doubtfully

"Of course we should go to Sherlock Holmes. He should have some information and should be able to help us."

"Yes, Sherlock Holmes is very powerful. Maybe with his help, we can find Jack the Ripper."

Xiao Lan also thought of Holmes, although she didn't know Holmes particularly well.

But Kudo Shinichi often said this before. The others didn't say anything and followed Li Mu directly.

Walking on the cold street, Xiao Lan Lan subconsciously pulled her clothes.

Li Mu looked at the cold Xiaolan, quickly took off his clothes and put on Xiaolan's clothes.

"Okay, Xiaolan, you'd better put on my clothes so you won't get cold."

Xiaolan's face turned red, she lowered her head shyly, and grabbed Li Mu's clothes with both hands.

Li Mu picked up Hui Yuan Ai next to her and held her in his arms.

"What's the matter, Xiao Ai, are you a little warm?"

Hui Yuan Ai's face turned red instantly, but he still squeezed into Li Mu's arms, feeling Li Mu's warmth.

When Li Mu squeezed Hui Yuan Ai, he also felt Hui Yuan Ai's soft body and hugged him tightly.

"Damn, I didn’t expect it to be felt in the game."

Li Mu even wants to experience this special feeling in the game now.

Unfortunately, there is no time at all now, and Noah's Ark controls the world, and he doesn't want that kid to look at him.

Even if Noah's Ark The creator was dead.

Haiyuan Ai felt that Li Mu couldn't help but spat softly.

Behind him, everyone in the Young Detective Team, including Conan, was jealous of Li Mu and was very unhappy.

Not long after, Li Mu took Xiaolan and others Arriving at Holmes' home,

Li Mu gently knocked on the door. The door was opened, and a lady came out.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

"Oh, we were friends of Holmes, these were Holmes's Baker Street guerrillas."Li Mu said first.

"Oh, so it's the Baker Street Guerrillas? The lady smiled slightly, and then said politely:"Then you come in, and I will pour you a cup of hot milk tea now.""

Li Mu did not hesitate and followed the lady to Holmes' home and took a look in his study.

"By the way, go find out about Jack the Ripper as soon as possible."

After that, Li Mu sat on a chair on the side and drank the coffee brought by the lady with peace of mind.

Conan looked at the very calm Li Mu and said with a dark face:"Brother Li, we are looking for clues, what about you? What to do?"

"Me, of course I am in charge of the overall situation. Don’t forget, I am so handsome, so smart, and so rich, so I can just act cute without any worries."



Everyone looked at Li Mu speechlessly. They had rarely seen such a narcissistic person.

But no one said anything. After all, Li Mu was indeed very smart, and those second-generation officials and others did not dare to offend Li Mu.

Obviously, the family education of these people is still very successful, and they know that some people cannot be offended at all, such as Li Mu.

Although Conan was speechless, he was still looking around for information about Jack the Ripper.

Not long after, Hui Yuan Ai found the information and handed it to Li Mu

"Now, this is the information you want, take a look"

"Great, as expected of the cute little Ai, I found it so quickly."

Li Mu stretched out his hand and pinched Hui Yuan Ai's little face, then picked up the information and read it.

Hui Yuan Ai's face was extremely red, and he quickly ran to the side, forcing himself to recover and not letting others notice the abnormality.

A little After taking a look, Li Mu put down the information and turned around to leave.

Although the others were confused, they still followed Li Mu and left Holmes' home together. Conan and a little ghost named Zhu Xing stayed behind.

Conan carefully After taking a look at the news about Jack the Ripper, he ran away quickly. Finally

, Morohoshi took a gun and left Holmes's home.

On the dark street, a thin white mist enveloped the street, This is the origin of the name Fog City. 097

Even if it is not winter, the weather is still so cold.

Li Mu walked at the front without saying a word.

Others were also a little afraid of Li Mu and did not interrupt.

But in the end, Xiao Lan was still full of doubts and wondered:"Li Mu, where should we go now? Looking for Jack the Ripper?"

"I know that Brother Li must be looking for Professor Moriarty, the old enemy of Sherlock Holmes.

Conan suddenly interrupted, feeling a little proud.

Li Mu glanced at Conan, nodded and agreed,"Yes, it's Professor Moriarty. If my guess is correct, Jack the Ripper is Professor Moriarty's subordinate.""

"I get it, so just find Professor Moriarty's words to find out about Jack the Ripper."

Xiao Lan also suddenly realized, and then looked at Li Mu with admiration. This is the man she likes, and he is so powerful.

Conan looked at Xiao Lan, whose eyes were filled with admiration, and gritted his teeth. It was clear that he also knew all this. Unfortunately, Xiao Lan I didn't worship him.

No, I have to recover quickly.

Conan shouted inwardly, and then looked at Haibara Ai, thinking about something in his heart. The Great Voyage

: Beloved Concubine, The Invincible God-Slayer begins!_Fei

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