In a certain coffee shop, Li Mu and his group were standing in a private room, and the boss was standing near Li Mu.

After all, Li Mu and others suspected that the drink was an expired product, so they naturally called the boss.

The boss was also shocked, especially Hattori and Heiji who were struggling in the bathroom. He was so scared that he peed.

If there was really something wrong with the drinks, his coffee shop would be doomed.

Although the time is short, it is very painful for the boss.

Suddenly, the door of the private room opened, and Officer Dalong walked in, looked at everyone and said:"Detective Maori, we have investigated clearly. The drinks inside are not expired, but there is a kind of medicine in them, a powerful laxative, so……"

Although Officer Dalong didn't say anything, everyone already understood that someone must have drugged him.

The boss was even more shocked and said quickly:"Officer, you must believe me. I really didn't drug this. I have no grudges against you. How could I be so stupid?"

Mouri Kogoro thought about it, and then Withdrew his gaze

"You're right, you have no grudge against us, you can't be so stupid. Even if you have grudge, it's just poison, it can't be a laxative."

The boss breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. If he didn't get rid of the package, he would be doomed.

But Li Mu thought of something and said to himself:"Could it be Hattori who hates me, so he drugged me."

After hearing this, Mouri Kogoro touched his chin and murmured to himself:"So, that black-skinned boy seems a little strange. Could it be that he was playing a prank on purpose?"

"So, let me go investigate now."

Officer Dalong didn't say much and ran away quickly.

"By the way, Brother Li, if he was drugged by the Ministry of Medicine, how come you are okay? Yuanzi asked curiously.

Li Mu quickly turned around in his mind and said nonsensically:"I am a doctor and my body has the ability to resist. However, I did feel uncomfortable just now. The smell was very strange. It may be because of the medicine.""

Everyone thought about it. Li Mu was indeed in pain just now, and it didn't look like a lie. Fortunately, Li Mu usually had a very good personality, so no one doubted Li Mu.

More than half an hour later, Officer Dalong came over again and took the The reporter reported:"I have just investigated that Conan does have a medicine. After investigation, it is indeed a laxative, and it also has the fingerprints of Conan, Hattori and Haibara Ai on it."

"Damn it, it turned out to be Heiji's fault. How could this guy do such a prank?"Kazuha muttered dissatisfied.

As for Haibara Ai, who was directly ignored by everyone, Conan also thought about it and disappeared from his mind in an instant. There is only Hattori Heiji, an adult, and it is difficult not to doubt him.

Da Officer Long touched his own in embarrassment. He knew about this and was a little hesitant.

Although he wanted to hide it for Hattori Heiji, he was a policeman and it was a very big matter.

So he just hesitated for a moment before Officer Tailong came out. About this matter.

Officer Dalong thought of something again and said quickly:"I'm sorry, Li Mu, I apologize to you for what happened to Heiji, and I hope you can forgive him."

Li Mu has already tricked Hattori and Heiji, so there is no need to go."

"Officer Dalong, this is just a prank. I thought I added something weird, but it turned out to be a laxative.

But he has learned a lesson, so there is no need for me to be angry. I just need to keep a close eye on him in the future. Officer Dalong was overjoyed after hearing this and quickly thanked you:"Thank you, Li Mu. I would like to thank you on behalf of Pingji.""

"Brother Li is such a nice person. I thought he had a bad personality before."

"Yes, for the first time, I felt that Brother Li was a good person."

Li Mu listened to the words of the little devils, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Although his attitude was not very good before, there was no need to say this.

Although he was speechless, Li Mu still showed a smile and said:"Okay, no more. Let's go to the hospital. Although the two of them did something wrong, they have been punished."

After listening to Li Mu's words, everyone nodded subconsciously and recognized Li Mu in their hearts.

At this moment, Li Mu's image in everyone's hearts suddenly became taller.


In the hospital, Li Mu and others came outside the wards of Hattori Heiji and Conan and waited patiently.

As for why they didn't go in, needless to say, Hattori Heiji and Conan were very embarrassed and didn't want to see Li Mu and others.

Li Mu didn't care, he just waited and left.

In the ward, Officer Dalong stood next to Hattori Heiji, with a look of hatred on his face and said:"Heiji, you are so serious, how could you do this? Even if you don't like Li Mu, you can't take laxatives.

Moreover, I think Li Mu Not bad. He has forgiven you and he is a very nice person. Do you need to play such a prank?"

"What? I take laxatives." Hattori Heiji's eyes flickered, and he quickly defended:"Officer Dalong, you have to believe me, I didn't take laxatives at all. This is definitely a false accusation, a naked false accusation."

Officer Dalong looked at Hattori Heiji with a black line on his head. He didn't realize that Hattori Heiji was lying. Ke turned his head and looked at Hattori Heiji in embarrassment. He really couldn't afford to lose this giant man.

Hattori Heiji also Noticing Officer Dalong's gaze, he asked in confusion:"Uncle Dalong, what's wrong with you? Did something happen? Officer Dalong hesitated for a moment, then sighed and said:"Hattori, I found the medicine in Conan's bag, that medicine, and your fingerprints.""

"What? That medicine? Hattori Heiji shouted, and then glared at Conan:"Hey, Kudo, you idiot, why don't you throw that away." Conan was also a little dissatisfied. He also glared at Hattori Heiji and said,"At that time today, do you think I have time to throw it away?""

Hattori Heiji choked. They have suffered a lot today. How can they have time to throw away that thing?

But let him admit that it is impossible. Otherwise, how will he explain to Kazuye and what should he say then?.

Hattori Heiji's eyes flickered, then he looked at Conan and said:"By the way, Officer Dalong, this matter actually has nothing to do with me. It was all instigated by this little devil. Yes, it's all his fault."


The invincible date battle of The Great Voyage Beloved Begins! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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