Conan and Officer Dalong looked at Hattori Heiji with black lines on their heads, feeling very contempt in their hearts.

Officer Dalong didn't believe that it was Conan who instigated Hattori Heiji. No matter how it looked, Hattori Heiji asked Conan to do it.

As for Conan, he was also speechless. It seemed that Hattori Heiji had suggested this, even though he had prepared the medicine.

"Okay, Heiji, let’s not talk anymore. Others already know. Maybe the head of the department already knows. You can figure it out yourself."

"What-? Dad, does he know? Hattori

Heiji shouted, his eyes full of fear, and he thought of the future scene in his mind.

Outside, Li Mu sat for a while, and was about to find an excuse to leave, when he saw a man with a dark face and a serious expression leaving. Come over.

This person is none other than Hattori Heiji’s father, Hattori Heizo.

After Hattori Heizo came over, he walked directly in front of Li Mu and bent down slightly.

"I'm really sorry that my son caused you trouble today."

Li Mu quickly stood up and said politely:"You're too polite, I don't take it to heart at all, and Hattori is indeed special."

"I'm really sorry for causing you trouble. I will definitely give you an explanation."

"Oh, wait, don't be so rough. After all, he is a child, so there is no need to be so cruel."

Although Li Mu was happy inside, he was still very calm on the surface, pretending to be concerned.

Hattori Heizo didn't say a word. After entering the ward, his eyes were fixed on Hattori Heiji.

Hattori Heiji was looked at by Hattori Heizang like this, and he felt very sad in his heart. A little scared, body trembling slightly

"Tell me, did you do this?"

Conan was startled, and quickly closed his eyes, pretending not to say a word.

Hattori Heiji was also startled, and also did not dare to refute, and could only lower his head tremblingly.

"right...Sorry, I...I'll never dare to do it again, I'm so sorry."

Facing his father, Hattori Heiji did not dare to continue lying, and his heart was filled with endless fear.

Hattori Heizang stared at Hattori Heizo closely. At first, he suspected that someone was framing his son.

After all, he still knew himself very well. It is impossible for his son to do such a thing.

But now it seems that this should be true. His son is really jealous and actually drugged others. This is really good, very much like him before.

The only pity The only thing is that he succeeded before, but his son actually failed, which is really a waste.

Of course, he just thought about it. Now that he is mature, it is impossible to encourage his son to do bad things.

Especially The other party was a very energetic person like Li Mu.

Seeing that Hattori Heizo didn't say anything, Hattori Heiji was even more frightened, and even lowered his head without saying a word. After a while, Hattori Heizo stepped forward and slapped him down.


The crisp and loud slap was not only heard by the people in the room, but also Li Mu and others outside saw it. Conan was startled, and subconsciously felt that his cheeks were also burning. He also felt that his cheeks were burning.

I finally understood how terrifying Hattori Heizo was, why he was so scared.

After giving him a slap, Hattori Heizo said coldly:"Do you understand your mistake?"

Hattori Heiji touched his cheek, nodded and said:"I understand, I will never dare to do it again."

"If you don't tell me, remember to tell Mr. Li. Also, you are not allowed to do this kind of thing again in the future, and you are not allowed to lead the children badly."

Hattori Heiji gritted his teeth and glanced at Conan. Although it was him who suggested it, Conan was also one of the main criminals.

But seeing his terrible father in front of him, he could only ignore it for the time being.

"Father, I understand. I will never dare to do that again. I will apologize."

Hattori Heizo nodded and turned to look at Officer Dalong next to him.

"Dalong, if anything happens in the future, remember to tell me.

Officer Dalong was startled and quickly raised his hand and said:"Yes, chief.""

Hattori Heizang nodded, then turned and left.

Outside, after Hattori Heizang came out, he said to Li Mu again:"Mr. Li, I'm really sorry. I have already taught Heiji a lesson, and I have caused you trouble this time."

"No, no, I'm really sorry. Hattori and others are actually pretty good."

······Asking for flowers·······

Li Mu smiled and said, not caring at all. Li Mu also heard the slap just now. It seems that Hattori Heiji is quite pitiful.

"Then I'll take my leave."

Hattori Heizo didn't stop and left directly.

Li Mu watched Hattori Heizo leave, opened the door, walked in, and looked at Hattori Heiji with a smile on his face.

"Hattori, are you okay? You must have a good rest today."

Hattori Heiji's head was full of black lines. Just as he was about to say something, Officer Dalong on the side coughed.

"I...I'm really sorry, Li Mu, I just wanted to joke with you, don't mind"

"You're kidding, Heiji, is this a joke? Is this a normal joke?"


Kazuha glared at Hattori Heiji dissatisfied.

Li Mu quickly put his hand on Heye and said softly:"Heye, look at Hattori, he is already in pain today. Don't talk to him anymore. I believe he already knows his mistake."

Yes, if it wasn't in time, After being sent to the hospital, it is estimated that Hattori Heiji will have diarrhea and anal prolapse.

It will definitely be even more painful by then.

Hattori Heiji gritted his teeth looking at Li Mu who was so close to Heye, and wished he could continue to teach Lin Fei a lesson.

However, seeing the gaze of Officer Dalong on the side, Hattori Heiji could only squeeze out a smile and said:"I'm sorry, Mr. Li, it was really my fault. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, just have a good rest today, we will bring you something delicious."

Li Mu thought of another benefit. Today he not only taught Hattori Heiji a lesson, but also taught Conan a lesson.

Today, without the interruption or interference of Hattori Heiji and Conan, it must be a good date.

Li Mu even had some small moments. Excited.

Although Hattori Heiji didn't know what Li Mu was thinking, he was very unhappy, but he still had to hold back his anger.

"Then have a good time and don't be too tired."

After saying that, Hattori Heiji unsatisfiedly pulled up the quilt and covered his body.

Li Mu didn't stay long, and took Xiaolan and the others out of the hospital and went shopping again.

The Invincible Date Battle of The Great Voyage begins with! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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