That night, Li Mu spent the night with Ye Xiao again, until the next day, Li Mu and others left Osaka together.

When they arrived, everyone rode on the Suzuki Consortium's Bell Shirley II, and when they returned, they rode on the high-speed rail.

Because everyone was frightened by the red Siamese cat and refused to continue taking the airship back.


Tokyo, Mori Detective Agency.

On this day, as soon as Li Mu arrived, he saw Yuanzi and Xiaolan, and in addition, there was another person he didn't recognize.

When Yuanzi saw Li Mu, he became excited. He waved his hand quickly and said:"Brother Li, you are here. Come here quickly. I have something to ask you for help.""

"Yeah? Just tell me what it is and I will definitely help you."Li Mu agreed without hesitation.

After all,"Zero Nine-Seven" is also his woman. Can he not agree to her request?

Sonoko was delighted after hearing this, and at the same time she looked at Mouri Kogoro next to her with contempt.

"Brother Li is Brother Li, unlike some people who are clearly famous detectives and will not help even the smallest request."

Moori Kogoro frowned slightly, then immediately sat up straight and said seriously:"Isn't it just investigating a case? No big deal, I'll help you now. Sonoko was overjoyed after hearing this, and quickly pointed to the girl next to her and said,"Brother Li, this is Misaki Yanai, a former classmate of mine. I hope you can help her." Yanai

Misaki also said quickly:"Detective Mori, Detective Li, it's like this. Some time ago, my sister committed suicide in school. It was the incident at Yanai Kiyomi Girls' High School.""

Moori Kogoro seemed to have heard about this too.

"Is it about Yanai Kiyomi High School? I know about this, but it seems that Officer Megure has committed suicide."

"No, it's impossible. My sister couldn't have committed suicide because there were two witnesses, one of whom was me."

"Oh, I see, the witness is you."Mouri Kogoro nodded.

But then, Mouri Kogoro looked at Misaki Yanai in surprise, and said in shock:"It's you, so why do you still doubt this? Didn't you see it with your own eyes?"

"It's like this. My sister is a free and easy person. Although she knew that her fiancé was having a relationship with another woman, she couldn't commit suicide, so I want to ask the Maori detective to investigate."

Mouri Kogoro listened to Misaki Yanai's words and lowered his head to think.

Sonoko was a little disappointed and turned to look at Li Mu.

"Brother Li, what about you? Do you have any clues? Can you help Misaki-san? Li

Mu touched his chin and murmured to himself:"Yanai Kiyomi High School, isn't this a famous women's high school?" That's a man's paradise."



"Brother Li, how can you say this at this time?"Xiaolan was dissatisfied

"Hahaha, just kidding. Li Mu laughed playfully, and then said seriously:"It's actually very simple. If you have anything, you can ask Officer Takagi. Isn't he your assistant?""

The corner of Conan's mouth twitched. It seemed that he used Officer Takagi frequently and seemed to be really his assistant.

Kogoro Mouri's face also darkened, and he smiled awkwardly:"Well, it's better not to talk nonsense, but we can indeed Please give us a little help, Officer Takagi."

Li Mu:"…………"

Just now I said don’t say that, and now I regard Officer Takagi as my younger brother. Poor Officer Takagi is so pitiful.

Half an hour later, Officer Takagi came to the Mori Detective Agency with a lot of information.

"Maori Detective, this is the information you want, you can take a look"

"I'm sorry to trouble you, Officer Takagi."Moori Kogoro apologized.

To be honest, he just didn't want to investigate this matter, so he had to trouble Officer Takagi.

Favor is the hardest thing to repay.

"It's okay, Detective Mori, Officer Megure has agreed, and he doesn't want any unjust, false, or wrongful convictions."

"That's good."Moori Kogoro nodded, then opened the information and looked at it carefully.

Li Mu and others also stood around, looking at the photos taken at the scene carefully.

After everything was taken, Li Mu stood up and said:"Okay, here I've already taken a good look at it. Now I'll go to Yanai Kiyomi Academy to see if there might be any clues there........"

"Yeah? Let's go and take a look now."

Sonoko quickly pulled Yanai Misaki and quickly followed Li Mu.

The others did not refuse and all followed Li Mu.

After arriving at the crime scene, Li Mu looked around carefully and looked at the signs of hanging next to the window.

Suddenly, Li Mu's eyes lit up and the corners of his mouth raised.

Next to him, Xiaolan had been paying attention to Li Mu. When she saw Li Mu's smile, she suddenly became excited.

"Brother Li, have you found any clues about whether the young master was killed by him?"

Others also immediately focused their attention on Li Mu.

Especially Yanai Misaki, who excitedly rushed to Li Mu's side.

"Really? Do you really know? Surely my sister didn’t commit suicide? Li

Mu did not answer directly. Instead, he pointed out the window and said,"I remember you said that you were sitting on that bench, and you should have seen your sister's face, right?" Although Misaki

Yanai didn't understand what Li Mu said, she still said,"Yes, I was sitting there, and I did see my sister's entire face.""

"So how tall is your sister approximately?"

"Roughly speaking, about 1.65 meters"

"One meter sixty-five."Li Mu murmured, then picked up the chair on the side and placed it where the little 3.5 master hanged himself.

"Yuanzi, she is almost the same as you. You stand here and try it."


Yuanzi just glanced at Li Mu, then stood on the chair

"Brother Li, how's it going? Can I do it now?"

The corner of Li Mu's mouth rose, and he immediately understood the important clues of this case.

In fact, it was not just Li Mu, but Conan on the side knew so much, and almost knew it.

At the same time, he also confirmed that this case was not a suicide or a suicide. He committed suicide.

Yuanzi noticed Li Mu's smile and said quickly:"Brother Li, do you know? Then tell us, we really want to help Misaki-san."

The Invincible Date Battle of the Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage Begins!_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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