"Brother Maori, thank you so much. Without you, we might have let a young girl die with her eyes open."

At Yanai Kiyomi High School, Officer Megure looked at Kogoro Mori gratefully.

Next to him, a male teacher fell weakly to the ground, with a look of pain on his face.

This person was none other than the one who killed Yanai Misaki. My sister’s teacher Shibahara

"Everywhere, this is the responsibility that I, Mouri Kogoro, should fulfill."

Mouri Kogoro giggled on the back of his head, not thinking at all that this matter was due to Li Mu.

Conan on the side gave Moori Kogoro a look of disdain. If most of them weren't sure, he would definitely let Moori Kogoro sleep.

"Well, Brother Maori, could you please accompany me to take notes?"

"It's okay, Officer Megure"......……

Later, Mouri Kogoro and Conan went to the Metropolitan Police Department to make a record, and then returned to the Mouri Detective Agency.

Arriving at the Maori Detective Agency, Conan asked curiously:"Uncle Maoli, do you know where Sister Xiaolan went?"

"How do I know? Maybe - I went out to play."

Mouri Kogoro complained, then quickly turned on the radio and listened to the horse racing program.

Conan didn't say much, picked up the phone and called, but no one answered.

When he arrived on the second floor, Li Mu happened to open the door. Conan.

Conan was stunned for a moment, then realized and asked quickly:"Brother Li, Sister Xiaolan, where were you just now? Why didn't you answer my call?""

"Little Guitou, why are you asking so many questions? We are doing some very exciting things and I want you to pay more attention."

Yuanzi pinched Conan's face, with a look of displeasure on his face.

Conan also turned his head away in dissatisfaction, with a dead look on his face.

Although what Yuanzi said was true, Li Mu and others did go to have fun, but Conan did not I believe it.

Poor Conan, who still doesn’t know who he likes, was very happy and comfortable with Li Mu just now.

Just now, Xiaolan was lying in Li Mu’s arms, indulgently

"By the way, Conan, I prepared some gifts for you that you might like. Li

Mu thought of Conan and raised his eyebrows.

Conan was slightly startled and said in surprise:"Brother Li prepared a gift for me. What's wrong?""

Although he and Li Mu have no relationship on the surface, they are not very good.

That's why he was a little confused and couldn't understand what Li Mu was.

Could it be that Li Mu wanted to trick me.

Conan suddenly had a very bad thought in his heart.

Li Mu didn't say anything. He took it out of his pocket, took out a notebook, and handed it to Conan. Conan looked at the notebook in front of him and forgot where Li Mu took it out from, because he was confused again.

Because Li Mu What was given to him was not a good thing, but a book of advanced physics.

I imagined that Li Mu suddenly gave a book of advanced physics to a first-grade elementary school student. Even Xiaolan had never studied it.

Xiaolan was also stunned for a moment. He quickly said:"Brother Li, is there something wrong with this? I have never seen advanced physics. Is it too difficult to teach Conan?""

"too difficult? Li Mu murmured to himself:"That's right. With Conan's IQ, he can only learn some knowledge from junior high school.""


He is a primary school student. Although he was a high school student before, he is still a person with excellent grades.

······Asking for flowers·······

Thinking of Li Mu's ridicule, Conan couldn't help but give Li Mu a dead eye.

Xiaolan smiled awkwardly and said nothing more.

Li Mu thought of something else, and followed Xiaolan's words:"Xiaolan, I think it's better to buy him some exercise books, so that he can study hard without disturbing us.

And you don't want us to When we are the happiest, a troublesome guy suddenly comes to disturb us, right?"

But Yuanzi recognized it, nodded slightly and said:"Xiaolan, I think Brother Li is right. Think about it, Conan has three times He almost caught us twice, should we keep him under control?"


Although Xiaolan felt that it was not good to disturb a primary school student's spare time, she thought about what Li Mu and Yuanzi said and couldn't help but think about it.

If Conan is not properly controlled, she might be discovered when she has sex with Li Mu.

After thinking about it, Xiaolan nodded and said softly:"I think it's right. I'll buy some exercise books tomorrow. I can't let him continue like this."

After hearing this, Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth and felt a little proud.

Conan was panicked in his heart. Looking at the two people talking softly, he quickly asked:"Sister Xiaolan, what were you talking about just now?"

Xiaolan looked at the curious Conan in front of her, and she became even more determined in her mind. She couldn't Giving Conan too much free time.

Otherwise Conan would definitely disturb her, or it would be bad if he was discovered one day.

Conan's body trembled, and bad thoughts suddenly emerged in his mind.

The Invincible Dating Battle of the Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage begins with! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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