One Sunday, in the endless forest.

The big green forest is like an ocean, connected together, and the trees are lush and green, exuding a comfortable coolness.

The sunshine is like strands of golden sand, passing through the layers of branches and leaves, and falling on the grass. There are countless wild flowers blooming on the grass, emitting attractive fragrance from time to time.

In the forest, countless birds are flying and chirping happily, accompanied by the sound of gurgling water echoing in the breeze for a long time.

In the forest, there were several tents erected on a small flat.

Around the tent, there were many little ghosts and a few adults standing, playing.

These people are naturally none other than Li Mu Xiaolan, Yuanzi and everyone from the Young Detective Team.

In addition, even Mouri Kogoro didn't come.

On the other side of the tent"Zero Nine Seven", on a small stool, Conan was doing the math problems Li Mu bought for him.

"Alas, Conan is so pitiful that he still has to do exercises now"

"Yes, so does Brother Li."

Conan was doing it when he suddenly heard the words of the Young Detective Corps, and his heart was filled with emotion.

He now hopes that the people of the Young Detective Corps will talk to him so that he can stop doing the exercises.

Next to him, Li Mu heard the words of the Young Detective Corps. , the corner of his mouth twitched.

These little guys were shameless in asking to come over and agreed to it, but now they are talking bad about Li Mu behind his back.

Li Mu rolled his eyes and said seriously:"Hey, you seem to have forgotten, this is I'm inviting you to dinner. It's not good to say this to me now, okay?"


The members of the Young Detective Team reacted, exclaimed, and turned around quickly.

Seeing the smiling Li Mu in front of them, these little devils smiled awkwardly.

It’s so embarrassing to be caught talking bad about someone behind their back.

"this...Brother Li, I mean you did a great job. Children should study hard."

"Yes, I think so too, Conan should study seriously."

In an instant, everyone abandoned Conan.

You must know that Li Mu is from a wealthy family. Now it is time for the rich to divide the land. How can they offend Li Mu.


In this way, he was abandoned by his companions. He wanted to cry but had no place to cry.

On one side, Xiaolan came over and looked at Conan with a smile on her face.

"Conan, you must do it seriously. After all, you are so smart. You must make full use of your talents and do not waste them."

"Yes, that's how it should be."Yuanzi also nodded and asked Conan to do the exercises. She agreed, so she was naturally very happy.

"Yes, I understand, Sister Xiaolan."

Conan replied feebly with a dark face.

"Okay, Xiaolan, the three of us are going to pick up wood. You are here. Also, Conan, let me give you a few minutes off. Watch them and don't leave.

If you get bored, you can play PS games there, but never leave. Anyone who leaves will get no prizes when they go back."

Li Mu is worried about letting the little devils pick up branches, otherwise it will be bad if they encounter danger.

As for Xiaolan, this road idiot, if she is allowed to go alone, there is a high probability that she will not be able to find her way home.


Conan nodded feebly, and at the same time he was a little happy. At least he didn't have to continue writing.

The people from the Young Detective Team happily ran into a tent and played games.

Next to him, Conan sat and looked at the people in front of him speechlessly. He glanced at the game console and glanced at the small diesel generator next to it.

It was hard to imagine that Li Mu had brought so many things in alone.

But thinking about Li Mu's combat power, Conan felt that it was not so strange.

Next to Conan, Haibara Ai Sitting, looking at Conan on the side, he joked:"What's wrong? Are you feeling particularly unhappy? But this is also an opportunity. Study junior high school with blood. Learn mathematics in junior high school. You will be a genius in junior high school.""


Conan smiled weakly, not knowing what to say.

But Hui Yuan Ai is right. With his IQ and studying hard, by the time he gets to university, he will be a peerless genius.

Wait, how did I think of this?

Conan shook his head quickly to stop himself from thinking too much about other things.

At the same time, Conan thought of something again and said quickly:"By the way, Huiyuan, let me ask you a question. The medicine last time……"

Conan suddenly realized that the young detective team was still standing aside and quickly lowered his voice........

"What happened to the medicine that time? Why didn't it work for Li Mu?"

"Who knows, maybe Li Mu knew about it a long time ago and didn't drink it, or maybe he really has antibodies. After all, he is also a doctor."

Hui Yuan Ai was very calm, sitting aside and reading a book, as if nothing had anything to do with her.

Conan looked at Hui Yuan Ai suspiciously. He seriously suspected that Hui Yuan Ai had hidden something from him, and might have given it to Li Mu in advance. He took the medicine.

But thinking about it, he had no evidence, and how could Hui Yuan Ai be so good to Li Mu.

Therefore, the thoughts in Conan's mind were fleeting.

On the other side, Li Mu walked under the lush green woods, Xiaolan Garden Then he followed behind. After walking for a while, Xiaolan looked at the camp behind and said with some worry:"Brother Li, is everything going to be okay? Are you leaving those children there like this?"

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. There are no large beasts here. I have placed a fence nearby and sprinkled a lot of realgar powder, so don't worry."

Before coming, Li Mu had made a lot of preparations, just for safety, and also hoped that they would not disturb him.

Although Xiaolan was a little relieved, she was still a little worried, and looked at the camp behind her from time to time.

Li Mu sighed, He said helplessly:"Well, let's collect some firewood quickly and go back early, so we don't have to worry."

Although I really wanted the three of them to have a good time in the forest for a while, considering that Xiaolan seemed to be absent-minded, she had no choice but to give up.

Yuanzi raised the corner of her mouth, winked at Li Mu and said,"Li Mu, tell me, are you still there? Are there any arrangements, such as doing things worse than animals to me and Xiaolan in this forest? Another example……"

Yuanzi didn't speak, but blinked from time to time and pushed Xiaolan's arm with her little hand.

Xiaolan also understood something a long time ago, her cheeks turned red instantly, she lowered her head shyly, not knowing where to put her hands.

The invincible date battle of The Great Voyage Beloved Begins! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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