In the tent, everyone in the Young Detective Team was happily playing games, with Conan sitting next to them.

Suddenly, there was some strange noise outside, which instantly attracted Conan's attention.

Conan ran out quickly and looked at a tall figure in the woods in the distance, and was completely stunned.

The tall figure in front of him was not Li Mu, but a bear, a huge blind bear.

With Conan's strength, once he encounters this tall blind bear, he will definitely be killed instantly.

"big...Everyone, hurry up...Come out quickly, outside...Something happened outside"

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Although the members of the Young Detective Corps were confused, they looked at Conan's serious expression and reluctantly put down the game controllers in their hands.

As soon as they came out, everyone in the Young Detective Corps was stunned.

"Ke...Conan, this is...Is this a bear? What should we do."

As he spoke, the members of the Young Detective Team turned around and tried to run away.

"Stop, stop it quickly. Conan shouted sternly, and then said seriously:"Don't run. If you run away, he will definitely attack.""

"I...I know, we're not leaving."

Although the young detective team was scared, they were still very obedient and did not run away.

On the other hand, Haihara Ai was worried and said:"Conan, what should I do? Can you deal with this blind bear?"

"No, we can't fix him at all."

Conan looked very serious. With his ability, football, let alone football, would not be able to kill the blind bear at all.

As for the anesthesia needle, it goes without saying. Whether it can penetrate the blind bear's skin is one thing.

"Yeah? Then we can only wait for Li Mu to come over, maybe he can deal with Blind Xiong."Hui Yuan Ai said with a serious face.

Conan did not speak, hesitating in his heart, not knowing what he should do.

As for Li Mu, although his combat power is explosive, he is not necessarily Xiong Xiazi's opponent. After all, this is one of the strongest creatures on land.

Li Mu's battle with Blind Bear was a bit mysterious.

At this time, Li Mu and Xiaolan came back, and happened to see Blind Bear not far away.

"Sister Xiaolan."

Conan looked at Xiaolan in the distance of Blind Xiong, and Conan subconsciously became worried.

Blind Xiong also noticed Li Mu and Xiaolan, staring at Li Mu with two ferocious eyes.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi were startled, and Li Mu quickly caught them. He took Xiaolan's hand and pulled her behind him.

"Xiaolan, Yuanzi, you can leave this matter to me, you don’t have to worry."

After saying that, Li Mu took a step forward, stood in front of Blind Xiong, and looked at each other. Blind Xiong stared at Li Mu for a moment, then suddenly yelled, raised his huge palm, and slapped Li Mu.

Li Mu did not He started to move, his eyes were fixed on Xiong Xiazi, and his body exuded a vague aura.

"Get out of here."

Li Mu shouted loudly, and the overlord's color was emitted. Although it was weak, it was enough to deal with Blind Bear.

Blind Bear subconsciously stopped and looked at him in horror.

The next second, Blind Bear ran away without looking back.

Conan looked The blind bear ran away, his mouth wide open, and he didn't know what to say.

Such a ferocious blind bear was actually scared away by Li Mu. Is this still a human being?

Or is the blind bear still a blind bear? He was actually scared away by a human , I was so frightened with my eyes, so embarrassing.

But speaking of Li Mu’s expression just now, it was indeed particularly terrifying.

At that moment, his heart seemed to be pinched by a huge hand, very scary Uncomfortable.

Conan can be sure that Li Mu is not an ordinary person. He is not a bad person, but he is definitely a ruthless person.

After watching Xiong Xiong leave, Li Mu took back his domineering attitude and looked at Xiaolan and others behind him with a smile.

"Xiaolan, Yuanzi, and everyone, it's okay. Let's continue playing. Don't worry."

Xiaolan recovered instantly, patted her chest, and said somewhat thankfully:"Brother Li, you were so powerful just now, you actually scared away the blind man. Yuanzi also reacted and looked at Li Mu with admiration.

"Brother Li, you are so awesome. Also, your momentum just now was a bit amazing, and you looked a bit cute."

Similarly, the young detective team and others on the side have recovered.

However, everyone has some palpitations. It is really that Li Mu's momentum just now was too terrifying, and their children are very scared.

"It's okay. I forgot to tell you. I am a martial arts practitioner. When I reach a high level, I can intimidate others with my momentum."

"That’s it, Brother Li, I didn’t expect that your martial arts has reached such a high level. I really admire you."

Xiaolan looked at Li Mu with admiration.

Li Mu was standing in front of her just now, which made her feel warm in her heart, and her affection for Li Mu increased greatly.

After all, Li Mu is not the kind of person who abandons others when encountering danger. People are still very good

".Okay, let’s not talk anymore, let’s enter the camp. Today I will barbecue, I am very good at cooking."

Li Mu took Xiaolan's hand and walked into the camp.

Xiaolan shyly followed Li Mu.

Conan was about to say something, but then he saw Li Mu holding Xiaolan's hand. His face suddenly darkened, and a thought emerged in his heart. a surge of anger

"What's wrong, are you jealous?"Hui Yuan Ai teased.

Conan's head was covered with black lines. He turned his head dissatisfied and ignored Hai Yuan Ai.

"Brother Li, you were so awesome just now. I didn’t expect you to be so awesome."

"Yes, Brother Li, you (De Nuo Zhao) are much more powerful than Conan. You actually scared away the blind bear with your eyes. It's really amazing."

The young detective team who were scared just now suddenly became interested and ran to Li Mu's side.

Listening to the young detective team's words, Conan's head was full of black lines again, and he actually said that he was awesome.

That's all, but why? To praise Li Mu and use him to compare Li Mu, this is not looking down on him.

Li Mu smiled, touched Bumi's little head and said:"Well, you don't even look at who I am, can ordinary people compare with me? I'm very powerful."

Although Li Mu didn't say Conan, Conan always felt that Li Mu was talking about him.

For a moment, Conan was very dissatisfied.

Hui Yuan Ai looked at the shrunken Conan, turned around, covered his mouth and snickered.

At the same time, Hui Yuan Ai Yuan Ai looked at Li Mu with a look of admiration.

The Invincible Date Battle of The Great Voyage Begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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