At night, in the dark forest, there were streaks of fire around the woods.

Near the bonfire, Li Mu, Xiaolan Yuanzi and three people were sitting, and everyone in the Young Detective Group was dancing and singing, not happy.

After the song and dance ended, Xiaolan clapped her hands and said,"It's great. Your songs are good and your dances are also good."

Li Mu also nodded and softly agreed:"Yes, this is indeed good. These Dancing is no worse than professional ones, it’s this song...well..."

"What's wrong? Is this song bad? I think it's pretty good - huh?"Xiaolan said puzzled.

Others also looked at Li Mu, especially the members of the Youth Detective Team.

They are still very good at their songs, and they are completely outstanding. Of course, they are among the children..

Li Mu took a step forward and said seriously:"Your songs are indeed good, but it's a pity that someone's tone is not accurate, which completely lowers the overall feeling."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone subconsciously looked at Conan.

Among so many people, Conan was the only one who was tone-deaf and a complete tone-deaf.

Li Mu raised the corner of his mouth and continued to joke:"Oh, Conan's tone is not very good, otherwise This song can definitely be performed on stage, it will definitely be a winner."

Conan's head is full of black lines. This is obviously to praise other people, but secretly it is to ridicule Conan and mock him for being tone-deaf.

"My singing voice is indeed not good. Why don't we listen to Brother Li singing? Brother Li's singing must be very good."

Conan looked at Li Mu with a smile on his face. From this smile, Li Mu could see his provocation.

Yes, it was definitely a provocation.

"That's right, Brother Li, come and sing too. Yuanzi's eyes lit up and he quickly echoed.

Xiaolan was also interested, nodded, and said happily:"That's right, Brother Li, sing a song for us. It must be nice.""

Others also looked at Li Mu with interest, especially Hui Yuan Ai. Apart from Xiao Lan, she was the most interested.

Li Mu glanced at Conan provocatively, raised the corners of his mouth, and sang. He was also very normal. of

"Well, listen carefully and see what an excellent song is."

Li Mu coughed, moistened his throat, and then spoke slowly

"The end of the century, which is a hundred years apart,

I laughed when I should have shed tears.

The end of the century, which has been far too long apart,

I want to fly to that vast and boundless world. Those things that I had only half-understood when I was a child.……"

Beside the bonfire, everyone heard Li Mu's song, fell silent, closed their eyes, and listened patiently to Li Mu's voice.

Conan also looked at Li Mu in surprise. He couldn't imagine that Li Mu's singing voice was so moving. It was impossible to tell from the surface.

But after a while, Conan subconsciously closed his eyes and listened to Li Mu's singing.

Time passed slowly. In just a few minutes, Li Mu stopped singing and looked at Conan with a smile.

"Conan, what do you think of my singing voice? Is it comparable to that of ordinary people?"

"Hmm, sounds good. Conan subconsciously turned around, but then he realized that it was sung by his enemy.

But he had already said it, so Conan had no choice but to bite the bullet and said:"It sounds good, it sounds really good.""

Li Mu smiled and turned to look at Xiaolan and Yuanzi on the side.

"You two, what do you think of my singing? Is it very delicious and beautiful?"

"It sounds good, it sounds really good."

"Yes, I don’t think Yoko Okino’s songs are necessarily better than yours."

Xiaolan Yuanzi applauded and looked at Li Mu with admiration.

At this moment, their favorable impression of Li Mu became even stronger. Li Mu was happy and said proudly:"How about it? This is my singing and dancing talent, which is not comparable to that of ordinary people. For example, those detectives are indeed not as good as me."

Conan's brows twitched and he turned his head helplessly. He didn't know who Li Mu was talking about.

"Okay, let’s not talk anymore. It’s getting late. You go and have a good rest. I’ll be here tonight to keep watch. After midnight, will you come and take my place?"

Xiao Lan saw Li Mu's teasing and quickly advised:"Okay, Brother Li, don't bully Conan. He is already very embarrassed now."

······Asking for flowers·······

Conan suddenly felt a little grateful. He looked at Xiaolan silently without saying a word.

"Xiaolan, it’s okay, it’s like this anyway." Sonoko teased again, then touched Conan's head and said:"Little devil, you have to study hard. Don't imitate that music idiot Kudo in the future. It's too embarrassing."

Conan's face turned dark instantly, and the good mood he had just disappeared immediately, and he kept mumbling.

Li Mu looked at the extremely embarrassed Conan, reached out and patted his little head.

"Okay, Conan, you have to work hard in the future. Whether it's reasoning or singing, you have to work hard and try to learn from me and be an outstanding young man."


"Got it, Brother Li."Conan said with a dark face.

When Li Mu said this, he was not praising himself for his excellence, but secretly despising him.

"So let's go to bed now."

After teasing Conan, Li Mu was in a very happy mood and couldn't bear to continue teasing Conan.

Of course, the main reason was that it was getting late and it was time to have a good rest. There was no need to continue to waste time.

"Got it, Brother Li."

Everyone returned to their tents one after another, zipped up the tents, turned off the lights, and went to sleep.

Li Mu picked up a special powder and sprinkled it around to prevent various snakes, insects, rats, and ants.

At the same time, Li Mu's body It exuded a vague aura that scared a large number of animals away and did not dare to stay at all.

When Li Mu rested against the big tree on the side, in the Yuanzi tent.

Yuanzi suddenly opened his eyes., secretly took a photo of Xiaolan

"Xiaolan, are you asleep?"

Xiao Lan also opened her eyes and said softly:"Yuanzi, what's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"Xiaolan, I’m going to find Li Mu now. Do you want to go with me?"

The Invincible Date Battle of the Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage begins with!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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