Beside a big tree, Mitsuhiko murmured to himself with a dark face:"I never praise myself, it's really bad."

"Yes, and I feel very good about myself. Yuantai complained.

But deep down, both Yuanta and Mitsuhiko were very jealous. After all, one of them is very fat and the other has many freckles on his face. Naturally, they are not as good as Li Mu.

On one side. Ayumi glanced at Li Mu, nodded and said,"I think Brother Li is very handsome. It would be great if Conan was as handsome as he grows up."


Sorry, it's my fault I'm ugly.

Ayumi reacted, waved her hand quickly and said:"Sorry, Conan, I didn't say you are ugly, I mean, compared to Brother Li, you are a bit ugly. No, no,

"Zero Nine Seven", no, actually this is not the case either What I mean, I mean, it would be great if you grow up and be as handsome as Brother Li. That

’s not right, I mean, although you are not as good as Brother Li now, you might be able to grow bigger."

Li Mu's mouth He raised his head and suppressed a smile.

Although Ayumi wanted to speak for Conan, her tone seemed to be mocking Conan.

Conan became speechless and said helplessly:"Okay, Ayumi, I understand what you mean. By the way, let's go pick mushrooms.""

"OK, let's go pick mushrooms."

Ayumi nodded and followed Conan happily.

Seeing everyone leaving, Haiyuan Ai reached out and pinched Li Mu's arm.

"Li Mu, what do you mean by what you just said? Could it be that I really confessed my love to you when I was a child?"

"Okay, don’t be angry anymore. I’ll give you a gift when you get back. How about a new LV bag?"

Li Mu pinched Hui Yuan Ai's little face.

Hui Yuan Ai's face instantly turned red. He gently patted Li Mu's hand away and said with a smile,"Okay, I just happened to have my eye on a bag. You can give it to me when the time comes. Give me."

Li Mu didn't say anything. He hugged Hui Yuan Ai and continued to follow the little ghosts.

After walking for a while, Li Mu saw Bumi and everyone separated, and said quickly:"Xiao Ai, wait for me, I will go find Conan's trouble.."

Hui Yuan Ai shook her head, feeling pity for Conan in her heart.

She could already see how miserable Conan would be in the future.

Li Mu came to Bumi's side, stretched out his hand and patted Bumi gently.

"Ayumi, do you like Conan? How about it? Do you want me to help you?"

Bumi was about to deny it, but after hearing Li Mu's words, she suddenly became excited.

"Brother Li, are you telling the truth? I can really make Conan like me."

Li Mu looked at Ayumi's weak eyes and cursed in his heart.

Such a cute girl, why should Ke refuse such a beautiful and cute girl?

"That's right, let me tell you a way. Conan likes you because he likes Xiaolan. It must have been for such a long time. Xiaolan is so amiable that it makes him feel a little warm.

That's why he felt a little strange about Xiaolan, for example, he liked him, which was a feeling of attachment in his heart.

You can keep Xiaolan away from Conan. If this happens for a long time, she may not like Conan. At this time, you are taking advantage of the opportunity."

After hearing Li Mu's words, Bumi lowered her head and started thinking subconsciously.

After a long silence, Bumi nodded and said,"You're right. Sister Xiaolan is amiable, beautiful, and gentle. Conan likes her. It's also normal.

But Conan is so young and is not suitable for Sister Xiaolan. I must talk to Sister Xiaolan and ask her to leave Conan."

Li Mu looked at Bumi with an expression of"I have decided" and suppressed a smile.

He could already imagine that in the next period of time, Xiaolan will definitely stay away from Conan again.

For example, last time, Li Mu said After that, Xiaolan stayed away from Conan for a while, and it is estimated that it will still be like this in the future.

"Okay, Bumi, go pick mushrooms first, and then talk to Sister Xiaolan in the evening."

"Well, I went to pick mushrooms."

Bumi nodded, and then walked into the forest.

After watching Bumei leave, Haiyuan Ai came directly to Li Mu, holding the murderer in both hands.

"Tell me, what did you say to the little girls to coax them?"

"Why do you care so much? Just do your own thing well........"

Li Mu hugged Hui Yuan Ai tightly, pulled her into his arms, then kneaded her hard and bullied her severely.

Hui Yuan Ai struggled for a moment, unable to break free, and could only let Li Mu knead her like this.


The day passed again. At night, Li Mu and others sat beside the tall bonfire, eating dinner and singing songs.

After a while, Ayumi suddenly pulled Xiaolan's clothes and said:"Sister Xiaolan, can you come with me?"

"Ah, okay, I get it."

Xiaolan nodded. Although she didn't know what Bumi meant, she still followed Bumi into the forest.

Conan also noticed Bumi, but seeing that it wasn't Li Mu, Conan ignored it.

Only Li Mu followed Xiaolan. , he would follow to prevent Li Mu and Xiaolan from doing something.

In the dark woods, Xiaolan lowered her head and said with a charming smile:"Bumi, do you have anything to say?"

Ayumi stared at Xiaolan for a moment, then summoned up the courage to say:"Sister Xiaolan, I hope you can stay away from Conan."

"ah..."Xiaolan was stunned for a moment, blinked her eyes, and looked speechless.

"Ayumi, you...what do you mean?"

She had roughly guessed something in her mind. Ayumi must have fallen in love with Conan again. 3.5

"Sister Xiaolan, didn’t you notice? Conan seems to be interested in you, which must be because he is attached to you, so I hope you stay away from him, so that he won't be like this."

Xiaolan blinked her eyes, and her head was covered with black lines.

Today's little devils are so precocious, she doesn't know what to say.

But if she thinks about it more carefully, Conan is indeed too attached to her, and often talks to her It is indeed very dangerous to be with her.

Maybe Conan's heart has become a little twisted.

After thinking about it, Xiaolan nodded and said:"Ayumi, you are right. I have decided to stay away from Conan in the future." , be strict with him."

Bumi was overjoyed after hearing this, nodded and said:"Thank you, Sister Xiaolan, then I'll leave first. I wish you a happy time."

The Invincible Date Battle of the Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage Begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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