Returning to the bonfire again, Xiaolan sat between Yuanzi and Li Mu, distancing herself from Conan.

Ayumi sat next to Conan and looked at Conan happily.

"Ayumi, sister Xiaolan, what happened to you just now? Xiaolan

's face changed slightly and she said sternly:"This is a matter between girls. Why do you want to know so much?"

Conan was startled and said quickly:"I'm sorry, Sister Xiaolan.""

Xiaolan didn't say anything more, and continued to hold the barbecue and taste it carefully.

Conan was full of doubts, and touched the back of his head and thought.

It's a pity that neither Xiaolan nor Ayumi would say it.

Li Mu felt very happy, and reached out to touch the little head of Hui Yuan Ai.

Hui Yuan Ai understood something, and shook his head, feeling a little pity for Conan in his heart.

"Okay, after eating, it's time for us to have a good rest."

Li Mu put away the tableware and washed it. As for the others, they returned to the tent to rest.......……

The next morning, when Li Mu got up, everyone was already up and ready for morning exercises.

"Okay, now that you are ready, let's go and continue walking in the forest today"


Everyone waved their hands together and followed Li Mu happily.

"They are still quite energetic."

Xiaolan Yuanzi and the other two glanced at Li Mu.

However, they did not follow Li Mu. They would still be here in the tent during the day.

Walking in the lush green forest, the young detective team walked for a while and then dispersed..

Gentai and Mitsuhiko walked for a while, and suddenly saw a cave, and they immediately became interested.

"Mitsuhiko, there should be a treasure here. Should we go over and take a look?"

"There might really be a treasure, let’s go take a look now."

Mitsuhiko was also interested and quickly followed Genta into the cave.

"Hey, you guys……"

Before Conan could stop him, Mitsuhiko and the others had already broken into the cave.

Helpless, Conan had no choice but to take Ayumi in with him.

Later, Li Mu looked at the group of little ghosts, shook his head helplessly and said:"Really, it was just us, but now there are more of these people."

Originally, Li Mu did not intend to take them, after all, these little ghosts were too He is naughty, often disappears without a trace, and likes to cause trouble.

The most important thing is that these people may disturb him, so Lin Fei doesn't want to bring these people with him.

Who knew that Conan would actually tell the truth, otherwise these people would not come together to beg Xiaolan, and Xiaolan would not agree.

So all this is Conan's fault, and Li Mu is dissatisfied with it.

Hui Yuan Ai ignored Li Mu's dissatisfaction and calmly moved forward, holding the weapon in his hand.

"Okay, no more words, let’s go in, we can’t let anything happen to these kids."


Li Mu sighed feebly and followed the young detective.

After entering the cave first, Yuantai walked in the dark cave and then turned on the flashlight.

"Really, it’s so dark, I don’t know if there are any treasures"

"There should be, we can look for it, maybe we can find the treasure. Mitsuhiko picked up the flashlight and shone it while carefully walking inside.

"Hey, you two, wait for me, don't leave so fast."

Conan quickly followed up. Behind him, Ayumi was running in small steps.

After catching up with the two, Conan said helplessly:"We'd better not enter. It's too dangerous here. You forgot about the bear. ? Yuantai was startled, and the watch-shaped flashlight in his hand almost fell to the ground.

When he thought of the blind bear here, Yuantai said in panic:"Conan, why don't we go back, don't stay here." But

Mitsuhiko was very calm, shook his head and said:"Don't worry, I looked at it when I came here. The soil outside is a bit soft, so it's impossible not to leave footprints.""

Conan covered his forehead helplessly. People like Mitsuhiko were not smart when they should be smart, but they were smart when they were not smart.

Genta was not so scared anymore and continued to walk inside.

"Then let's continue entering, maybe there is some treasure here."

Conan was a little speechless, but he had no choice but to follow Yuantai and the two of them.

Dang, clang...

Suddenly, the sound of shovels digging into the ground came from the dark cave.

Yuantai suddenly became interested and hurriedly ran inside. Got in

"Someone must have found the treasure, I must stop him"


Before Conan had time to speak, Genta had already ran out.

".This idiot. Conan cursed secretly. Although he was speechless, he still followed Yuantai.

After Yuantai ran a few corners, he rushed in and shouted:"The treasure is mine, put it down quickly.""

As soon as he finished speaking, Yuantai's flashlight shone into the cave.

In the cave, one person was holding a shovel, and another person grabbed a corpse in his hand.

Not only Yuantai was stunned, but also the people holding the corpse. Everyone was stunned.

After Conan came over, looking at these people, his expression suddenly changed, he pulled Yuan Tai and shouted:"Run quickly."

Subsequently, several adults also reacted.

One of them pointed a gun in Conan's direction and fired.


The shot hit Conan directly in the back, but Conan still gritted his teeth and pulled Genta left

"Damn it, hurry up and chase me, they have seen us and they must not let him go."

Everyone else reacted and hurriedly followed Conan, chasing after him.

Outside, Li Mu was walking when he suddenly heard the sound of gunshots, his face suddenly changed, and he quickly swept over after hearing this.

"Huiyuan, go find Xiaolan and call the police. I’ll go in and take a look. Remember to hurry up."

"I see."

Although Hui Yuan Ai was worried about everyone and Li Mu, she also knew that now was not the time to worry and ran out quickly. Without saying anything, Li Mu picked up a branch on the side and rushed directly into the cave.

It didn't take long after entering. , Li Mu saw several robbers with guns in their hands, and rushed over without saying a word.

Swish, swish...

In just a few strokes, Li Mu eliminated these robbers.

"Really, a bunch of trash."

Li Mu squeezed the gun that fell on the ground, flattened it, and then went to look for Conan. The

Invincible Date of the Concubine of the Great Voyage begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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