In the cave, Conan lay on the stone on the side, covering his abdomen with his hands.

Mitsuhiko and others stood next to Conan, waiting patiently.

Suddenly, a series of footsteps came. Conan and the others were startled and clenched their fists nervously.

"Conan, Mitsuhiko, Genta, where are you?"

"Is it Brother Li? Yuantai was overjoyed and walked out quickly and said,"Brother Li, we are here.""

Li Mu hurriedly walked over and looked at Conan who was weak and weak.

"Okay, let's go out quickly. I've already taken care of those robbers."


Genta quickly hugged Conan and walked quickly outside.

After leaving the cave, Ayumi looked at Conan who was covered in blood. She was startled and said with some trembling:"Conan, you... you didn't Come on, why are you bleeding?"

Yunta and Mitsuhiko also noticed

"Conan, could it be that you were shot?"

"Conan, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I shouldn't have been so impulsive. Li

Mu frowned slightly and said quickly:"There are medical supplies in the camp. I have asked Xiao Ai to call the police. Hurry over now.""

"I see."

Yuan Tai didn't say anything, and quickly ran towards the camp with Conan.

Not long after, Li Mu and others arrived at the camp.

As soon as they arrived at the camp, Xiaolan and Yuanzi saw the injured Conan.

"Conan, are you okay?"

"What happened to the little devil? Why did he bleed so much?"

"Xiaolan, don’t say any more. Go get the medical kit. This guy is dying and needs surgery now. I’ll take out the bullet for him."

"What? Are you coming for surgery? Can you really do that?"

Everyone looked at Li Mu in surprise.

They all knew that Li Mu was good at many things, but they didn't expect that Li Mu could actually do surgery.

The corners of Li Mu's mouth twitched. He was originally a doctor, okay? This is his profession.

"Okay, I have learned this before. You go out and I will operate on him now."

"Okay, then be careful."

Everyone was a little helpless. They didn't know how to operate here. Li Mu was the only one here, so they had no choice but to let Li Mu do it.

Li Mu didn't say anything, pulled Conan into the tent, and started to operate on Conan.

Although Li Mu He was not very good at Western medicine surgery, but he was a miracle doctor after all.

As long as he used medicine to stop Conan's bleeding, Ran Wense Baqi sensed the location of the bullet and took out the bullet for Conan. The whole process didn't take long, only half an hour, and Li Mujiu took out the bullet.

After the operation, Li Mu opened the tent.

At this moment, there were not only Xiaolan and others outside, but also Police Officer Takagi and Officer Mumu. As soon as Li Mu came out, Officer Mumu quickly said:"Li Mu, how are you? Conan is fine. Bar?"

Although the others didn't speak, they looked at it with worried eyes..

"Don't worry, you won't die. You can just send him to the hospital to recover now."

"Really? That's great."

Officer Memu and others quickly walked in, sat next to Conan, and looked at Conan carefully.

After confirming that Conan was fine, Xiaolan and others breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, Officer Takagi, go find a stretcher and take Conan to Mihua Central Hospital."


Officer Takagi left immediately, found a stretcher, and left with Conan.

Xiaolan and others did not stay. They packed up their camping equipment and left together.

In the hospital, a doctor carefully examined Conan For a moment

"Everyone, let me tell you some good news. The person who treated him urgently must be a doctor. The wound was treated very well. There was no major stab wound. He just had to take a good rest."

After saying that, the doctor left.

Everyone focused on Li Mu. After all, Li Mu was the one who performed Conan's surgery.

Li Mu felt the eyes of everyone and said calmly:"Didn't I tell you before? In fact, I am a doctor. This is my main profession. Do you know it now?"

"Yeah? I thought you were talking nonsense, after all you are a detective"

"Yes, I remember you seem to be the president of a large company. How can you be a doctor?"

Everyone looked at Li Mu in surprise. It was hard to imagine that Li Mu was so powerful and knew so many things.

······Asking for flowers·······

Li Mu didn't dwell on this issue too much. He turned to look at Yuantai and others with a serious look on his face.

"I forgot to tell you. You must be careful in the future and don’t think about treasures. It’s fine now. Something almost went wrong."


The members of the Young Detective Team lowered their heads and did not dare to refute Li Mu.

After all, they were really wrong this time. If they were not too careless, how could they have caused Conan to be shot.

Xiaolan looked at the pitiful people , his heart softened, and he pulled Li Mu and said:"Okay, Brother Li, don't say anything anymore. They already know the mistake.""

"Yes, Brother Li, I will never dare to do that again."


"That's right, Brother Li, just forgive me."

"Okay, okay, just be careful in the future."

Li Mu didn't blame the young detective team too much.

After all, he wasn't worried about Conan. He was just looking for an excuse to stop them from following him in the future.

As long as these little villains don't disturb him, it won't be his turn to take care of himself in the future. The horse is galloping.

And now that Conan has been injured, he will not be discharged from the hospital in a few days. These days, Li Mu can stay at Xiaolan's house, which makes him a little excited.

Next to him, Yuanzi looks at Li Mu who is snickering, and lightly He gently pushed Li Mu and said,"Brother Li, what are you thinking about? You actually snickered. Could it be that you were thinking of something bad?"

"Cough cough cough……"Li Mu coughed and said seriously:"It's nothing, I didn't think about anything. By the way, it's getting late, let's go eat first.""

"That's right, I haven't eaten for a long time. Since the little ghost is fine, let's go eat first."

Yuanzi touched his somewhat empty belly, then pulled Xiaolan and left.

However, the people from the Youth Detective Team did not leave.

"Sister Xiaolan, you go first, we still stay with Conan"

"Okay, we'll bring you a copy later."

Li Mu was the first to answer, what if Xiaolan's heart softens and she won't leave. The

Invincible Dating Battle of The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage begins with!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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