Mihua Central Hospital, in a ward.

Conan sat on the hospital bed and looked curiously at the people of the Young Detective Team on the side.

"What do you think? Was it Li Mu who performed the surgery on me?"

It's hard to imagine that it was Li Mu who performed the surgery on him, not the doctor.

"Conan, how can you call Brother Li like that, but he saved you."Bumi said dissatisfied

"That's right, Conan, you can't repay kindness with hatred. Teacher Xiaolin said, you must be polite."

Conan's mouth twitched as he listened to everyone's accusations.

If Li Mu hadn't been hooking up with Xiaolan all day long, he wouldn't have been so guarded against Li Mu.

But although he was speechless, Conan still had to cover the back of his head.

"Sorry, I said it wrong, but Brother Li is really amazing and can actually perform surgery."

Conan was filled with emotion. If it wasn't for Li Mu, he probably wouldn't have survived today.

Thinking of this, Conan was filled with emotion.


The hospital door opened, and a dark-skinned boy walked in from the outside.

This dark-skinned boy is naturally Hattori Heiji

"Yo, work...Conan, I heard you were shot. Are you okay?"

16"It’s okay, why are you here?""

"Of course I came to see you.

Hattori Heiji placed the fruit next to Conan, and then sat down. Outside, Li Mu looked at Kazuye and said with a smile:"

Kazuye, why are you here? Is there something wrong?""

"Oh, it's nothing, I just came to see Conan and called you by the way. After all, I miss you."

He Ye looked at Li Mu with a smile, sat next to Li Mu, and grabbed Li Mu's arm with both hands.

On the other side of Li Mu, Xiaolan grabbed Li Mu's arm.

With two beauties on the left and the right, Li Mu was very happy..

If we can be together tonight, we will definitely have a lot of fun.

But the only thing that is in the way is probably Hattori Heiji. I need to send him to him and prevent him from disturbing me.

Li Mu thought for a while and said quickly:"By the way, He Ye, do you want to be with me tonight and do something to reproduce offspring? Heye

's face turned red instantly, he lowered his head shyly, and said with great shyness:"Brother Li, you are serious, how could you do this, tonight?"...What if you are discovered tonight?"

"Okay, no more talk, let’s do it, but before that, we have to find a way to keep Hattori Heiji."

Li Mu touched his chin, thinking about how to deal with Hattori Heiji.

Suddenly, Li Mu's eyes lit up, and he whispered something next to Yiye's ear.

After hearing this, Yiye nodded, came to Conan's ward, and faced Hattori Heiji. Said:"Heiji, please stay with Conan by yourself tonight. After all, he was just injured and needs other people to take care of him.""

"Okay, I get it now." Hattori Heiji subconsciously.

But after a moment, Hattori Heiji thought of something and said quickly:"That's it, where are you going?"

"Oh, I went to Xiaolan's house to spend the night. What's wrong? What's matter?"

"What? Are you going to Xiaolan's house? What about Li Mu? Where is Li Mu today?"

He doesn't really care about Li Mu, he's just worried that Li Muhe will do something outrageous when he's with Ye.

"Oh, Brother Li? He went out today. It seemed like there was something going on in Gunma County, and Uncle Maori seemed to be going out to play. Xiaolan was a little scared, so I had to go and accompany him."

"Well, go ahead. I will take care of the little ghost head today and nothing will happen to him."

Hattori Heiji waved his hand and didn't care at all.

As long as he is with Ye and not Li Mu, he doesn't care who he is with.

"Then I'm leaving."

He Ye left Conan's ward, then sat next to Li Mu and winked at Li Mu.

"Okay, let's set off now."

Li Mu didn't say hello to Conan, and left Mihua Central Hospital with Ye Xiaolan.

When the two left, Haiyuan Ai glanced at Li Mu's back, touched his chin and thought.

Back to Detective Maori In the office, Maori Kogoro was packing his things.

When he saw Xiaolan, Maori Kogoro was startled and said in fear:"Xiaolan, why are you back? Aren't you going to accompany Conan?"

Xiaolan looked at Maori Kogoro, then at Maori Kogoro's dress, and said with a dark face:"Dad, what are you going to do now? Are you going to go over and bet on the horse race?" Or play mahjong?"

Moori Kogoro was startled, and he waved his hand quickly and said:"Xiaolan, I didn't, absolutely not. It's impossible for me to go out to play mahjong."

Li Mu raised the corner of his mouth. This idiot just wanted to go over to play mahjong, and he said it was not playing mahjong. If nothing else

, Xiaolan alone probably wouldn't believe it.

But if Maori Kogoro is not here, Li Mu can rest assured No one will disturb you when you do anything.

Li Mu quickly grabbed Xiaolan and whispered something in her ear.

After hearing this, Xiaolan blushed slightly, nodded and said:"Brother Li, I understand."

After saying that, Xiaolan looked at Mouri Kogoro and said seriously:"Okay, Dad, you go out to play mahjong. The pot allows you to play mahjong today, but you won't be able to play mahjong in the future."

"Yes, I'm leaving now."

Although Mouri Kogoro didn't know why Xiaolan agreed to him playing mahjong, he didn't care so much. He quickly picked up his salute and ran out.

After taking two steps, Mouri Kogoro noticed Kazuha and waved He waved his hand and said:"It turns out to be He Ye, so you have a good time, I have something else to do today, so I will leave first."

After saying that, Mouri Kogoro ran away.

Li Mu watched Moori Kogoro leave, stretched out his hand to unbutton his clothes, and then pulled up the curtains.

"Xiaolan, tonight, there are only the three of you and me. No one will disturb us. Let’s just be together."

Xiaolan and Ye's faces instantly turned red. They covered their cheeks shyly and hid on the other side.

"Brother Li, are you too impatient?"

"Yes, it’s only now, don’t you want it now?"

"of course not."Li Mu shook his head, and then whispered in the ears of Xiaolan and Ye:"Xiaolan, and Ye, this afternoon, do you remember..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Xiaolan and Ye Xiaolan's faces instantly turned red.

The invincible date battle of The Great Voyage Beloved Begins! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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