"Okay, Xiaolan and Heye, go and get ready. I will come to you later."

Although he and Ye Xiaolan were shy, they still walked to Xiaolan's room.

After a long time

"By the way, Brother Li, it's getting late. I'm going to make dinner. You wait for me here."

Xiao Lan thought of something, and quickly pushed Li Mu away, and then walked to the kitchen on the side as if running away.

After Li Mu watched Xiao Lan leave, he turned to look at He Ye, showing a bright smile to He Ye

"He Ye, I haven’t seen you for so long. You have a very good figure. It seems that you usually take credit for me."

He Ye's face turned red instantly, lowered his head and said shyly:"Li...Brother Li, this...This is what my mother taught me. She said girls must have good figures."

"Yeah? Auntie still understands my thoughts quite well."

Li Mu passed almost 097, thought of something again, and said softly:"He Ye, you wait here, I will go to Xiaolan's place, and I will take good care of you tonight."

He Ye naturally knew what Li Mu was talking about taking care of, and covered his face shyly.

Li Mu let go of He Ye and came to the kitchen.

At this moment, Xiaolan was in the kitchen, cooking dinner.

Li Mu walked over and surrounded him. Xiaolan's body, and then leaned against Xiaolan.

Xiaolan's body trembled, and she said with a blush:"Brother Li, you...Aren't you going to accompany He Ye? Why are you here? What's the matter with you?"

"Xiaolan, what do you think? I came here specially to help you"(bgdf)

Li Mu reached out and grabbed the shovel and pot in Xiaolan's hand.

At the same time, in the ward of Mihua Central Hospital, I was chatting with Hattori Heiji when I suddenly felt uncomfortable and had a feeling of heartache, as if I had lost something important.

What is going on and why do I feel a little uneasy?

Conan touched his heart, feeling a little uneasy.

"What's wrong, what's wrong with Conan? Absent look." Hattori Heiji said a little puzzled.

"without...It's nothing, I just don't know why, but I feel a little nervous, as if something big is going to happen."

"Okay, I get it now. Hattori Heiji winked at Conan and said,"I understand, you must be worried about that little girl from the detective agency, right? It's okay. You can make a call and everything will be fine.""

Hattori Heiji handed the phone to Conan.

Unexpectedly, Conan did not refute, but took the phone and dialed Xiaolan's number.

But a few minutes later, Conan hung up the phone, shook his head and said:"No one, I Let's call the detective agency again."

After that, Conan made another call.

Thirty seconds later, Maori Detective Agency, and Ye heard the call, and quickly shouted to the kitchen:"Xiaolan, someone is calling, do you want to answer it."

How could Xiaolan have time to answer the phone at this moment?

Li Mu hugged Xiaolan tightly and continued shouting:"He Ye, go answer the phone. No matter who it is, just fool him.""

"Oh, got it."

He Ye nodded, then walked to the phone and answered the call.

"Hello, this is the Mori Detective Agency. What can I do for you?"

"What? It's Conan. There's nothing going on here, so don't worry. Oh, Xiaolan, Xiaolan is cooking in the kitchen. As for her cell phone, it's probably out of battery. There's nothing going on here, so don't worry. After hanging up the phone, Heye shouted:"Xiaolan, it's Conan. Nothing's wrong. You'd better continue.""

Xiao Lan blushed instantly, and Ye's words always sounded ambiguous.

As for Li Mu, it didn't matter. Just do whatever you have to do.

The Invincible Date Battle of The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage begins!_Read the novel without underline Please download Fei Lu's novel

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