Conan, Mr. Judy, Cameron and Hattori Heiji were suddenly speechless.

Who would have thought that they had done so many things and were actually seen by Li Mu. How unlucky this was.

Especially Hattori Heiji, he didn't know what to say. A detective and an FBI didn't find out.

Hattori Heiji thought of something again, looked at Li Mu and said:"By the way, Li Mu, how do you know so many things?"

"Oh, that's the case. When I left Rena Mizuna's house, Xiaolan asked me to pick up Conan. I saw him and Teacher Judy together, so I didn't care.

As for when I was in the hospital, I saw them but didn't pay much attention to them. Now that I think about it, it seems something was very unusual."

Mouri Kogoro also remembered something and suddenly realized:"So, in the incident at Mihua Central Hospital, Officer Megure said that the burnt corpse had your fingerprints on it. Is this true? Conan?"


Conan suddenly panicked.

Li Mu also thought that the person was Akai Shuichi, reacted, and said quickly:"In this way, I remember when you entered that Kusuda Rikudou's room, you seemed to have fallen, and you asked Kusuda Rikudou to pick up your mobile phone for you.

Could this be the FBI's idea for you? That burnt body on the mountain road is Kusuda Rikudo, right?"

In order to scare Conan, Li Mu basically said everything he thought of.

Of course, Li Mu didn't care about this.

After all, neither Belmode nor Bourbon would tell anyone. It would do nothing but scare Conan.

On the other hand, both Bourbon and Teacher Judy's pupils shrank, and their hearts were filled with shock.

At first, Teacher Judy thought that Shuichi Akai was dead and that the body was Shuichi Akai.

But after hearing what Li Mu said, Teacher Judy also began to doubt that Akai Shuichi was not dead.

Hattori Heiji covered his forehead speechlessly, pretending to rub Conan's head, but secretly said:"Kudo, how on earth do you do things? How does he know so much?"

"How did I know he would be here, and it happened to be such a coincidence that I heard so much."

Conan was speechless. In order to prevent being noticed, the FBI left. Who knew that Li Mu would come at this time.

He also doubted Li Mu at first, but then thought about it. If it was a fake, they could easily find out. Flawed.

Now that I think about it, what Li Mu said may be true.

Teacher Judy thought about this matter seriously, and she felt more and more that Akai Shuichi might not be dead.

As for Bourbon, he didn’t say a word and just listened silently here..

He felt that today was his luck. He only knew what he wanted to know and what he didn't know.

Now Bourbon just wanted to thank Li Mu properly. It was really Li Mu who told him so many things.

Maori Kogoro listened. Finally, I felt suspicious and looked at Teacher Judy.

"Teacher Judy, talking to you, are you really using Conan and his childhood curiosity to do this kind of thing?

Next to him, Xiaolan also blamed him a little:"Zhu, how could you do this? Conan is still a child.""

Teacher Judy was still thinking about Akai Shuichi, muttering to herself, and did not hear what Mori Kogoro said at all. On the other hand, Cameron on the side responded quickly and said quickly:"Ah, I'm so sorry, actually this matter It's really nothing, Conan just happened to go in, it seemed like...It's like helping a friend."

After saying that, Cameron gently pushed Teacher Judy.

Teacher Judy also reacted and said with a smile:"Yes, that's just a coincidence. He said he wanted to help one of his friends, that one....That, by the way, is the little boy called Bentang, right? Conan reacted quickly and quickly touched the back of his head and said,"That's right, Uncle Maoli, I'm a little worried about Brother Yingyou, and I helped him investigate from the beginning.""

Anyway, the main hall Eiyou is not here anymore, so you can say whatever you want. What else can Maori Kogoro do? Maori Kogoro questioned Conan, but still nodded:"Okay, I believe you, but Teacher Judy, Don't take Conan out in the future. If you want to play, you can come over and play."

"Yes, Detective Maori, I will never dare again, lest Conan is too dangerous."

Li Mu sighed inwardly. It was already a sure kill, but Conan actually came around again.

······Asking for flowers·······

As expected of the protagonist, he couldn't be killed off so easily.

Suddenly, Li Mu thought of something again, laughed inwardly, and pretended to apologize:"I'm sorry, Teacher Judy, this is also for Conan's good. After all, Conan is in such a young grade and is a boarder. If anything happens, Maoli It’s not easy for detectives to explain either."

"It's okay, Mr. Li. I didn't think well and shouldn't have let Conan go to such a dangerous place. It made you worry."

"No, no, no, it's not your fault, it's Conan's fault. Although it's for friends, you shouldn't do such a dangerous thing."Li Mu said seriously.

Conan could only smile bitterly and did not dare to say a word.


Everything finally came to a close, but if everything was exposed by talking, it wouldn't be the end.

Li Mu did not dwell on this matter, and just pretended to be casual and said:"By the way, Conan, do you know the identity of Subaru Okiya from Kudo Shin's family? I can see that he is disguised. Maybe his identity is not simple. In the future, Stay away from him."

Damn it!

Conan couldn't help but curse in his heart. He had just settled those things, and now it was related to Shuichi Akai.

He was doubtful at first, but later he finally understood that Subaru Okiya was Shuichi Akai.

Teacher Judy and Bourbon's eyes flashed at the same time, thinking of Conan's suspicion, and immediately began to doubt Okiya Subaru.

Li Mu pretended that nothing happened on the surface, but he was smiling brightly on the inside.

Seeing Conan's confused expression, Li Mu wanted to take a photo and keep it as a souvenir.

Mouri Kogoro turned aside again and looked at Conan solemnly.

"Damn it, what did that little detective do? Why did he leave someone he didn't know at home? Didn't he know the danger?"

"Conan, do you know that guy? I want to ask Officer Memu to investigate. We can’t leave such a dangerous person behind."


Conan was thinking of what to do when suddenly a scream came.

Everyone knew that a murder had occurred.

The Invincible Dating Battle of the Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage begins with! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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