"Let's go quickly and see what's going on."

Hattori Heiji ran out first.

At the same time, he felt deep in his heart. Fortunately, this happened in time, otherwise Conan wouldn't know what to do.

Although Li Mu was a little disappointed, he didn't care too much and left the ward calmly.

Everyone came to a ward not far away together. When they walked in, they saw a woman lying on the ground in the ward.

There were several cups and a lot of tea around. Li Mu walked to the body and smelled it gently. Smell it, and then touch her neck

"Hattori, call the police. There is no need for an ambulance. She is already dead."

"Should I call the police?"

Hattori Heiji's head was full of black lines. Didn't Li Mu regard him as his younger brother?

But at this time, Hattori Heiji was not too entangled in this matter.

After calling the police, more than ten minutes later, Officer Megure appeared again.

Just after his appearance, Officer Megure saw Mouri Kogoro and others, and whispered to himself:"I didn't expect all the detectives to be here, no wonder people died."

Obviously, in the eyes of Officer Mu Mu, besides 16 Conan, detectives like Li Mu can also kill people.

"Maori brothers, why are you here?"

"Officer Megure, you forgot, Conan is here now."Moori Kogoro smiled.

"Yes, it's him."

Officer Mumu finally understood that those who can kill people are here, so people die here.

"Then, Officer Takagi, I’m begging you to investigate carefully how this person died."

"Officer Megure, there is no need to investigate. This person was probably poisoned by potassium cyanide. She was poisoned by someone else." Hattori Heiji said


Officer Megure didn't hear any doubts. After all, the words of Hattori Heiji and others are still very credible.

"So how is your investigation going? How was she poisoned and who was the murderer?"

"She was probably poisoned while drinking tea, but we don't know who did it yet."Bourbon said not to be outdone.

Now it's like a competition between Hattori Heiji and Bourbon.

Li Mu doesn't care. Anyway, he can easily solve this case and give Hattori Heiji a good blow when the time comes.

"Do not you know? Then we can only ask properly."

Officer Mu Mu had to call the girls into a room separately and ask questions one by one.

Li Mu was listening. After a long time, after Officer Mu Mu said hello, everyone returned to the murder scene.

When they arrived at the murder scene, Mu Mu Mu Jing said:"Damn it, have you figured it out? Who is the murderer? How was it poisoned?"

Li Mu picked up the mobile phone on the ground and looked through it.

Seeing the photos inside, Li Mu's mouth raised.

Officer Mu Mu noticed Li Mu's smile and asked quickly:"Li Mu, have you noticed any clues? what exactly is it?"

Li Mu handed the mobile phone in his hand to Officer Mu Mu.

"Officer Megure, look, the photo of the victim on the phone is right-handed, and this time the lipstick on the deceased’s teacup shows that she used her left hand.

Then I guess she must be looking at her phone while drinking tea, so someone could switch the poisonous tea to her while she was looking at her phone."

Officer Memu suddenly realized, waved his hand and said:"I see, if that's the case, the murderer can indeed do it, but who is the murderer?"

Speaking of himself, Officer Megure hesitated again and looked at the three people in the ward suspiciously.

Everyone was suspected of committing a crime, but he didn't know who was the real murderer. After thinking about it roughly, Officer Megure had no choice but to Asked:"Li Mu, have you finally figured it out? Who is the real murderer."

Li Mu did not tell the murderer, but looked at Hattori Heiji on the side.

"Hattori, this opportunity is given to you. It’s up to you to tell who the murderer is."

Hattori Heiji's face turned dark. If he knew who the murderer was, he would have told him already. Why didn't he say a word?

"Huh, I'll give this opportunity to you, and I don't believe you will know who the murderer is."

Li Mu smiled and did not continue to argue with Hattori Heiji. Instead, he looked at Ms. Gaoban who was sitting on the hospital bed.

"The murderer is you, right? Ms. Takaban Juri.

Although Ms. Gao Ban was shocked, she still said:"No."...It wasn't me, I didn't kill anyone.

Officer Mumu was also puzzled and said:"Yes, Li Mu, you made a mistake. Ms. Gaoban drank blue herbal tea, and the deceased drank red herbal tea. How could there be a mistake." Li

Mu raised the corners of his mouth, holding a lemon slice on the ground and said,"Officer Mumu, didn't you go to junior high school?" Neutralizing acid and alkali can turn blue herbal tea into red. This is common sense in chemistry."

"yes...Yeah? I...I really don't know."Officer Megure said awkwardly.

Li Mu looked at Hattori Heiji on the side and said,"What about you? You are a high school student, is it possible that you don’t know this either? Don’t you know how to study hard when you go to school?"

Hattori Heiji smiled awkwardly and didn't know how to explain it.

Of course he knew about this kind of thing, but he didn't think of it for a while.

"Alas, today's young people only know how to investigate cases, but they don't know how to study hard. They are now autistic. This is very helpful for investigating cases."

Hattori Heiji:"……"

He found that Li Mu was getting more and more annoying.

Li Mu ignored Hattori Heiji, looked at Ms. Takaba Juri and said:"So, Ms. Takaba Juri, what is the red thing on your hand? Could it be the lipstick of the deceased, which you left behind to wipe off the traces? ?"

Ms. Gaoban Juri's body trembled and she slowly lowered her head.

"That's right, I was the one who killed the person. I did kill this guy. She……"

Li Mu listened to another cliche, and finally, Officer Megure took Ms. Takaba Juri away.

Before leaving, Bourbon suddenly looked at Officer Takagi and said,"Officer Takagi, do you know Kusuda Rikudō?"

Officer Takagi was stunned for a moment, then thought about it, and the figure of Kusuda Rikudō also appeared in his mind.

"I remembered that a car did explode in Mihua Central Hospital that day, and the owner of the car was Kusuda Rikudō, but he has now disappeared."

The Invincible Date Battle of the Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage Begins!_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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