Li Mu hammered Conan's head hard, and then calmly put away all Xiaolan's fierce clothes.

Conan gritted his teeth and glared at Li Mu, then looked at Xiaolan's wardrobe.

Li Mu noticed Conan's gaze and asked in disbelief:"Conan, are you trying to do something bad with Xiaolan's clothes? Let me tell you, you seem a bit young now, so you can't do anything bad. Especially the one with bad health, do you understand?"

Conan didn't know what Li Mu was talking about, so he blushed and said,"Brother Li, am I that kind of person? How could I be such a person?"

"Yeah?"Li Mu looked Conan over, then shook his head - with a look of pity on his face.

Hey, what's going on with you? Are you looking down on me with this look?

If he can beat Li Mu, Conan will definitely do it without hesitation. It's a pity. Thinking of Li Mu's incredible fighting power, Conan quickly put the impossible thing behind him.

"Alas, Conan, you are still young and in poor health. You need an indestructible kidney like mine."

Li Mu sighed, as if you were too pitiful and incompetent.



At night, Xiaolan came over with Sonoko after school. Also coming with them was Sera Masumi.

"Xiaolan, Sonoko, you are all here. Are there any Seragi-san here? As soon as Yuanzi came in, he came directly to Li Mu and said softly:"Li Mu, I heard Xiaolan say, do you want to take her to buy underwear?" let's go together.

To be honest, I had told her before to ask her to change, but unfortunately she always felt embarrassed, so she didn't change."

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth and leaned against Yuanzi's ear.

"Needless to say, I told her to buy some to increase the fun, so she agreed."

"Oh I see. Yuanzi nodded, with a sly smile on his face.

Women in love are blind, and Li Mu liked it, so Xiaolan agreed to Li Mu.

"Conan, how are you? We're here to see you."

Outside, people from the Young Detective Team came in.

Li Mu looked at these little gangsters and quickly said to Yuanzi:"Yuanzi, don't tell anyone about your shopping trip, otherwise the troublesome guy will definitely come over."

"I know, don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

Sonoko nodded. To be honest, she didn't intend to let anyone in the way follow her.

But just because Sonoko didn't say anything, it doesn't mean that others didn't say it.

For example, Sera Masumi on the other side said hello to Shao, and then looked towards Li Mu

"Li Mu, didn’t you say you were going shopping? What's wrong? Still there now?"


The young detective team's eyes lit up and they said:"Want to go shopping? I'm going too, I'm going too."

Conan also realized that he could not let Li Mu and Xiao, and must follow Li Mu closely.

"Sister Xiaolan, I want to go too, and I want to go with you."

Li Mu:"…………"

"Yuanzi, how did this guy know about our affairs? Isn't it too much of a hindrance? Yuanzi smiled awkwardly and said softly:"Brother Li, I'm really sorry. She heard us when we were talking, and she also shouted to come. There's nothing I can do about it.""

"She's going too? Li Mu looked at Shiliang Zhenchun's tablet and complained,"Does she need it too?" But, she doesn’t seem to need it, right? Yuanzi also nodded and agreed:"Yes, she really doesn't need it, but there is nothing I can do if she wants to go.""

Shiliang Zhenchun heard Li Mu's thoughts, grabbed Li Mu's hand, and put it on his own head without any care.

"You see, although I am not very good now, I still have some. In the future, I will definitely be very plump. After all, my mother is also very impressive."

Li Mu's head is covered with black lines. This should be considered the smallest child he has ever touched. Even the other children are more impressive than Sera Masaki.

Next to him, everyone in the Young Detective Team widened their eyes and looked at Sera Masaki in disbelief.

Li Mu took back his hand and said softly:"Hey, I'm afraid we have to find a way to send them away. After all, we can't let them go to see underwear with me."

"Yeah, kids shouldn't go there." Sera Masumi nodded.

······Asking for flowers·······

"If you don't speak, you still look at me."

Li Mu gave the order, then looked at Bumi, lowered his head, and waved to her.

Although Bumi was curious, she still walked to Li Mu's side.

"Brother Li, what can you do?"

"Bumi, Xiaolan and I are going to an important place today. Are you sure you want to go too? If Conan goes too, won't he be with Xiaolan?"

Ayumi also reacted and murmured to herself:"Yes, we can't let Conan go together, otherwise he will miss Xiaolan. No, we can't let them be together."

"Let's do this, Ayumi. I think Conan is in the way, and you think Xiaolan is in the way. I'll separate them. You and Conan are together, and I'm with Xiaolan. How about that?"


After hearing Li Mu's words, Bumi still had some small expectations in her heart.

As long as she can be with Conan, she will definitely win over him. Thinking about it, she feels a little excited inside.

"Okay, Brother Li, I promise you, when we join forces, we must separate each other"

"Well, that's it."

At this moment, Li Mu and Bumi formed a love offensive and defensive alliance, and the purpose was naturally for Conan and Xiaolan.

Poor Conan didn't know that he and Xiaolan were about to be separated by Li Mu and Bumi

"Okay, Ayumi, don't say too much later, I will take care of the other two people."

Li Mu ordered, then walked to the side and took out a colorful invitation coupon from his hand.

"Alas, I have a free coupon from a high-end sushi restaurant that is expiring today, but I don’t have time."

"High-end sushi? Yuantai's eyes lit up and he said quickly:"Great, why don't we go for you? Let's go now.""

"Yeah? So here it is, go quickly."

Ayumi also reacted and quickly took a step forward and said excitedly:"Then let's go together, Conan, you are going too."


"Conan, it’s only been a few days since your surgery, so you’d better go eat something good. Shopping is too tiring for you, so you can’t walk much."

"Yes, that's it."Ayumi nodded.

The Invincible Date Battle of The Great Voyage Begins with!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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