In the end, Conan still failed to be with Li Mu, but was taken away by the young detective team.

Li Mu took Xiaolan and others in another direction, to the Ginza Supermarket.

Xiaolan looked at the people coming and going here, lowered her head shyly and said:"Brother Li, why don't we go to another place? It's cheap and the quality is good. Let's go there."

"Xiaolan, it's right here, don't go anywhere else, and there are many styles here, which are very novel and will definitely capture the hearts of men."

Yuanzi was particularly interested and quickly took Xiaolan's arm and walked towards the clothing store.

"That's right, Xiaolan, right here, I think it's very good here."

Seliang Zhenzhun also pulled Xiaolan and walked to the clothing store left and right.

Li Mu followed and entered together.

"What, Li Mu, are you coming in too? Aren’t men generally embarrassed to fight? Sera Masaki asked curiously. 16

"It doesn't matter, and they welcome me very much, right?"

Li Mu winked at the waiter, who was immediately attracted to Li Mu.

"That's right, men are not prohibited from coming here."

A group of beauties pulled Li Mu aside.

These waiters were attracted by Li Mu

"Handsome guy, are you here to buy anything? Do you want to take a look at this?"

The corner of Li Mu's mouth twitched.

He is a big man, and these big beauties are actually selling his clothes. The key is that he shouldn't use them.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi on the side were jealous, and they quickly came over and pushed everyone aside.

"Hey, Li Mu is one of ours, you better leave quickly"

"Yes, Li Mu is ours."

Xiaolan and Yuanzi squeezed Li Mu in the middle, looking at everyone with fear, fearing that Li Mu would be snatched away by others.

Li Mu also quickly took back his charm, otherwise all the beauties would be seduced, and it would be over. After

Li Mu took it back At the time of charm, the girls also came to their senses and liked Li Mu, but at least they weren't crazy.

"Okay, Xiaolan, we still have to choose."

Shiliang Zhenzhun looked around and asked curiously.

Although there were many colorful clothes around, I didn't know what to choose for a while.

"Xiaolan?"Li Mu murmured and subconsciously said:"Little…"

"Yeah? Let me see which one Xiaolan should choose."

Sera Masaki didn't think much. He glanced around and looked at the underwear of various colors.

Wait, I seem to have missed something important, and it is a very important thing.

Sera Masaki thought carefully. Thinking, something suddenly occurred to him, and he said in surprise:"Li Mu, what did you say just now? Are you sure you said it right?

Li Mu looked at the confused Shiliang Zhenchun and said puzzledly:"What's wrong? Isn't it possible?"."

After speaking, Li Mu looked specifically at Xiaolan.

Shiliang Zhenchun also understood, and said word by word:"Tell me, how do you know other people's figures?"

"yes i……"

Li Mu subconsciously prepared to answer, but Xiaolan reacted instantly, ran over and covered Li Mu's mouth.

"I...What I told her, yes, was what I told him."

The corner of Li Mu's mouth twitched, and Yuanzi on the side couldn't help but snicker.

Serang Zhenchun was not a stupid girl, and she immediately saw that the relationship between Li Mu and Xiaolan was unusual, and they were probably a couple.

"Xiaolan, you and Li Mu have an unusual relationship, I thought you and Kudo Shinichi were a couple."Sera Masaki asked.

Although Xiaolan looked a little shy, she still nodded and explained:"Shinichi and I are just ordinary friends, and I made it clear last time, and Shinichi also agreed."

Kudo Shinichi agreed?

Sera Masumi was stunned. If he remembered correctly, Conan is Kudo Shinichi.

But if Kudo Shinichi agreed, would Conan still have that jealous expression? It seems that he should Take it easy.

Is it possible that Conan is not Kudo Shinichi?

For the first time, Masumi Sera began to wonder if she had made a mistake.

Only Li Mu knew that Xiaolan actually confessed to Kudo Shinichi disguised as Kaitou Kid, and there was no Talk to the real Kudo Shinichi

"Okay, Xiaolan, classmate Shiliang, it's almost getting late, let's take a quick look and buy some decent underwear as soon as possible."

Li Mu interrupted Serang Zhenchun's thinking, pulled Xiaolan to the side, and looked at it carefully.

Serang Zhenchun didn't get too entangled in this matter, and quickly walked behind Li Mu, while walking, he helped Xiaolan. Lan recommends a variety of clothes.

The Invincible Date Battle of The Great Voyage Begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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