"Xiaolan, what do you think of this? Is it particularly suitable for you?"

In the clothing store, Yuanzi held a black dress and shook it gently in front of Xiaolan's eyes.

Xiaolan's face turned red instantly. Fortunately, there was only one man here, Li Mu, otherwise Xiaolan would have run away shyly..

Sera Masumi walked to the side of the garden, touched it carefully, then nodded and said:"This fabric is very good, it should be very comfortable to wear, Xiaolan, how about you wear this?""

"Xiaolan, what about you? What do you think, do you want to try it?"Yuanzi teased with a wink.


"Okay, let’s try it, otherwise how would we know that this thing is good?"

Sera Masumi handed the clothes to Xiaolan, and then pushed Xiaolan to the changing room aside.

Sonoko blinked at Sera Masumi, and then glanced at the changing room next to her.

With this expression, Sera Masumi was so natural. Understanding what she meant, he nodded without hesitation.

The two of them walked in one after the other.

"Yuanzi, Seriang, why did you come in? What's the matter?"

"Of course, I’m here to help you think about it."

"That's right, we come in to help."

Li Mu stood outside without saying a word and waited patiently.

If Shiliang Zhenchun was not here, Li Mu would have gone in without hesitation, but now that there is someone in the way, Li Mu will not say much.

So Li Mu Seeing Shiliang Zhenchun, I felt a big difference.

But good luck did not leave Li Mu.

Before long, the door of the changing room was opened. Yuanzi stretched out his hand, winked at Li Mu and said,"Li Mu, Come here, I have something to talk to you about"

"Yes, the solicitation needs your help to think about it, after all, she is a friend."Sera Masaki also nodded.

Li Mu did not refuse and walked in directly.

After changing clothes, it was Sonoko's turn.

Sonoko walked in the dazzling specialty store and glanced at it.

"Yuanzi, Li Mu and I will also help you with your advice."

Li Mu didn't hesitate and said directly:"Yuanzi's figure is roughly the same as Xiaolan's."

Li Mu and Yuanzi have been together for so long, so they naturally understand each other.

Shiliang Zhenzhun suddenly stopped, turned his head mechanically and said:"You also know this, maybe you and Yuanzi are also very good, so we understand each other so well."

Li Mu was suddenly stunned.

Yuanzi on the side also reacted and glared at Li Mu with dissatisfaction.

"Oh, that’s it, Seriang, I’ve compared it with Xiaolan before, and sometimes I buy it with Li Mu, so Li Mu knows."Yuanzi said righteously.

Although she has a very good relationship with Li Mu, she does not intend to tell it.

After all, she and Xiaolan serve Li Mu together and do not intend to let others know.

".Yeah? So this is ah."

Sera Mazen nodded without too much doubt.

To be honest, at the beginning, she thought Li Mu and Sonoko were a couple, and Xiaolan and Kudo Shinichi were a couple.

Now she has figured it out. , Xiaolan has nothing to do with Kudo Shinichi, but has something to do with Li Mu, although it is a bit beyond her expectation.

"Okay, no more talk, Shiliang, Li Mu, and Mimen are also here to tie me up and have a look, and buy some more for Xiaolan by the way.

In the past, I asked her to buy some special and good-looking ones, but she didn't agree. But (De Nuo Zhao) is fine now, Xiaolan agreed, and she wanted to buy more no matter what."

Sonoko quickly changed the topic to avoid Sera Masumi seeing anything later.

"Yuanzi, don't say any more."

Xiaolan puffed up her little face in dissatisfaction, and stared at Yuanzi with her beautiful eyes. Yuanzi looked aside indifferently, pointed at a piece of underwear and said:"Xiaolan, come and take a look, what do you think of this."

When Xiaolan saw Yuanzi ignoring her, she helplessly covered her head and continued to look around. The

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