The next day, after Xiaolan and Conan and others came from school, Li Mu happened to meet Conan and others.

"Xiaolan, Yuanzi, how are you?"

"It's you, Li Mu."

Everyone except Conan welcomed Li Mu.

Only Conan showed his dead fish eyes and looked very dissatisfied.

Li Mu ignored Conan and walked directly to Xiaolan and Yuanzi.

"Xiaolan, Yuanzi, let’s go, I’ll take you home"

"Go home, Brother Li, I'm afraid this won't work. Now I want to go to the place where the conscience lives. How about you go there too."Xiaolan said regretfully

"OK, let's go together."Shiliang Zhenchun did not reject Li Mu, but instead looked forward to it.

"Okay then - let's go together."

Li Mu nodded and followed Xiaolan and others in small steps. After walking a few steps, Li Mu secretly leaned on Xiaolan and said:"Xiaolan, how are you? The underwear I bought for you, what are you doing today? Are you wearing any?"

Xiaolan's face instantly turned red, but she still nodded shyly.

Yesterday, Li Mu not only chose underwear for Xiaolan, but also chose a lot of them, all of which were particularly attractive styles.

And when changing underwear yesterday, Xiaolan was eaten a lot by Li Mu, so she would naturally be extremely shy.

Conan naturally noticed Li Mu and Xiaolan, and quickly asked:"Sister Xiaolan, what are you and Brother Li talking about? Is there anything?""

Xiao Lan became shy again and said angrily:"What do you need to know about this kind of thing? You are still a little devil and don't need to know."

Sera Masumi covered her mouth and snickered.

"Conan, you better not know about this. After all, you are still young."

"Yes, and you don’t need or need to know about this, so don’t think too much about it."

Although Sera Masumi and Sonoko both said so, Conan was even more confused and racked his brains to think.

Li Mu covered his mouth and snickered, which made Conan gnash his teeth angrily.

Everyone walked and talked, and then Arriving at the hotel where Sera Masumi was staying.

After entering the hotel, Li Mu and others saw several men sitting nearby, looking at their watches from time to time, seemingly very anxious.

"Sera-san, these people are also from your hotel, why are they all here? Yuanzi asked curiously

"He must be the editor of the newspaper."Li Mu took the lead in saying

"Newspaper editor? Yuanzi was stunned for a moment and said in confusion:"Brother Li, how do you know they are newspaper editors?""

"Because they are similar to the editors I know, sometimes they will be anxiously waiting for my novel draft when I am having a really good time."

Although Li Mu had finished the novel a long time ago, he obviously didn't have the time, so he often postponed it. These editors had no choice.

After all, Li Mu's status was extraordinary and they were not someone they could mess with. They just had to wait.

Sera Masaki also thought of something, Nodding:"I remembered that there is indeed a famous love novelist here. He seems to be called Huo……"

"Huopu Jingwu, yes, it is dance."

Behind, a bald middle-aged man smiled broadly.

Li Mu and others subconsciously glanced at Huopu Jingwu

"I didn’t expect it to be Teacher Huopu Jingwu. I really saw you here."

"Yes, it's nice to meet you, but I have something to do now, so I have to leave."

Huopu Jingwu said hello and then left.

Xiaolan looked at Huopu Jingwu's back and said softly:"I didn't expect Teacher Huopu to be here, Sonoko, let's come over later and ask for autographs."

"Xiaolan, what autograph do you want? If you need it, I can give it to you. I am also a famous person."Li Mu blinked his eyes and joked.

"Li Mu, what's the use of your signature? You're all here, so I can just sell you."

Shiliang Zhenchun patted Li Mu's shoulder gently.

Xiaolan Yuanzi couldn't help but snickered.

Li Mu didn't care, touched his chin and said calmly:"If you say so, if I become a cow If you are a man, he must be the number one in the Cowherd class."


Everyone couldn't help laughing again. If Li Mu really became a Cowherd, he could indeed make a lot of money.

"Okay, I've arrived at my house and you can go in."

Sera Masumi opened a room and led Xiaolan and others in.

······Asking for flowers·······

Conan saw a room and reached out his hand to open the door subconsciously.

Sera Masumi was faster and directly stopped Conan

"Conan, this is my room. Of course, if you want to see my underwear in my room, I can show it to you.

Conan smiled awkwardly, shook his head quickly and said,"Yes."...I'm sorry, Sister Sera. Li

Mu became interested, walked over and joked:"Shiliang, it should be your secretly hidden boyfriend, right?""

"How is this possible? How can I have a boyfriend like this?"Masumi Sera smiled.

Li Mu didn't say much. He naturally knew who the people inside were.

Sera Masumi, Akai Shuichi and Haneda Hideyoshi's mother.


Speaking of this, Li Mu felt sorry for Shiliang Zhenchun's mother. Both sons' girlfriends were snatched away by Li Mu. It was really pitiful.

"Okay, let me prepare some desserts for you, very good desserts."

Sera Masumi took out a plate of desserts from the kitchen and placed it on the dining table.

Li Mu sat next to him, eating and chatting with others.

But because Sera Masumi and others were talking about women, Li Mu sometimes couldn't get a word in on the topic of children.

Of course, compared to Conan who was in a daze on the side, Li Mu was much better. At least Li Mu could talk most of the time.

I don't know how long it had passed, but Shiliang Zhenjun and the others suddenly Stopped and said with a smile:"I'm sorry, it's getting late. Let's go out to eat and then go home."

"Okay, let's go."

Xiaolan Yuanzi each took their own backpacks and walked out of the hotel room with Sera Masumi.

Walking in the corridor of the hotel, Li Mu and others were taking the stairs to leave when they suddenly heard an unusual sound coming from the side.

"Guest, are you okay? Guest, what's wrong with you? Get up quickly."

Conan and Sera Masumi listened at the same time, then looked at each other and rushed towards the shouting.

Li Mu helplessly covered his forehead and complained:"It seems that another murder has occurred. Let's go, Xiaolan."

The Great Voyage's Beloved Concubine's Invincible Cutting Red Eyes begins with!_

Feilu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Collection, Recommendation

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