Although Li Mu was very speechless, he still followed Conan.

Who asked Xiaolan and Yuanzi to go there too.

Arriving in a room, Li Mu saw a woman wrapped in a pink bathrobe lying on the ground.

Li Mu walked over and took a serious look, and then concluded:"This woman was strangled to death, and it should have been while taking a shower."

"Yes, I think so too."Shiliang Zhenzun nodded and said.

Nonsense, I know this too.

Conan complained in his heart. Of course, he didn't dare to say it directly, because he would die.

Li Mu touched the chin of the corpse again, I obviously feel a little stiff

"The corpse's jaw was stiff, probably two to three hours after death."

"Yes, I think so too."Sera Masumi nodded again.

"Great, so did you call the police? Has anyone called the police?"

Li Mu suddenly turned his head and looked at everyone.

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and no one spoke.

"So, you haven't called the police yet, so why are you still here, preparing for a tea party? Why don't you call the police?"


The waiter was startled and ran out quickly.

Conan looked at Li Mu with contempt and complained in his heart, but smiled on the outside.

More than ten minutes later, Officer Mumu came over and saw Li Mu, Conan and others at first sight

"It's these guys again."

Although Officer Mumu has to rely on detectives like Li Mu to solve the case every time.

But because of this, he feels a little unhappy. After all, these people can be seen at every crime scene.

"Officer Megure, I'm so sorry, this little devil has caused you trouble again, and he actually entered the crime scene without permission."

Li Mu noticed the expression of Officer Megure and betrayed him without hesitation.

Conan's head was full of black lines and he glared at Li Mu with dead eyes.

Sera Masaki on the side seemed a little sorry, and he quickly smiled and said:"This Megure Officer, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come in."

But you have already come in.

Officer Memu complained inwardly, but said nothing on the surface.

"Okay, brother Takagi, I beg you, please investigate carefully."

"No need, Officer Memu, my investigation has made it clear that the deceased was strangled to death, which took about two to three hours."

Sera Masumi bared his little fangs and smiled.

Officer Megure nodded, but did not believe Sera Masumi.

He was just making a foolproof plan. If Sera Masumi made a mistake, he would not make a mistake too. Conan looked at the corpse on the ground and suddenly looked at Li Mu, with provocation in his eyes.

"Brother Li, what do you think? Should the three of us compete to see who can solve the case first? I represent brother Xinyi."


Li Mu hit Conan on the head with his fist and said seriously:"What time has it been? You are still thinking about the game. Don't you know that someone is dead?

Is it possible that in Kudo Shinichi's eyes, a person's life is not as important as the game? Are you still human?"

Li Mu's righteous tone immediately aroused the goodwill of Officer Mu Mu.

Although Li Mu is a detective, he is very upright and sensible, which is the type he likes. Of course, it is not a favorite between men and women, just an ordinary like.

Xiaolan She also nodded in agreement, and at the same time bent down, glaring at Conan with her beautiful eyes.

"Conan, how could you do this? Did Shinichi teach you this? I didn't expect him to be such a person.

Seeing that Xiaolan was angry, Conan quickly said:"No."...No, this is not what Brother Shinichi taught me....that……"

For a moment, Conan didn't know who to blame.

"Okay, let’s not talk anymore, I think it’s Kudo Shinichi. Since he posted such a war post just to provoke me, then I can only defeat him and stop him from thinking about such boring things."

Li Mu's righteous expression shone with endless light in everyone's eyes. He was so great.

But Conan didn't think so. He was just very unhappy and had an urge to hit people in his heart.

"Qianqiu, Qianqiu, what's wrong with you, what's wrong with you?"

Suddenly, a bald man rushed in and rushed directly to the body, but was caught by the police.

This man was none other than the romance novelist Kyouma Kaura who had a relationship with Li Mu before.

Officer Megure was stunned for a moment, and then Said:"Who are you, and what happened to the deceased?"

"I...My name is Kaura Kyouma, and her name is Minazuki Chiaki. She is my assistant. I asked her to wait for me here, but I didn't expect that she was killed while I was working."

Huopu Jingwu covered her face and cried softly, looking very sad.

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth and said with a smile:"Sir, you are really amazing. You have never seen the deceased, but you actually know the time of her death."

Conan and Sera were about to say something, but after hearing what Li Mu said, they didn't say anything. Instead, they looked at Kaura Kyobu.

Officer Megure turned to look at Kaura Kyobu with a serious expression.

"So, can you tell me now how you know."

Houra Kyōwu was startled inwardly, but on the surface he was very sad and said:"This is because I looked around 097 after working, and then learned about the situation here, and subconsciously thought that she died while I was working."

Although the explanation is a bit far-fetched, Officer Megure has no evidence and can only reluctantly accept it.

But Officer Megure has begun to suspect that Kyouma Houra is the murderer.

"So Mr. Huopu, can you take me to your room? We need to do a routine investigation"

"Okay, officer, come here with me."

Not long after, Li Mu and others came to Huopu Jingwu's room and inspected it carefully.

Li Mu just took a general look and saw some features, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Although there was noThere are cheats and using his own abilities, but even if he relies on his own reasoning ability, Li Mu can find some clues.

Conan noticed Li Mu's smile and became anxious. He racked his brains and thought, hoping to get ahead of Li Mu and find clues first.

Shiliang Zhenzhun also noticed it and asked quickly:"Li Mu, what's wrong? Looking at your smile, do you already know who the murderer is?"

As soon as the words fell, Huopu Jingwu's heart trembled.

He knew the identity of Li Mu as a mystery novelist, so he was naturally worried that Li Mu would know the murderer.

The Great Voyage: Beloved Concubine’s Invincible Killing of Red Eyes begins! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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