"this one? Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth and smiled:"I do know something, but I don't know if he is the murderer, but there may be evidence." Officer Mu

Mu was immediately delighted and asked quickly:"Mr. Li, do you really know who the murderer is?""

He didn't doubt it. After all, Li Mu's abilities were much better than Kudo Shinichi's.

Li Mu walked to Officer Takagi and whispered something in his ear.

Officer Takagi nodded, and then and left

"Well, in that case, I will tell you about the status of today's case."

Li Mu glanced at Huopu Jingwu, which made him tremble in his heart, and a feeling of fear emerged in his heart.

"So, let’s first talk about the location where the deceased was killed. She was not actually killed in her guest room."

"Not there? Shiliang Zhenjun was stunned and said in surprise:"Then where did the deceased die?""

Officer Mu Mu and Conan were stunned and looked at Li Mu in confusion.

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth, pointed around and said,"If my guess is correct, the victim should have been killed here, right?"

Houra Kyowu was startled and quickly explained:"This is impossible. I have been in the room all the time, and there are three editors outside. How could I kill someone?"

"Yes, we've been here, but no one has come in"

"Yeah, there's no one else but the service staff"

"Yes, that's it."

The three editors nodded and explained to Huopu Jingwu one after another.

Li Mu didn't care, turned to look at the three of them and said:"Then, if the victim was dressed as a waiter, and then he was called in by Mr. Huopu Jingwu and killed. victim.

If I remember correctly, there is currently an affair between the victim and Kaura Kyowu. As long as Mr. Kaura Kyowu uses this as an excuse, he can ask the deceased to come over and strangle him to death."

One of the editors was stunned, touched his chin, and murmured to himself:"So, a female waiter did come in. She seemed to have her hair tied up at the time."

The other editor also thought of something and nodded:"Yes, and the waiter was indeed called into the room by Mr. Huopu Kyowu."

Huopu Jingwu was extremely scared inside, but still pretended to be calm on the outside.

"So the evidence? How did I send her body down? Was it possible to use a cart? That way it will definitely be discovered. Sera

Masaki nodded his head and said,"That's true. If it can't be explained, it won't constitute conclusive evidence at all.""

"Yes, Mr. Li, do you have any proof of how you sent the body to the guest room downstairs? Officer Mumu asked curiously.

Li Mu did not answer directly. Instead, Officer Takagi on the side said:"Officer Takagi, are you ready?" You can show it."

Officer Takagi is on the balcony at the moment, holding a suitcase and a rope in his hands.

Hearing Li Mu's words, Officer Takagi nodded quickly:"Sheng, it's ready, you can start."

Kyomu Houra saw what Officer Takagi had prepared, Startled, his hands clenched subconsciously.

Isn't this the method he used to dispose of corpses? Unexpectedly, Li Mu already understood it and now he wants to show it off.

Conan and Sera Masumi were just stunned for a moment, and then they immediately understood.

Officer Takagi slowly pulled the rope, then gently threw the suitcase out.

Officer Mu Mu was still a little confused and asked:"Li Mu, what is going on, what are you doing?"

"Officer Mumu, it’s like this. There are two 30-kilogram rice in this suitcase, which is about the same weight as the deceased. Mr. Li wanted to try to see if he could throw the deceased downstairs."

When Officer Takagi explained this, Officer Megure immediately understood.

"So, I understand, the murderer used this method to transport the body downstairs, and then left dressed as a waiter. Isn't that right, Mr. Kyomu Houra, you were the one who killed the victim, right?"

"No...I wasn’t the one who killed him. Where is the evidence? Do you have any evidence?"

"certificate...evidence?"Officer Mu Mu was stunned for a moment and quickly looked at Li Mu.

"Mr. Li, where is the evidence? You should have evidence, right?"

"Of course there is. I see that the deceased’s hair is wet. He must have been killed while taking a shower, right? But where is the shampoo? You can't use it. You should dispose of it. It's nearby.

And you should have left some clothes with your skin flakes on them, and maybe your fingerprints?"

Li Mu's words were like the last straw that broke the camel's back. Huopu Jingwu was paralyzed on the ground involuntarily.

".Yes, I was the one who killed her. I was afraid that I really couldn't live without her, so, so I……"

Everyone looked at Huopu Jingwu who was crying loudly, and no one felt sorry for him.

After all, killing is killing, and there is no sympathy at all.

Li Mu put his hands into his belt and walked slowly outside.

After taking two steps, Li Mu suddenly stopped and said,"I'm afraid you don't know yet. The pronunciation of Chiaki Minazuki is the same as Jun Ota's, and the phone number, the sea, and me actually mean I love you.

I think I wrote it to The Ota Jun you believe is actually Chiaki Minazuki when she was a child, and she actually wants to express her love to you through this work."

After saying that, Li Mu left without looking back.

"Xiaolan, Conan, it’s time to go home"

"Yes, Brother Li."

Little (De Nuo Zhao) Lan Conan and others quickly followed Li Mu, leaving only Huopu Jingwu who was in a daze and crying loudly.

Walking on the street shrouded in street lights, Li Mu, Xiao Lan and others were talking.

And Conan bent his head slightly and listened carefully with his eavesdropping glasses.sound.

There was a sudden loud noise, and Conan quickly covered his ears.

At the same time, on the other side, in Sera Masumi's hotel, a girl with messy blond hair held a hammer in her hand and looked seriously at the huge black object in front of her.

"Is this a bug? Although it looks like the battery won't last long, it's so exquisite that it's hard to imagine."

Masumi Sera also patted the sizeless breasts and was shocked.

"I didn't expect that guy Conan to actually install a bug. Really, I was almost killed by that guy."

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage, the invincible slaying of the red pupil begins!_

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