"By the way, not to mention that little devil, who is that person named Li Mu? It seems very simple."

The sister outside the field looked serious, and the figure of Li Mu appeared in her mind.

She still knew her daughter very well, and her reasoning ability was first-rate. She actually lost to Li Mu this time, which shows that Li Mu's ability is very powerful, absolutely He is not an ordinary person.

Sera Masumi touched his chin, nodded and agreed:"He is indeed very powerful. I have followed him several times, and he has been thrown away every time. He must not be an ordinary person."

If Li Mu were here, he would definitely sneer.

Forget about Serang Zhenzhun, a dabbler like her. Even if her brother wants to follow her, he doesn't have the ability.

"Okay, let’s not talk anymore. Let’s take a rest. We just need to pay attention in the future."

"Got it, mom."

On the other side, after Li Mu sent Xiaolan away, he did not stay or sneak up with Xiaolan, but left directly.


On this day, near a certain port.

Li Mu, the Young Detective Team, Mouri Kogoro and others were waiting at the port.

That is, today, Li Mu, Mouri Kogoro and his party were invited to the battleship Aegis.

It’s hard to imagine that ordinary people can visit a country’s warships, and there are still so many of them.

097 But all this has nothing to do with Li Mu. Since Xiaolan and others are participating, Li Mu will naturally come too.

At the port, Li Mu and others were waiting. The Young Detective Team was standing behind Li Mu.

"Great, is this the Aegis number? Looks really great"

"Yeah, are we going up today? But what is Aegis?"

Genta and Ayumi of the Young Detective Team shouted happily, their little eyes very excited.

"The so-called Aegis is the name of the latest warship, and it is also a warship equipped with the latest American military technology."

The somewhat clever Guangyan explained proudly.

Li Mu didn't say anything, but he was very unhappy.

It was just a military technology eliminated from his godfather. He really thought it was some advanced technology.

He didn't even think about it. If it is really advanced technology, how could it be left to them? It's really funny.

Li Mu is the most disdainful for this kind of people.

When the trip is over, Li Mu will directly give him a big fire breath and destroy the warship. It made them so proud.

Conan noticed Li Mu's displeasure and asked curiously:"Brother Li, what's wrong with you, why are you so unhappy."

Li Mu also came back to his senses. He looked down at Conan's ugly face and had the idea of ​​bullying him.

"Conan, let me ask you a question, a very simple question.

Seven good guys and three bad guys were on a ferry together. The boat capsized on the way. The seven good guys sank into the water and drowned. However, the three bad guys surfaced quickly. Why?"

As soon as Conan heard Li Mu's provocation, he immediately closed his eyes and began to think carefully. His usual reasoning is not as good as Li Mu's, and this time he must defeat Li Mu no matter what.

The young detective team on the side also thought seriously. After all, this is Li Mu. The question asked was definitely not a cold joke of Dr. A Li.

After thinking for a while, Conan couldn't think of anything. He was scratching his head anxiously, like a monkey.

In the past, as long as Conan couldn't answer Dr. A Li's questions, he would He would feel a headache, not to mention his enemy Li Mu.

Seeing that Conan didn't think of it, Li Mu rubbed Conan's head vigorously

"Hahaha, sorry, Conan, the answer is these three bad guys. After all, bad guys are bad and can easily surface."


Young Detective Team:"……"

I originally thought that Li Mu's riddles were very nutritious, but now it seems that they are not very good at all, just like Dr. A Li's cold jokes.

"what the hell? I thought it was a good riddle, but it turned out to be a bad joke"

(bgdf)"Yeah, it's so cold."

The three people complained and shivered.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi stood aside, covering their mouths and snickering.

Li Mu didn't care at all about the ridicule of the two people, but continued to joke:"Conan, this is a brain teaser. You can't even think about it anymore. What else are you learning? Why not go home, inherit the family business, buy a building, and use it in the future?" Collect rent, stop being a detective"

"I want you to take care of it."

Conan cursed in his heart, but on the outside he forced a smile and made a very innocent expression.

On the other hand, Mouri Kogoro became interested and asked quickly:"Li Mu, did you just say to collect rent? What's going on? thing?"

"this one? You also know that although the economy is good now, it will one day be in a downturn. At that time, in order to make money, housing prices will definitely be speculated. Especially in Neon Country, where there is less land and more people, housing prices will definitely skyrocket.

By then, as long as there is one building, the monthly rent will be enough for you to live comfortably."

Li Mu still remembers how house prices rose in his previous life.

At that time, he could only pay a down payment at most. In the next ten years or so, he would have to bear hundreds of thousands of loans, which shows how deceptive the house is. The land is vast and the resources are abundant. ** is like this, let alone the neon country with a small land and a large number of people.

Kogoro Maori touched his chin and thought seriously:"Listening to what you said, I think it is really possible. Otherwise, I will buy a set in the future. In the house, Xiaolan can collect rent and live a life, and her life will not be so bad."

I will definitely make Xiaolan live a good life.

" Conan shouted in his heart, imagining the future of himself and Xiaolan in his mind.

Mouri Kogoro entrusted Xiaolan to him and gave him a house. , the future is really bright.

Li Mu looked at Conan who was crooked on one side, his eyes rolled around, and then he said proudly:"Detective Maori, don't worry, with me here, Xiaolan will definitely be a wealthy wife in the future. She only needs to play mahjong every day. , watch movies, go shopping and buy bags."

Xiaolan lowered her head shyly after hearing the implication of Li Mu's words, her heart pounding.

Maori Kogoro's eyes lit up and he said proudly:"Yes, you are so rich, what do you have to worry about? You won't have to worry about it in the future. You can give me some too."

Damn it, this bastard.

Conan looked at Li Mu jealously. Didn't he compete with him just now?

You know he is Xiaolan's childhood sweetheart.

Xiaolan blushed instantly and was too shy to speak.

The Concubine of the Voyage The Invincible Killing of the Crimson Eyes Begins!

_Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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