Inside the Aegis warship, Li Mu and others sat in a relatively large place, listening to the speeches of everyone in the warship.

However, Li Mu was not interested in this kind of thing at all. He just closed his eyes and rested without listening.

"Xiaolan, what's wrong with you? Where's your watch? Didn't bring it? Yuanzi asked curiously

"I'm so sorry, Sonoko, my watch is broken, so I sent it for repair."

Li Mu pricked up his ears, quickly took off his watch, and then handed it to Xiaolan.

"Xiaolan, I’ll give you my watch."

"Give...Give me?"Xiaolan's heart skipped a beat, and she said shyly:"Li...Brother Li, don’t you want to use it? How about you use it yourself?"

"It doesn't matter, I'll give it to you. Anyway, I don't care about time. Being early or staying late doesn't mean anything."

Li Mu grabbed Xiaolan's hand and put the watch in her palm.

Although Xiaolan was extremely shy, she did not refuse. She slowly retracted her hand and 16 held the watch in her palm.

On one side,Nan was extremely jealous and gritted her teeth.

Damn it, why is this guy here?

He really wanted to be alone with Xiaolan, but every time Li Mu was there, he was like a follower.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that in Li Mu's heart, Conan was also an eyesore and he wanted to get rid of Conan.

After the staff in the warship finished explaining, it was the so-called exercise time.

Although he was speechless, Li Mu still followed everyone and came to the control room.

"Great, is this the inside of an Aegis ship? Really awesome"

"Yes, it would be very interesting if I could control it"

"Please, even if you think about it, it's impossible."

Li Mu ignored the young detective team and others, stretched out his finger, and gently pressed the surface of the Aegis.

"what the hell? It's nothing more than that, it must have been made by a garbage manufacturing plant."

Conan looked along Li Mu's finger, and immediately saw a fingerprint, and felt ashamed.

Being able to press a fingerprint on the warship with his finger showed how powerful Li Mu was.

Li Mu noticed Conan's gaze, After wiping his fingerprints, he picked up Conan again and pressed his fingers on it.

"Conan, if you tell the truth, that's it, if you destroy the warship, you will become famous."


He was planning to make a report, but the fingerprints were his alone. How could he trick Li Mu?

At the same time, he also regretted why he walked at the back and there were no witnesses, let alone informers.

Conan hesitated for a moment, and finally left without further ado.

After walking into the crowd, Xiaolan asked curiously:"Brother Li, what's wrong with you? Why did you come here so late?""

"Oh, that's right. Li Mu leaned on Xiaolan's ear and said softly:"I missed you. I wanted to see if there was any hidden place here, but there was nothing."

Alas, it seems that I can no longer take a good rest with you in the warship. My dream is shattered.

Xiaolan's face instantly turned red. She glanced at Li Mu with her beautiful eyes and said shyly,"What are you thinking about? This is a warship. Stop thinking about it. There's no way I can do such a thing.""

"Oh, is it so?"

Li Mu winked at Xiaolan, who looked red in the face.

Conan noticed something strange about Li Mu and Xiaolan and hurriedly came over.

"Brother Li, Sister Xiaolan, what are you discussing? Is it so funny? Xiaolan blushed in her heart and said angrily:"Conan, this kind of thing has nothing to do with you. You don't want to know so much.""

Conan was startled. He had rarely seen such a scary Xiaolan.

Although he was scared, in order to know about this matter, Conan set his sights on Li Mu.

"Brother Li, what did you just say? Li

Mu squatted down and said with a smile:"What's wrong, Conan, do you want to know what we just said?""

Conan looked at Li Mu's smile and suddenly felt a very bad feeling in his heart.

"That's right, Brother Li, I do want to know"

"Okay, then let me tell you."Li Mu leaned on Xiaolan and said softly:"Conan, Xiaolan is here, she is mine."

"Got it?"Conan, who has a somewhat low emotional intelligence, hasn't understood yet, and is scratching his head and thinking.

"Yes, what is there? Why don’t I know 097 Bai? Could it be that I won a lottery or something else?"

Li Mu looked at Conan, who was confused, and raised the corners of his mouth without saying anything else.

Now he can just let Conan think about it. He only needs to watch the exercise with Xiaolan and others.

After the acting started, everyone He focused his attention on the staff.

Li Mu just looked at it for a while, and then ignored it.

This exercise was almost like acting, there was no feeling of tension and excitement at all, and he was very speechless.

But not long after, a staff member His face changed slightly, and he quickly said:"Report to the captain to send a special radar response, which is far away from the warship."

The captain's face changed slightly, and he quickly walked to the side of the staff and gave instructions to everyone.

Although everyone thought it was an exercise, Li Mu understood that this was true. The warship must have encountered a real enemy.

"It's a pity, I'm in there, otherwise I could have a good time with you."

Li Mu teased, and then set his eyes on Xiaolan aside.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage: The Invincible Killing of the Crimson Eyes Begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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