The exercise was over. When we got inside the warship and confirmed that the red dot on the radar was just an abandoned ship, I felt relieved.

"Everyone, the exercise is over. Let’s go play on the deck. You can take photos with your uncles and aunts on the warship."

Li Mu quickly separated from Xiaolan, and then left the place with everyone and came to the empty deck.

The sea breeze blew from time to time on the deck, and the surrounding sky and sea were blue, which made him feel very relaxed and happy.

Li Mu arrived Beside the deck, he took a deep breath.

Haiyuan Ai also walked to Li Mu and said softly:"Li Mu, what did you just do? There are so many people, aren't you afraid of being discovered?"

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth, hugged Hui Yuan Ai, and lifted her up.

"What's wrong, Haiyuan Ai, are you jealous? If you want you to dance, I will dance too."

You dance, and I dance too.

It is naturally the most classic scene in Titanic, and it is also very touching. It is a scene imitated by most lovers.

Haihara Ai's face turned red instantly, and he lowered his head shyly.

"who...Who wants to dance with you, you idiot, big fool, bastard."

Although Li Mu wanted to ravage Haibara Ai to his heart's content, there were so many people nearby that Li Mu had to give up his thoughts.

After putting down Haibara Ai, Li Mu walked nearby and came to Maori Kogoro and others.

At this moment, Maori Xiao Wulang was pestering a beautiful lieutenant of the Self-Defense Force, saying something to her.

Conan on the side glanced at the beautiful prosecutor with questioning eyes, and took pictures with something in his hand.

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth, and there was a feeling of bullying in his heart. idea

"Conan, what are you doing? Li

Mu grabbed the camera equipment and shouted sternly:"Conan, even if you want to take pictures, you can also discuss with this beautiful lady how to secretly take pictures.""

"Secretly photographed?"Mouri Kogoro came over, took the camera and took a look.

After seeing the photos inside, Mouri Kogoro's face changed slightly, and he shouted sternly:"Conan, how can you do this, secretly take photos of this kind of thing? But it's illegal"

"Dad, don't be angry. Conan definitely didn't mean it, so don't be angry."Xiaolan said quickly.

Li Mu's eyes wandered around and he said quickly:"Xiaolan, this matter must be dealt with seriously.

Last time, Conan casually installed a bug, and later cooperated with Hattori Heiji to drug him, and today he started secretly filming again.

Although his grades are good, it doesn't matter if his character is not good. If he didn't teach him well when he was a child, he will become a bad person when he grows up. At that time, we people will have a big responsibility."

Li Mu said it so righteously, as if everything was for Conan.

In fact, Li Mu was just bullying Conan. Conan's head was full of black lines, but on the surface he did not dare to show it, did not bend down, and looked sorry.

Maoli After listening to Li Mu's words, Kogoro nodded:"Yes, I must discipline you well, otherwise you will not grow up."

"Conan, how could you do this?

"Yes, secretly filming is immoral and illegal."

Conan listened to the teachings of the Young Detective Team, lowered his head and said with a dark face:"I'm sorry, Uncle Maori, I'm just curious. After all, there are very few female self-defense forces, and the official position is still so high, so I just want to go back and have a look."

At this time, Mouri Kogoro also noticed that the beauty's rank seemed to be quite high, she was actually a lieutenant.

"Really, your status is quite high. You are actually a lieutenant. This is not something ordinary people can achieve. Li

Mu just glanced at the Women's Self-Defense Forces and said nonchalantly:"So what, with such a high job title, it means that she is affiliated with a certain minister, such as the Minister of Defense. Her position is probably an intelligence officer."

Is it possible that the intelligence officer needs to tell us? This is the army, and we are civilians. We are basically people from two different worlds."

The beauty Nanami Fujii of the Self-Defense Force looked at Li Mu in surprise.

Although Li Mu just said it very casually, he told her all about her identity, and it was not bad at all.

Mouri Kogoro thought about it, and Li Mu was right. , it seems like this

"I see. This statement seems to be true. Intelligence personnel are indeed more dangerous and it is impossible to tell them. So we won’t ask any more questions.

By the way, Conan, do you know now? Also, you are not allowed to take secret photos of other people, especially beautiful women."

"Yes, I'm sorry."

Conan apologized quickly.

At the same time, he also figured out that, coupled with the abnormality during the warship exercise just now, it is normal for a self-defense force intelligence officer to come now.

".Sorry, I will never dare to do it again."

Fujii Nanami also smiled and said:"It's okay, kid, don't do this again, otherwise others will be angry."

"Yes, I'm sorry, big sister."

Li Mu looked at Conan who kept apologizing, with the corner of his mouth raised and a smile on his face.

Every time he bullied Conan, it was a healthy activity and should be enjoyed more often.

After Conan apologized for a long time, he finally got rid of everyone's doubts.

After getting rid of everyone, Conan secretly left the deck and came to the warship.

Conan leaned on the warship and sighed:"Oh, really, I was caught. Why am I so unlucky? What will I do in the future ?."

Now Conan's reputation has become dark again, and everyone's thoughts about him have changed again.

"Forget it, go ask Dr. Ali and find out who that guy is."

The detective's curiosity once again drove Conan to investigate the matter about Fujii Nanami (Nuo Zhao).

Li Mu noticed Conan's abnormality, raised the corners of his mouth, and slowly walked towards Conan.

Haibara Ai naturally also noticed Li Mu, He slowly took a step forward and said softly:"What's wrong, are you bullying Conan again? That guy is really unlucky to have offended you"

"That is, a love rival is unforgivable. When dealing with a love rival, you must hit him hard and knock him down completely. I will teach him a lesson now."

After that, Li Mu strode towards Conan's direction.

Conan sneaked into the warship, glanced at the phone in the distance, and then shook his head.

Although the phone here can be used, it will definitely not work soon. I was heard.

So I can’t use the phone here.

When I came to a corner, Conan picked up the satellite phone and called out.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Cut of the Crimson Eyes begins!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading- Collection, recommendation

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