A spooky and scary place in the haunted house.

Li Mu, Xiaolan and Ye walked in front, followed by the young detective team.

Except for Li Mu, everyone else looked around cautiously, fearing that a vicious 'ghost' might suddenly appear.

Occasionally a ghost appeared, Xiaolan and Ye screamed in fright, and even hugged Li Mu's arm tightly with their hands.

Sure enough, coming to the haunted house was a wise choice. Li Mu could eat tofu openly without worrying about being discovered.

Especially in this gloomy environment, who would discover such a thing?

"Xiaolan, Heye, don't be afraid, I will definitely protect you two. Even if it's a ghost, I will stand in front of you."

Xiaolan and Ye's faces instantly turned red, and their original nervousness also calmed down a little.

"plum...Brother Li, thank you."

In front, everyone from the Young Detective Team suddenly stopped and looked at Li Mu and the others speechlessly.

"Brother Li, Sister Xiaolan, this is a haunted house. Can you please cooperate? Don't flirt."

"Yes, even if you are not afraid, you still have to pretend to be afraid to make the staff feel a sense of accomplishment."

Secretly, the staff burst into tears.

It would be great if Hattori Heiji and Conan were so considerate at the beginning. For a moment, everyone started chattering in their hearts.

Xiaolan also looked embarrassed and whispered in a low voice :"Are all children today so mature?"

He Ye also had a dark face.

"No...have no idea."

Li Mu hugged the two of them and gently placed them on their white breasts.

"Okay, let's go, get out of here quickly"

"That's right, hurry up."

Although this is not a real haunted house, Xiaolan doesn't want to stay here for a moment.

Without saying a word, He Ye took Li Mu's arm and walked forward tremblingly.

A few minutes later, Li Mu and others finally Walked out of the haunted house and came to the entrance of the haunted house

"Finally came out, it’s really scary here"

"Yes, Xiaolan, let's go out quickly."

Kazuye quickly pulled Li Mu and wanted to leave this haunted house.


Li Mu just opened the door, and Hattori Heiji and Conan outside shouted at the same time.


Xiaolan and Ye were startled, and quickly grabbed Li Mu's arm and placed their heads on Li Mu's arm.

Li Mu already knew that these two people were here. He didn't care, but his hands were still placed where they shouldn't be.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a lie, it's nothing, don't do it."

Conan Hattori Heiji kept looking at Li Mu and the others.

When he saw Li Mu's hand, Hattori Heiji's eyes were filled with anger.

"What are you doing and where are your hands?"

At this time, Kazuye also noticed that the scary ghost was Hattori Heiji. He also felt Li Mu's hands, and his cheeks were instantly filled with blush.

The same was true for Xiaolan.

Kazuye suppressed the shyness in his heart and said quickly:"Heiji, you What are you doing and why are you trying to scare people?"

Li Mu felt happy. Not only did Kazuha not talk about himself, but he went to persuade Heiji Hattori.

It can be seen that Kazuya had himself in his heart.

Heiji Hattori also realized it, and quickly touched the back of his head and said with a giggle:"I'm sorry, I just want to liven up the atmosphere. ,sorry."

Next to me, the young detective team who had been frightened just now recovered and breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, the young detective team stared at Conan dissatisfied.

"Conan, why did you come here to scare people? This is not good and will scare people."Bumi was the first to express dissatisfaction.

"Yes, Conan, you are so bad."

Conan looked at the indignant crowd and quickly squeezed out a smile.

"Sorry, I'll treat you to dinner today."

When it came to eating, Yuantai's eyes lit up and he said quickly:"Okay, then I want to eat eel rice, a lot of eel rice."

"Okay, okay, no problem."Conan agreed without hesitation.

Li Mu looked at Conan who had already done it, and quickly looked at He Ye, and said gently:"He Ye, are you okay? Were you scared just now?"

He Ye felt warm in his heart and a smile appeared on his face.

······Asking for flowers·······

"It's okay, Brother Li, I'm fine and I'm much better now."

Li Mu looked at Hattori Heiji again, with a hint of seriousness in his eyes.

"You are also serious. This is not a haunted house. If you are suddenly frightened, it will scare people to death."

"Damn it, it’s none of your business, weren’t you scared?" Hattori Heiji muttered dissatisfied.

If it were anyone else, Hattori Heiji would humbly accept the lesson, but Li Mu, his love rival, could not.

Li Mu naturally heard Hattori Heiji's whispers, and said righteously:"This is not me. There is a question of whether you are scared or not, but a question of principle.

Look, you just scared Xiaolan and Ye. If something happens to them, I will be very calm. They are so perfect."



Hattori Heiji and Conan cursed inwardly at the same time.

However, Heye and Xiaolan were filled with warmth in their hearts, and their minds were filled with Li Mu's words.

This shy expression naturally caught the eyes of Hattori and Heiji, and they became even more jealous.

"Okay, Brother Li, let's go eat. I was a little hungry after being scared like this just now."

Kazuye took Li Mu's arm, glared at Hattori Heiji dissatisfied, and then walked towards the food stall on the side.

"hateful. Hattori Heiji gave a soft drink and murmured to himself:"Kudo, you just took advantage of that guy, you must find a way to continue teaching him a lesson.""

"Yes, you must teach him a lesson, otherwise he won't know why the flowers are so red."

This time, Conan did not refuse Hattori Heiji.

After all, when he thought of Li Mu actually touching Xiaolan just now, his hands were there. He thought he had to do something to control the situation.

In front, Haibara Ai paused for a moment, and then continued to walk forward.

No one noticed that there was a smile on the corner of Haiyuan Ai's mouth, which was so evil.

Li Mu bought a snack at the snack stall and put it on the He Ye's mouth

"Damn it, I must teach him a lesson."

The Great Voyage's Beloved Concubine's Invincible Cutting Red Eyes begins with!_

Feilu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Collection, Recommendation

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