"It's such a big super snake, why don't we go and take a ride on it? Yuantai pointed at a roller coaster-like game equipment in the distance and shouted excitedly.

"That's right, let's go have some fun."

Others from the Young Detective Team were also interested.

Li Mu glanced at this tall roller coaster, nodded and said,"Okay, let's go take a look. We may have to queue up."

Looking at the huge crowd in front of him, Li Mu could imagine that he would have to wait in line for a long time.

Everyone came to the roller coaster together and looked at the big snake in front of them. They had to stand here and wait patiently.

After queuing for a while, Li Mu looked at the crowd in front of him. , murmured to himself:"There are about a hundred people in front of us. It will take about five times to sit for twenty minutes each time, which will take at least an hour and a half.""

"It's been an hour and a half, why don't we sit down? There's no need to waste time here." Hattori Heiji complained.

The children of the Junior Detective Team looked at Li Mu with a trace of regret on their faces.

Li Mu softened his heart and nodded:"I think children like it here. , or just wait here, there's nothing going on anyway."

The children were overjoyed, with smiles on their faces.

He Ye also nodded and said in agreement:"Okay, I also think it's good to wait, let's stay here."

Hattori Heiji heard what Heiye said, and had no choice but to stop talking.

After waiting for a while, Li Mu looked around

"Heye, Xiaolan, please wait here while I go buy some food. After saying that

, Li Mu wanted to leave.

"Wait, Brother Li, let me go with you."

He Ye walked out and came to Li Mu's side.

"Brother Li, I'll go with you by the way. It shouldn't be easy for you two to get it."

Xiaolan also walked out, standing beside Li Mu with Heiye.

Hattori Heiji felt a little unhappy, and raised his head to follow Li Mu.

"Wait, He Ye, let me go with you"

"No, you have to stay, otherwise how can they do it without adults here."Heiba ​​Zhengse said.

Hattori Heiji pointed at Conan and was about to say something, but then he remembered that Conan was also a child.

Helpless, Hattori Heiji had to stay and accompany everyone in the Youth Detective Team.

Li Mu and others left the recreation area and came When I arrived at the rest area, I took a look at the nearby restaurants.

"Brother Li, let’s go there."

He Ye pointed to a restaurant, reached out and grabbed the palm of his hand, and strode in. Li Mu felt a trace of warmth in his hand, stretched out his hand and squeezed it gently.

He Ye's face turned red instantly, and his heart was beating..At this moment, Li Mu and Ye looked like a couple in love.

Xiaolan next to them smiled, then took a step forward and stretched out one of Li Mu's arms.

After the two entered the restaurant, Li Mu looked for I took a seat and ordered some things to take away.

"Brother Li, there are so many people here, I'm afraid it will take a long time."

"It doesn't matter, you have to wait there anyway, it doesn't matter if you wait here for a while."Li Mu said without caring at all.

He Ye looked at Li Mu's eyes and lowered his head shyly.

"By the way, I'm going to order some more drinks. You guys wait for me here."

Xiaolan remembered that she didn't bring something with her, so she asked for advice, and then left.

Heye watched Xiaolan leave, looked at Li Mu with a blushing face, and said,"Li...Brother Li, you...Could you please go to Osaka these days? I miss you a little."

Li Mu looked at He Ye's hungry expression, not knowing what He Ye was thinking.

"Why, Heye, do you miss me? You can stay today"

"stay?"He Ye's face turned red, and he said with some reluctance:"But I'm going to school tomorrow, I'm afraid I can't stay."

"Yeah? go to school?"Li Mu lowered his head, glanced around again, and raised the corners of his mouth.

"He Ye, how about we stay here?"

"this...here?"He Ye blushed suddenly and lowered his head shyly.

"Brother Li, it’s not good here. There are so many people here. What if we are discovered?"

"It's okay, come with me, I have a good place where I won't be discovered."

Li Mu pulled He Ye, said hello to Xiaolan, and then left directly.

After walking more than ten steps, Li Mu took He Ye to an inaccessible place.

He Ye glanced around and said nervously:"Brother Li, this is a place for staff. What if we are discovered?"

"It's okay, nothing will happen."

Li Mu pulled He Ye, used some small tricks to block everyone's sight, and secretly walked in

"Heye, right here."

He Ye glanced at Si 097 Zhou and suddenly became nervous.

"It's okay, don't worry, you won't be discovered."

After Li Mu and others came back, Xiaolan said dissatisfiedly:"Brother Li, He Ye, why did you come back? Our things are almost ready."

"Okay, Xiaolan, I'm sorry."

Li Mu kissed Xiaolan, and Xiaolan blushed instantly and lowered her head shyly.

Not long after Li Mu came over, the things Li Mu and others ordered were ready.

After such a long time, it can be seen that this amusement park How popular it is, how popular this restaurant is

"Okay, let's go."

Li Mu brought a lot of food to the vicinity of the roller coaster.

"Everyone, we are here"

"what the hell? Why did it take so long to come? Really, it made us wait for so long." Hattori Heiji complained.

For some reason, Hattori Heiji felt a little dissatisfied when he saw Li Mu and Ye together.

Heiye had just gone through Li Mu's development, and he was not so unhappy. Instead, he showed a smile.

"Okay, Heiji, there are so many people, it should take a long time."

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage, the invincible slaying of the red pupil begins!_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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