Hattori Heiji heard what Kazuya said, and although he was dissatisfied, he didn't say much.

As for the others, they happily picked up the food brought by Li Mu and the others.

Everyone had a happy meal, and it happened that it was Li Mu and his group's turn to ride the roller coaster.

Li Mu and others threw the garbage in their hands into the trash can, and then sat on the roller coaster, waiting for the ride to start.

Li Mu and Xiao Lan sat together in the first row, and Ye and Hui Yuan Ai sat together, occupying the first few rows together.

Soon, the roller coaster was moving slowly.

Then the roller coaster became faster and faster, and everyone on the roller coaster shouted happily.

More than ten minutes later, the roller coaster stopped, and everyone in the Young Detective Team walked off excitedly.

Li Mu, Ye and others walked in the front, while Hattori Heiji and Conan walked in the back.

Suddenly, Hattori Heiji noticed something strange about Kazuha, and his eyes widened.

"Heye, what's wrong with you, what is this?"

He Ye turned his head and glanced, his cheeks slightly red.

"How do I know what this is, and I don’t know who accidentally left it behind, really."

After 097 finished speaking, Kazuha took out a tissue and wiped it vigorously.

Hattori Heiji looked at Kazuha suspiciously, and then stole a glance at Li Mu

"He Ye, this is what others left behind, what is that? Why is it on you."

Kazuye felt a little dissatisfied. He glared at Hattori Heiji and said,"Hattori, what do you mean? What do you mean is what happened to me? How can I know what this kind of thing is? It is not left by me."

The angry Kazuha even changed her title.

She used to call Hattori Heiji 'Heiji', but this time Kazuha actually called 'Hattori' directly, which shows how unhappy Kazuha is.

On the other hand, Ayumi said suspiciously:"This is not left by Sister Heye. Of course Sister Heye doesn't know about it."

"Yes, how could Sister Heye know that this was at the back after all, and some people must have accidentally stayed behind."

Guangyan also nodded, as if I, the great detective, had already figured it out.

Li Mu's mouth twitched, which was naturally at the back, because he likes to approach from behind, so he naturally stayed behind.

And I'm afraid no one here knows, The silk stockings inside He Ye's shorts had been torn open by Li Mu.

He Ye's face was also slightly red, and then he nodded in agreement:"

That's right, how could you know what others left behind?""

"But, this..."

Hattori Heiji was about to say something, so he quickly pulled Hattori Heiji and ran away.

"Sister Xiaolan, Sister Heye, Brother Hattori and I have something to say, please wait."

Conan forced a smile, pulled on his clothes and came to the distance

"Hattori, what's wrong with you? What's going on today? It's up to you."

Hattori Heiji glanced at Li Mu and Ye again, feeling a little jealous.

"I don’t know why, but seeing the two of them together makes me feel a little unhappy."

"Yeah, I'm not happy either. Conan also nodded and agreed.

Every time he saw Li Mu and Xiaolan chatting so happily, he felt jealous in his heart.

But after a moment, Conan recovered and said quickly:"Okay, Hattori, there are so many people today. It's so confusing." What is this thing for?"

When this matter was mentioned, Hattori Heiji said dissatisfied:"Kudo, you also saw that white thing, right?"

"Yes, this is indeed like that, but think about it, where is this place? Would He Ye do such a thing here?"

Hattori Heiji suddenly realized, and thought about it carefully, there are so many people here, how could Kazuha be here having sex.

When he thought of this, Hattori Heiji felt relaxed, thinking that he had made a mistake.

Conan saw that Hattori Heiji was not entangled in this. After it was over, he breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly:"Okay, Hattori, just remember it and speak better later, otherwise it will be bad if you get angry with Sister Ye."

"I get it, don't worry."

Hattori Heiji rubbed Conan's little head, and then walked to Li Mu's side.

"Heye, I'm really sorry just now. I couldn't control my emotions for a while. I'd like to apologize to you now."


Kazuha snorted coldly and turned his head arrogantly.

Hattori Heiji was about to say something again, but Conan quickly pulled Hattori Heiji's arm.

"Don't say any more."

Hattori Heiji understood Conan's thoughts, suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart, and forced out a smile.

"Okay, Heye, don't be angry, I'll buy something for you to eat, have a good day, and then go back."

He Ye didn't dwell on this matter and continued to spend the day peacefully with Li Mu and others.


In the afternoon, the sun sets, and a ray of golden light shines on the earth.

Li Mu and others stood at the gate of the amusement park, and Ye stood in front of Li Mu reluctantly.

"Brother Li, it’s getting late. We have to go back. Next time, we must come to Osaka. I will definitely take you to visit Osaka by then."Kazuha said reluctantly.

Hattori Heiji heard what Kazuha said, and his heart was full of jealousy, as if the jealousy jar had been overturned.

"Hum, what is there to do in Osaka? I have taken them many times before."

Kazuha rolled her eyes and glared at Hattori Heiji.

"What do you mean? Are you going against me everywhere today? Are you causing trouble for me?"

"I……"Before Hattori Heiji said anything, Conan pulled Hattori Heiji.

Hattori Heiji reacted and said quickly:"Hahaha, Kazuha, no more words, just kidding, let's go"


Heye snorted coldly, turned and left.

The Great Voyage: Beloved Concubine’s Invincible Killing of Red Eyes begins! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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