"How about it, Yumi, do you still want to teach me a lesson now?"

"Of course, why don't you let me go quickly."

Yumi was obviously a little tired, and her beautiful eyes kept staring at Li Mu. Her eyes seemed as if she wanted to eat Li Mu.

Originally, she wanted to teach Li Mu a lesson, but in the end, she was taught a lesson by Li Mu in turn.

This is also This person is Li Mu. If it had been anyone else, he probably wouldn't have been treated like this.

Of course, Li Mu also noticed Yumi's expression, but he was not angry, but very happy.

After all, angry Yumi is still very cute..

Especially the way Yumi pouts, it’s even cuter.

"Yumi, you are really arrogant. It seems that I must teach you a lesson today."

Li Mu looked at Yumi with a smile on his face, with threats in his eyes.

Although he did not really teach Yumi a lesson, it did not mean that he would not scare Yumi.

Yumi's originally red face was a little pale.

Li Mu's smile looked like this. It looked very scary, like some kind of monster.

She suddenly felt a little scared in her heart.

Li Mu looked at Yumi who was a little scared and stopped scaring Yumi.

"Okay, look at you, you're so scared, I can't do that, I'm just joking with you, it's getting dark, let's take a rest!"

He was just scaring Yumi, and he didn't really want to do anything to Yumi.

Yumi's face softened, and she breathed a sigh of relief. At least she didn't have to worry about being bullied by Li Mu.

"Okay, that's it, have a good rest."

Li Mu took a look at the sky outside. It was already dark. It was time to rest.



The next day, the sun shone on Li Mu.

The two slept for a while, and then Yumi slowly stretched out her hand, picked up the mobile phone on her side, and checked the time.

The next second, a sharp scream spread throughout the apartment.

Li Mu was also awakened by Yumi. He reached out and rubbed his eyes with a dazed look on his face.

"Yumi, what's wrong with you? What's Baymax's name? It's so annoying."

"Still sleeping, why did you sleep? What time was it? I went to work. It’s over. I’m late again today."

Yumi ignored Li Mu and started to prepare things for work.

After a while, Yumei looked at Li Mu and said,"Okay, Li Mu, you should get up quickly. We are leaving soon. We will leave soon." Let's eat downstairs."

KouKouKou...button button button...……

Outside, there was a sudden knock on the door. Yumi paused and said to Li Mu:"Li Mu, please open the door. I haven't put on my clothes yet."

Li Mu glanced at Yumi and then at himself, feeling speechless.

"Are you sure you want me to go?"

Yumi glanced around. It was dirty and messy.

And if Li Mu goes, others will definitely see it, and they won't be able to explain it clearly.

"Forget it, let me go."

Yumi had no choice but to tidy up a little and walked over quickly.

At this moment, the knocking on the door outside became a little more urgent, and they even started to knock on the door.

Yumi also became nervous and looked through the peephole warily.

Wait and see After seeing the people outside, Yumi breathed a sigh of relief.

She thought there were bad people outside just now.

Yumi opened the door, looked at the slovenly man outside, and said dissatisfied:"It's you, what's the matter with you? We have already broken up, why are you here to see me?"

The man in front of me is wearing a loose kimono and has thick eyes. He is Haneda Hideyoshi.

He is Yumi's former boyfriend, but he looks quite pitiful.

In the end, the person he likes is still Yumi. People who become Li Mu are particularly pitiful.

Haneda Hideyoshi looked at Yumi with messy hair. He breathed a sigh of relief at first, and then quickly asked:"By the way, Yumi-chan, are you okay? I just heard you yelling. There was a loud noise, so I was a little scared and came here to take a look."

If it were in the past, Yumi might still be a little moved.

But now Yumei already likes Li Mu, so naturally she won't be so moved.

"It's nothing, I just drank some wine yesterday and overslept today, so I couldn't help but scream."

There was a blush on Yumi's cheeks, and she thought of Li Mu's figure in her mind.

All of this is Li Mu's fault.

Thinking of this, Yumi wanted to teach Li Mu a lesson immediately, but unfortunately she never had the chance or the ability.

"Yeah? It's great that Yumi-chan is fine, and I feel relieved."Hada Hideyoshi said easily.

On the other side, Li Mu tidied up Yumi's room and walked out of Yumi's room.

As soon as he came out, Li Mu was seen by Haneda Hideyoshi.

Haneda Hideyoshi's face changed, and suddenly he felt like he was wearing a hat. Feel

"Yumi-chan, who is he? Why were you in your room yesterday?……"

Yumi was also shocked. Although she and Li Mu were together, Miwako was Li Mu's girlfriend.

So she doesn't want to expose this yet, let alone interfere with Li Mu's life.

This is Yumei, and it is precisely because of this that Li Mu is very relieved about Yumei, and having such a woman behind him is his happiness.

It is estimated that any man would like to have such a life.

Li Mu reacted, touched the back of his head, and walked to the door in a daze.

"Am I not drinking? Why are you here?"

This confused look is very fake.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Cut of the Red Eyes begin!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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