Yumei looked at the confused Li Mu, her eyes lit up, and she understood immediately

"Humph, you still have the nerve to say that you were all drunk last night, causing me to send you away, causing me to send you away in the middle of the night"

"Oh, midnight? Li Mu muttered, rubbed his eyes, and continued to pretend to be confused:"But is this my home?" Why has it become smaller?"

"Change...Get smaller?"

Yumi's face froze. Is this a mockery of her small family?

He ate her and wiped her clean. He had ravaged her for so long yesterday, and now he still dislikes her.

When Haneda Hideyoshi leaves, Yumi must let Li Mu give it to her. Buy a big villa, very big.

But now we have to deal with Haneda Hideyoshi first.

Yumi walked to Li Mu and stared at Li Mu with her beautiful eyes.

"You still have the nerve to say, I don’t know where your home is, it’s so late, I can only take you back to my home.

Okay, hurry up and get dressed, then I'll send you away and go to work by myself. In short, you should be faster."

After hearing Yumi's words, Haneda Hideyoshi had no doubts and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, Yumi-chan, I'll leave first and won't disturb you anymore."

Yumi watched Haneda Hideyoshi leave with a smile, then quickly closed the door, walked to Li Mu, and pinched Li Mu

"Li Mu, what did you do when you came out just now? What will you do if you are discovered?"097

"Don't worry, I just wanted to see who you are and dare to call you Yumi-chan."

When Li Mu mentioned 'Yumi-chan', he reached out and pinched Yumi's cheek.

Yumi suddenly became proud and put her hands on her hips.

"Huh, let me tell you, he is my pursuer. If you treat me badly one day, I will abandon you and run into that guy's arms."

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth, pressed Yumi against the wall on one side, and leaned his head next to Yumi's face.

"Yumei, are you sure that you are not afraid that I will continue to ravage you now?"

Yumi's face turned red again, and she quickly pushed Li Mu away and straightened her clothes.

"Okay, let's go. Let's go now. I'm going to be late for work."

Li Mu didn't say anything. He quickly freshened up, then got into Yumi's car and left.

After arriving at the Metropolitan Police Department, Yumi took a sneak peek around to confirm that no one was there, and secretly tapped Li Mu's face.

"Li Mu, come over and stay with me more from now on. You can get out of the car first, and I will go to the police first."

After Li Mu got out of the car, he walked to his car, opened the door and prepared to leave.

"Li Mu, are you here too?"

Li Mu turned around and saw Mei He's body walking towards him.

"Oh, it's nothing, I just came to pick up the car, what about you? Haven't the police been called yet?"

"Of course, I am now going to go to the police and get the case."

Miwako nodded, and then walked to the red FD on one side, and was about to drive away.

Li Mu glanced around and saw that there was no one else nearby, and there was no policeman accompanying Miwako.

"Miwako, what's wrong? There's no one else here. Is it possible that you can call the police alone?"

"Yes, I knocked down a lot of police officers while drinking yesterday. There are many cases today, so I can only investigate them alone."

Miwako was also a little helpless.

There were so many police officers yesterday, and they shouldn't have drank so much. In the end, they were all drunk by Li Mu.

Li Mu also smiled awkwardly.

But then Li Mu thought of something again, and the corners of his mouth raised, He quickly walked to Miwako's car

"Miwako, you don’t have any other police officers here anyway, so why not let me help you? This can also reduce your burden."

(After bgdf) finished speaking, Li Mu didn't wait for Miwako to answer, opened the car door directly, and sat in the passenger seat.

Although Miwako was a little happy, she was still a little entangled and said:"But, this is not good. I am a policeman and you are not a policeman. It is not appropriate."

"It doesn't matter. What's there to worry about? Sit down quickly and drive away. Don't let others wait."

"I understand, let's go, just talk to Officer Megure then."

Miwako sat in the driver's seat and drove her red FD out of the Metropolitan Police Department.

More than ten minutes later, next to a park.

Miwako drove into the police cordon and came to the stairs of the park.

Li Mu looked at He glanced nearby and said with a raised corner of his mouth:"Miwako, look at this situation, is someone dead again?""

"No, someone was just injured, but he is not dead yet. He is currently in the intensive care unit of the hospital, and he doesn't know if he can wake up yet."

Miwako is also a little helpless.

The recent crime rate is really too high. There are cases every day, and people are killed every three to five.

The police are indeed tired enough.

Sitting in the car, Li Mu suddenly felt a breath and hurriedly Looking through the window.

Then he saw a girl with a very hot figure. This person was none other than Belmode, one of Li Mu's lovers.

"It looks like Belmod is on a mission."

Li Mu also knew Belmod's plan, and had no idea of ​​going over to talk to her, otherwise it would be bad if she was implicated.

Secretly, Belmod also noticed Li Mu and couldn't help but take another look at Li Mu.

A few minutes later, Miwako stopped the car.

In front of the car, there were not only Officer Megure, but also Conan, Teacher Judy and Bourbon.

"Hey, who is the person who was beaten? So many people showed up, and they were extraordinary people"

"extraordinary? Miwako was stunned for a moment and said in surprise:"Aren't they very simple?" Except for that FBI person, aren't everyone else just ordinary people?"

"Oh, it’s nothing, I just think their reasoning skills are very good, but the FBI people are very simple."There was a hint of disdain in Li Mu's eyes.

Teacher Judy and others only have extraordinary identities, the rest are very simple, and their reasoning ability is close to that of idiots.

Among the entire FBI, I am afraid that only Shuichi Akai is not simple, as for the others , well, it can be a good supporting role.


In her opinion, the FBI is not simple. But when it comes to Li Mu, the FBI is the simplest person, and other people are not simple.

"Okay, without further ado, let’s get off the bus."

Li Mu got out of the car and walked towards Officer Mumu.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Cut of the Red Eyes begins!_Feilu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Favorites and Recommendations

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