After Li Mu and Miwako got out of the car, they immediately attracted the attention of Conan, Teacher Judy and others.

Teacher Judy, in particular, was particularly embarrassed when Li Mu said that to her last time in the hospital, and she was even accused of inducing children.

They once suspected that Li Mu did it on purpose, but after investigating, they found that Li Mu was normal and there was nothing wrong with him.

Therefore, they only thought that they were careless and did not doubt Li Mu too much.

Bourbon also investigated Li Mu and found that Li Mu's life was normal and nothing was wrong at all.

"Mr. Li, why are you here? Maybe Miwako invited you here."Officer Memu asked curiously.

"Yes, I came to pick up the car today. Seeing that Miwako seemed to have no partner, I came over to help. What's the matter, Officer Megure?"Li Mu said with a smile.

"No partner."Officer Mumu sneered, with a gloomy expression.

Do they have a few police officers? In fact, there are not many, but they were drunk by Li Mu yesterday.

Otherwise, at least two people should work together to investigate the case. How could one person be alone?.Miwako also patted Li Mu gently and walked to Officer Memu at the same time.

"Officer Megure, how is the situation now?

Officer Memu picked up a list and said quickly:"The victim is a female. She was discovered by others and was pushed down. She fell here. She is still being rescued."

As for the victim, nothing has been found to prove her identity. However, there is a pile of test papers next to her, which can confirm that she is a teacher."

"Exam papers. Li Mu thought of something and asked quickly:"Is that a blank test paper or has it been written?""

Conan was about to ask when he heard Li Mu's words, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Although Officer Mu Mu didn't understand what it meant, he still said,"Those are a bunch of exam papers that have been corrected."

Li Mu's eyes lit up and the corners of his mouth raised.

Miwako saw Li Mu's smile and asked quickly:"What, Li Mu, do you already know?"

"Yes, if my guess is correct, the victim should have been killed in school. This is only the second crime scene."

"Killed in school? Officer Memu was stunned for a moment and asked quickly:"How did you know?""

"Because of the examination papers, Teacher Xiao Lin once said that the examination papers cannot be taken out of the school. This is also to protect the students' personal privacy."

Conan explained first, and at the same time looked at Li Mu with some pride."

Look, I know it too, you are not the only one who knows it."

Li Mu saw what Conan was thinking and sneered in his heart. If you are provoking yourself like this, don't show him anything. Look, he doesn't know why the flowers are so red

"Conan, why are you here, still alive with Teacher Judy?"Li Mu said meaningfully.

"this……"Conan's expression froze and he said,"Brother Li, I came here with Teacher Judy, that's all"

"Oh, Teacher Judy. Li Tou then looked at Teacher Zhu Di and said seriously:"Teacher Zhu Di, are you bullying a child who is not sensible, and then you are trying to teach him to do it to you?""

Officer Memu also thought about what happened at the hospital last time. The equally serious teacher Judy

"Teacher Judy, I have to remind you that you have no right to handle the case at all. If you do this again, don't blame me for being rude."

"No, it's nothing. I just took Conan out for fun. He asked me to take him on vacation, but I couldn't help it."Teacher Judy quickly explained.

Conan was also afraid that Officer Memu would think too much, so he nodded and said,"Yes, it's vacation soon. I want to go out and have fun with everyone, but Uncle Maori may not have time."

"Yeah? Just pay attention."

Officer Mu Mu didn't dwell on the matter. He gave the order and left the park with everyone.

Because they learned about the school where the victim was from Teacher Judy, Li Mu and others came directly to the school.

In an office , a criminal police team's victim's desk carefully investigated.

Not long after, the criminal policeman stood up and said:"Officer Megure, we have already investigated, and there is indeed a blood reaction here."

"Yeah? It seems that the victim was killed here, so the only thing left to do is to investigate the guests the victim is going to meet today........"

Li Mu didn't say anything. He picked up the examination paper and looked at it carefully.

Somehow, he always felt that there was something wrong with this exam paper.

Miwako noticed Li Mu and quickly asked:"Li Mu, what's wrong? Did you see something? There's something wrong with this test paper."

Li Mu didn't answer and looked at it seriously.

After a long time, an idea flashed in Li Mu's head, and he thought of something, with a smile on his lips.

"Li Mu, what's wrong? Do you know who the murderer is?"Miwako asked softly.

Li Mu's face twitched and he said with a dark face:"You police didn't even find the suspect. Where can I find the murderer?"

"Yeah? It seems so."

Miwako smiled awkwardly.

Not long after, a policeman brought three people.

One of them was a male colleague of the victim, and the other two were parents, one female and one male.

Officer Megure looked at the three people. Then he looked at the male teacher and said,"Then let me ask you something. Where were you and what were you doing during that time yesterday?"

"Officer, I wanted to send Teacher Shibuya back yesterday, but when I came back, she was gone. I really didn’t kill her."The male teacher quickly explained.

Officer Memu looked at it and found that the teacher did seem to be a bad guy, 3.5, but there was no evidence.

"how about you? Do you have anything to do with the victim today?

The middle-aged woman also said quickly:"I just came here to ask Teacher Shibuya to ask her not to dress so hotly. My son even said that he wanted to marry her."

"Ah, really?"

Officer Memu was a little embarrassed.

"So you also have a criminal motive, right?"Bourbon smiled.

"No, I just came here to ask her about something. Besides, my son is not in a senior year and was not taught by her."The middle-aged woman said with some excitement.

Officer Mu Mu looked at the excited woman and quickly interrupted:"Okay, sir, tell me, what is the purpose of your visit?"

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage, the invincible slaying of the red pupil begins!_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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