Li Mu was listening to the suspect's words when he suddenly felt a breath and raised the corners of his mouth.

"Officer Megure, Miwako, leave this case to Conan and Amuro. Although they are worse than me, they are still good enough."

After Conan and Bourbon heard Li Mu's words, the corners of their mouths twitched and they felt a little unhappy.

They are also very powerful, so naturally they are not weaker than Li Mu.

"Ah, really? I see."

Although Officer Megure was sorry, he did not ask what happened to Li Mu.

Miwako hesitated for a moment, but thinking of Li Mu's identity, she finally did not stop Li Mu.

After Li Mu left the office, he walked directly outside.

It didn't take long. , Li Mu came to a corridor, and a beautifully dressed teacher came across from him.

Of course, although on the surface this was a teacher and Li Mu didn't recognize his appearance, Li Mu just knew this person.

This person was none other than Bell. Mode.

Belmod also noticed Li Mu, but said nothing. He pretended that nothing happened and planned to pass by Li Mu.

When Belmode passed by, Li Mu suddenly stretched out a hand and stopped Bell. Mode

"you...What are you doing? If you keep doing this, I'm going to call you."

"Okay, you can shout, the police are here anyway, and your identity will be exposed by then, right, Belmod."

After being directly named by Li Mu, Belmode no longer struggled.

"Li Mu, tell me how you did it and how you knew my identity."

Li Mu listened to the familiar voice of Belmode, the corners of his mouth raised, and his hands became even more restless.

"Maybe this is the so-called connection between hearts. The relationship between you and me can span the ends of the sky and the corners of the sea."

"Hum, you can say nice things, who knows what you are thinking, you have so many women, how could you think of me."

Belmod snorted coldly and turned his head arrogantly, with a hint of jealousy in his tone.

"Okay, stop being angry. Will I come to you now?"

Li Mu pulled Belmode to a nearby place where there was no one around, and at the same time opened the door of the warehouse.


I don’t know how long it took, but Bermod glanced at Li Mu with dissatisfaction.

"Li Mu, you really are too"

"Okay, no more words, don’t you have something else to do? Hurry up, it will probably be solved soon."

Belmod thought about it. He didn't bother Li Mu too much. He quickly sorted it out and left quickly.

Li Mu also followed Belmod and returned to the office again.

"No...Sorry, I just got a call from the hospital. Teacher Shibuya’s wound has worsened and she will die at any time....Woo woo woo……"

Belmode profoundly explained what it means to be a top star in the world, and his acting skills are already off the charts.

If Li Mu hadn't known that he had special abilities, he would have been deceived by Belmod.

".What? Natsuko her...Natsuko."

Teacher Judy was also deceived by Belmod's acting skills and rushed out without hesitation, rushing towards the hospital.

Conan and Bourbon also left together, and even Belmod also left secretly.

Leave. At this time, Bermod also winked at Li Mu secretly.

Li Mu also blinked at Bermod, then looked at Miwako and said:"Miwako, how are you? Is the murderer the male parent?""

"(What? do you know? Miwako suddenly became dissatisfied, puffed up her face and said:"Li Mu, if you know it, then you still haven't told me, which made us think about it for a long time.""

Officer Mumu also had a dark face and a resentful expression.

"Why, didn’t you know that from the beginning? Is it possible that Conan and the others spent so long and that it was too useless?"Li Mu shook his head, a little disdainful of Dao Ju.

Fortunately, Conan and Bourbon were not here, otherwise he would have been even more unhappy.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage's Invincible Killing of the Red Eyes begins!

_Fei Lu reminds you: Reading Three Things - Favorites, Recommendations

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