At night, Li Mu drove alone to the Maori Detective Agency.

After Li Mu arrived at the Maori Detective Agency, he had dinner here directly.

Li Mu was sitting at the dining table in the living room and glanced at the empty seat on one side.

"Detective Maori, Conan and Teacher Judy went out and haven't come back yet?"

"Teacher Judy?"Mouri Kogoro was stunned for a moment and said in surprise:"Is he going out with Teacher Judy? I do not know how? Could it be that he is involved in another case?"

As he spoke, Mouri Kogoro's expression changed drastically.

The case related to Teacher Judy must be a big case, and it might not only be very dangerous, but also involve them.

When he thought of this, Moori Kogoro felt very unhappy.

"No, no, no, Conan said he was going on a trip with Teacher Judy, and Ayumi and the others, so there shouldn't be anything going on."

Li Mu does not intend to dwell on this matter this time. Instead, he hopes that Conan will leave.

Once Conan travels, he and Xiaolan can have a good time out. Thinking about it, he is a little excited.

Mouri Kogoro also breathed a sigh of relief. I'm afraid that Conan will do something dangerous with Teacher Zhu097 again.

"I'm back."

At this moment, Conan came back, and everyone focused their attention on Conan.

Conan was startled. The eyes of these people, especially Mouri Kogoro and Xiaolan, were sharp, like knives.

"Uncle Maoli, Sister Xiaolan, what's the matter?"

After saying that, Conan looked at Li Mu.

In his mind, Li Mu must have said something to Maori Kogoro and others, so Maori Kogoro would be angry.

Conan thought for a while, and then thought of today's events

"Uncle Maori, I have discussed it with Teacher Judy and the others today. We will go out and have fun during this short holiday."


Mouri Kogoro suddenly punched him and said dissatisfied:"I'm here to warn you, this kind of thing needs to be discussed. If Li Mu didn't say it, I wouldn't even know."

"It hurts."

Conan covered his head with a look of pain, and then Conan breathed a sigh of relief.

He just thought that Li Mu said that he was investigating the case with Teacher Judy again, so Maori Kogoro (bgdf) was angry.

Who knew that Li Mu was not Not framing him, but telling the truth.

Although Conan didn't intend to go out to play

"Uncle Maori, I'm sorry, because you are a famous detective and you will be very busy. I have no choice but to discuss it with Teacher Judy."Conan said flatteringly.

Maori Kogoro was immediately happy and touched his husband to take you there. You can only let others"

"What about Dr. Ali? Does Dr. Ali usually take you there? Why do you want to trouble Teacher Judy?"

Xiaolan suddenly spoke and gave Conan a critical blow.

Conan's face suddenly froze, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

Fortunately, Conan reacted quickly and quickly explained:"Dr. A Li is older, Mr. It’s not good to let him go, so I plan to let Teacher Judy take us there. I have already made an agreement with Teacher Judy."

The corners of Li Mu's lips raised. Now that Conan has reached this point, he can't even think about it.

But in order to add fuel to Conan's fire, Li Mu decided to go to the Junior Detective Team to set a fire tomorrow.

By then, the Junior Detective Team will know, Conan Even if he wanted to refuse, he probably had no choice.

Thinking about it, Li Mu felt a little excited and his appetite for food improved.

Conan looked at Li Mu who was eating deliciously and felt a little unhappy.

All of this was Li Mu's fault. Otherwise, he wouldn't be like this, and it would be difficult to meet him.

After a dinner, Li Mu left the Maori Detective Agency. Before leaving, he smiled at Conan, which made Conan a little confused.


The next day, Li Mu drove through Mihua Town and happened to meet the Young Detective Team and others, but Conan didn't happen to be among them.

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth, stopped the car, and looked at the young detective team and others on the roadside with a smile.

"Hey, everyone in the Young Detective Team, you have decided to go on a trip. Where are you going?"

"Travel, what kind of travel? Does Brother Li want to travel?"

"Really? That would be great, could you take me with you?"

The Young Detective Team thought that Li Mu was going on a trip, and they were a little excited. They wanted to leave with Li Mu immediately. Li Mu raised the corner of his mouth and smiled:"It's not me, it's Conan. He has already decided to take you and everyone in the Young Detective Team. Go traveling together."

The young detective team looked at each other, and then their faces were filled with happy smiles.

"Great, I knew Conan would never forget me"

"So let's go find Conan now"

"That's right, let me go and talk to Conan."

Everyone in the Young Detective Team ran away, except for Hui Yuan Ai.

Hui Yuan Ai watched everyone leave, and then looked at Li Mu aside.

"Li Mu, your smile just now was very weird. What's wrong? Are you playing tricks on them?"

"No, how is it possible, how could I possibly play tricks on them, am I such a person?"Li Mu said righteously.

Hui Yuan Ai glanced at Li Mu and didn't believe Li Mu at all.

"Hey, Haiyuan, aren’t you leaving?"

In the distance, Ayumi looked at Haiyuan who hadn't left yet, and waved her hand.

"Come on, I'll be there right away."Hui Yuan Ai shouted, then looked at Li Mu and said,"I'm leaving."

"Wait, Xiao Ai, they will go out to play tomorrow, you must remember to stay with me, I miss you a little."

Hui Yuan Ai's face instantly turned red and she lowered her head shyly. She thought of Li Mu in her mind.

To be honest, she also missed Li Mu a little.

"I know, I'm leaving first."

Hui Yuan Ai neither refused nor agreed, but Li Mu knew that Hai Yuan Ai had agreed.

Not long after, the Young Detective Team and others came to the Maori Detective Agency and found Conan.

"Conan, I heard, you are going to travel"

"Yes, and he still plans to take us with him, so we can come and ask."

Conan's face turned dark instantly. He originally planned to get rid of this matter and just stay outside for a few days. Now that

Li Mu said this, he had no choice but to agree.

Conan had no choice but to agree. At the request of the Young Detective Team and others, they also decided that they could only go on a trip this time.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage's Invincible Killing of the Red Eyes begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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