The next day, Li Mu parked his car at the entrance of Didan Primary School, preparing to pick up Huiyuan Ai.

While Li Mu was waiting, a colorful imported high-end car appeared behind him, and sitting inside was none other than Teacher Judy.

Conan was forced to do nothing by Li Mu's series of operations and could only ask Teacher Judy to take them on a trip.

Teacher Judy could only agree, otherwise she might not be able to appear in front of Mouri Kogoro in the future.

After waiting for a while, everyone in the Junior Detective Team was out of school.

As soon as school was over, those people rushed out and sat excitedly in Teacher Judy's car.

As for Hui Yuan Ai, she calmly walked to Li Mu's car, opened the door, and sat in the passenger seat of"Zero Nine Seven".

"Xiao Ai, let’s go."

Li Mu said hello and drove away.

Behind him, Teacher Judy looked at Li Mu's car and said in surprise:"Little boy, that girl isn't leaving. Isn't she going to travel today?"

"Oh, you said Haiyuan, she was not happy to go out and ask for it, so she was not allowed to go."

Conan didn't doubt Haiyuan Ai, he just thought that Haiyuan Ai was a little unhappy.

Teacher Judy didn't think much and drove away.


On Li Mu's side, after leaving Didan Elementary School, he went directly to an apartment in the distance and found a place to park.

After getting off the car, Li Mu took Haihara Ai to Miyano Akemi's home.

After Miyano Akemi opened the door, she saw Li Mu and Haibara Ai standing at the door. She was immediately happy and rushed over.

"I'm coming, honey."

Li Mu opened his hands and wanted to hug Miyano Akemi.

Miyano Akemi bypassed Li Mu and directly hugged Haihara Ai tightly, rubbing Haihara Ai's little head affectionately.

"Xiao Ai, you haven't come to see me for a long time. I miss you a little. Do you miss me, sister?"

After saying that, Miyano Akemi wiped her eyes, as if to wipe away the tears she shed.

Li Mu froze.

Miyano Akemi didn't hug her, but hugged her sister, which was really a bit disappointing. Sad.

Haiyuan Ai also noticed the very embarrassed Li Mu, and couldn't help covering his mouth and snickering.

Li Mu came back to his senses, hugged Miyano Akemi, and led her into the house

"Mingmei, isn't it great? You actually treated me like this, I will teach you a lesson today."

While speaking, Li Mu put his two hands on Miyano Akemi's body and kept moving around.

Miyano Akemi's face instantly turned red, and she pushed Li Mu with her hands to distance herself from Li Mu.

"plum...Li Mu, don’t be like this, Xiao Ai is still there, it’s not good to see it."

Li Mu glanced at Hui Yuan Ai.

He saw that Hui Yuan Ai was also looking at Li Mu with a trace of jealousy in his eyes.

"Okay, okay, but I will definitely teach you a lesson later and let you know how powerful I am."

Li Mu whispered something in Miyano Akemi's ear, and then walked to the sofa on the side and sat down.

Haihara Ai didn't say a word, and sat silently next to Li Mu, without a smile on his face.

"Li Mu, Xiao Ai, let me make you dinner. What do you want to eat?"



Li Mu is not a picky person, let alone Haihara Ai. Neither of them particularly cares.

Miyano Akemi didn't say anything, walked to the kitchen on the side and opened the refrigerator.

"Li Mu, there aren’t too many vegetables in the refrigerator. Go buy some. Buy some of everything."

Because of Miyano Akemi's identity, Li Mu usually buys things for her.

At the same time, in order to store more things, Li Mu bought her several freezers to store more food........

Even in order to keep her in good shape, Li Mu spent a lot of money to buy two connecting apartments and a large amount of training equipment.

In short, this lover Li Mu spent a lot of money

"Got it, I'm leaving now."

Li Mu hugged Hui Yuan Ai and walked outside.

Hui Yuan Ai was hugged by Li Mu very quietly. In one word, it was said that he was like a cute little kitten.

Walking on the street, Hui Yuan Ai let Li Mu Holding it, looking ahead with gloomy eyes

"What's wrong, why did you think of letting me go with you today?"Hui Yuan Ai said in a low voice.

"It’s nothing, I just think it’s nice to hold a cat on your hand when you go shopping, what do you think?"

"a cat?"Hui Yuan Ai glanced at herself, then reacted and said angrily:"You are the cat, let me go quickly, or I will bite you."

After saying that, Hui Yuan Ai struggled gently in Li Mu's arms.

"Okay, stop struggling, go buy something quickly, and then we'll get out of here."

Hai Yuan Ai was docile by Li Mu and no longer struggled at 3.5, but her little face was still so red.

After buying some vegetables, Li Mu returned to the apartment, handed the vegetables to Miyano Akemi, and sat alone in the living room.

Hui Yuan Ai glanced at Li Mu, and slowly sat next to Li Mu, holding Li Mu's hand tightly with one hand.

Li Mu looked at Hui Yuan Ai as if nothing had happened, and gently hugged Hui Yuan Ai. Get up and put it on her body.

On the other side, Miyano Akemi looked at Haihara Ai and Li Mu who were so friendly, with a smile on her face.

Seeing that Li Mu and Haihara Ai looked so close, she felt at ease Come down.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Killing of the Crimson Eyes begin!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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