After dinner, Miyano Akemi, as a good wife and mother, naturally went to clear the dining table, while Li Mu and Haibara Ai sat on the sofa and watched TV.

However, both Li Mu and Hui Yuan Ai have passed the age of watching TV. In addition, sometimes TV series are very stupid, so Li Mu has no choice but to kill time.

After watching it for a while, Li Mu said with a dark face:"Xiao Ai, the filming of this TV series is really bad. I'm afraid the director is not mentally retarded.""

"Yes, not only the director is stupid, but the screenwriter is also stupid, and the protagonist is even more stupid. I think the script was written with pig's trotters."

Hai Yuan Ai complained while eating snacks.

"Li Mu, Xiao Ai, I'll boil the bath water for you. You guys wait here."

After Miyano Akemi cleared away the dishes, she walked to the bathroom on the side.

Li Mu suddenly thought of something, put his hand on Haiyuan Ai's head, rubbed it gently and said,"Xiao Ai, I'll give it to you later. You don't want me to wash your hair, it's just normal."

Hui Yuan Ai's face instantly turned red, and she turned her head shyly, embarrassed to continue looking at Li Mu.

Regardless of whether she liked it or not, it was impossible for her to say it anyway.

"Well, since you don't agree, then I won't force you. I will be alone, which will be easier."

Li Mu didn't understand what Hui Yuan Ai was thinking, so he just played hard to get.

Sure enough, after hearing Li Mu's words, Hui Yuan Ai quickly reached out and grabbed Li Mu's arm, pinched it gently, but still didn't say a word, just stared. Li Mu, that meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Li Mu also knew that Hui Yuan Ai was shy, so he stopped teasing her.

"Okay, let's go together later."

Haihara Ai lowered his head silently, with a little expectation in his heart.

After waiting like this for a while, Miyano Akemi walked out of the bathroom.

"Li Mu, Xiao Ai, I've already done it. Hot water will be available in about ten minutes. You can go take a shower then."

"Got it, we'll go later."

Li Mu continued to watch TV and grabbed Hui Yuan Ai's little hand with one hand.

"Xiao Ai, we will go there later. Now we are watching TV. No matter how stupid we are, we must at least watch it to the end, otherwise we will be stupid."

Haihara Ai didn't say anything, and silently accompanied Li Mu, watching the entire TV series.

Ten minutes passed in a blink of an eye, and when Miyano Akemi wasn't paying attention, Li Mu picked up Haihara Ai and walked into the bathroom.

After entering the bathroom, Li Mu reached out to touch the hot water and said with a smile:"Xiao Ai, the water here is not that hot, do you want to take a look."

Hui Yuan Ai didn't say anything. He silently walked to the water tank and shook it twice.

"Well enough. This water is neither hot nor cold, which is best. Hotter or colder will not work."

"Yeah? So let's go in."

Li Mu was lying in the hot water, enjoying the hot water.

I have to say that taking a hot bath is very good. It can stretch the body and make the fatigue disappear.

Li Mu feels that he is not stressed at all now.

Li Mu doesn't wait. Whatever he said, Haihara Ai also closed his eyes and enjoyed the benefits of the hot water.

The two of them, one large and one small, just lay in the hot water, enjoying the comfort and warmth brought by the hot water.

As time passed, the two of them almost fell asleep.

After a long time, Li Mu opened his eyes, waved to Hui Yuan Ai and said,"Xiao Ai, let me wash your hair for you.""

"I know, my hair is very good. Please be careful when washing it. If you damage my noble hair, you will be doomed."

Li Mu picked up the towel and carefully washed Haiyuan Ai's tea-colored hair.

Outside, Miyano Akemi washed the dishes, wiped the table, and left the kitchen, but did not see Li Mu and Xiao Ai. I was a little curious and searched nearby for a while.

After searching for a while, Miyano Akemi could not find Li Mu and Haibara Ai.

"Strange, could it be that Xiao Ai went out?

Miyano Akemi murmured to herself, then walked outside the bathroom door and knocked gently.

"Li Mu, Xiao Ai, have you seen it? Why isn't she here? Are you out?"

Hui Yuan Ai was startled, and quickly sat up straight, then looked at Li Mu nervously.

"Xiao Ai, don't worry, we are just washing your hair, what are you in a hurry about?"

Li Mu gently patted Hui Yuan Ai's little head and said speechlessly.

Hui Yuan Ai also realized, isn't it just washing your hair? And in this country, soaking in hot water for men and women together is nothing at all.

".Mingmei, Xiao Ai is not here with me. She just said she was full. Go out for a walk. You don’t have to worry. Nothing will happen to her."

"Yeah? I'm just asking."Miyano Akemi was not worried, but looked forward to it, nervously looking at the bathroom door.

"Li Mu, do you want me to come in?"

"Mingmei, no need, I'll be fine soon, and I also want to have a good rest."

Outside, although Miyano Akemi was a little regretful, she couldn't help but agree.

"That...Then I'll leave first. You wash slowly, don't be in a hurry."

After saying that, Miyano Akemi hurriedly ran aside, returned to her room, and waited carefully.

In the bathroom, after hearing Li Mu's words, Haiyuan Ai became jealous. She glared at Li Mu with her beautiful eyes, and deliberately He reached out and pinched Li Mu's arm.

Li Mu ignored Huiyuan (Nuo Zhao) Ai and continued to wash her hair, then rinsed away the foam on her head and wiped it carefully with a dry towel.

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth and lightly He gently rubbed Haiyuan Ai’s little head.

"Okay, Xiao Ai, it’s time for me to leave. You can take a bath by yourself for a while. It is said that taking more hot baths is good for physical and mental health."

Hui Yuan Ai was just about to leave. After listening to Li Mu's words, he hesitated for a moment, and finally walked to the hot water on the side, lay down in it, and enjoyed the hot bath.

Li Mu put on his clothes, walked to the side, opened the door and started to have sex. leave

"By the way, Xiao Ai, your hair is too dry, which is not good at all. Don’t brag about it in the future."

Hui Yuan Ai reacted and glared at Li Mu with her beautiful eyes, but still touched her face subconsciously, thinking about Li Mu's words. The

Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage, Invincible Killing of the Red Eyes begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu novels

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