"Brother Li, come and try it. This candied haws is very delicious."

He Ye took the first bite and then handed the candied haws to Li Mu.

Li Mu glanced at He Ye's expectant eyes, raised the corners of his mouth, lowered his head, and whispered softly in He Ye's ear.

"Heye, how about you eat with me and eat the same candied haws?"

"one...Together?"He Ye blushed and nodded shyly.

"I, I understand, Brother Li."

He Ye nodded, then stood on tiptoes, picked up the candied haws, and placed it in front of Li Mu.

Xiaolan Yuanzi and the other two looked at He Ye's actions, their faces also turned red.

"Xiaolan, Heye and Brother Li can't be here or that one."

Yuanzi has already guessed that the relationship between Li Mu and Ye is unusual.

Later Li Mu also admitted it, and Yuanzi also accepted the matter between Li Mu and Ye, and also had some expectations.

"No...Don't know, but...It shouldn't be possible."

Xiaolan also suddenly became nervous. Although this person was not her, she was equally shy.

Li Mu looked at He Ye who was approaching, and took the first step to bite off a candied haws, and then moved it to He Ye's mouth.

He Ye looked at Li Mu's mouth, Although he was shy, he still approached Li Mu and took a bite of the candied haws.

"Delicious, not just the candied haws."

Li Mu licked his mouth, then looked at Xiaolan and Yuanzi on the side.

"Heye, Yuanzi, you guys think you should eat candied haws, Heye also ate it for me, you can’t be stingy."

Xiaolan and Ye's faces turned rosy instantly.

"plum...Brother Li, why don't we go to the other side? There are too many people here."

"Yes, Brother Li is favored by others."

Li Mu took a look around. There were many people nearby, many of whom had just met He Ye and him.

If he and Xiaolan were there at this time, they would definitely attract the attention of countless people.

"Okay, let's go there. There are very few people in that corner, no one will notice us."

Li Mu walked towards the corner.

Xiaolan and two people quickly followed Li Mu, holding a red candied haws in their hands.

A few minutes later, two people from Xiaolan Yuanzi came out of the corner, their faces rosy and extremely cute.

After Li Mu also came out, he wiped his mouth and looked around.

"He Ye and Xiaolan, it’s already noon, let’s go have a meal"

"Okay, Brother Li."

Li Mu, Ye and others came to a nearby hotel and booked a separate room 097.

This hotel is a very special hotel, everyone has a separate room.

And the food is not delivered to the hotel by the waiter, but It was from the small boat next to the room, which approached along the current.

Of course, because there was no waiter, Li Mu could do anything in the room without being discovered by others.

The three people with He Ye had rosy faces and were embarrassed to look at Li Mu.

"Okay, it's getting late, so let's eat. This is delicious."

The three of them glanced at Li Mu, picked up the chopsticks, and began to prepare how to eat.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Cut of the Crimson Eyes begins!

_Fei Lu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Favorites, Recommendations

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