On a certain holiday beach, Hattori Heiji looked at the endless flow of people on the beach, and his whole body became numb.

With so many people, it seemed a little difficult to find Lin Fei inside.

No, it should be said that it is infinitely close to finding a needle in a haystack.

"Damn it, there are so many people, is it possible to take a photo and ask them one by one?"

Hattori Heiji's mind just flashed, and then he gave up this stupid idea.

There seemed to be tens of thousands of people here, and they asked one by one. It had to be when, and others might not remember it yet.

"Forget it, just go to the hotel and ask, you should know it soon."

An idea flashed in Hattori Heiji's mind.

No matter where Li Mu goes to play, he will always stay.

And with Li Mu's wealth and status, the hotel he ends up going to must be a high-end hotel.

No, it should be a high-end hotel, just go there..

Unfortunately, Hattori Heiji forgot one thing and ran away happily.

A few minutes later, the service desk of a high-end hotel

"Sorry, sir, we are a high-end luxury hotel here. We cannot disclose customer information casually. Unless you are a police officer, we can provide you with some help, but what about detectives?……"

Although he hadn't finished speaking, Hattori Heiji already understood the lobby manager's thoughts.

Just don't tell him

"Damn it, this bastard, I will never let him go."

Hattori Heiji thought about the lobby in front of him many times, but he was helpless and had to leave.

After all, he was not a policeman. There were many high-end hotels here and he could scold them one by one.

What left him speechless the most was his reputation as the number one in the West. It was useless.

This also made him realize deeply that not everyone from anywhere likes detective reasoning.

At noon, Hattori Heiji looked at Si helplessly and put his right hand on his growling stomach.

"Forget it, have a quick lunch and then continue looking for Kazuya."

Hattori Heiji walked to a nearby small restaurant, had a quick lunch, and then continued to look for his Kazuha...……...

On the other side, after finishing lunch, Li Mu and Xiaolan left the restaurant and wandered around.

Li Mu walked on the street and glanced around.

Because it is a short holiday and it is summer, many people are traveling here, so there are people everywhere

"Oh, Xiaolan, there are so many people here, it’s really boring, why don’t we go back to the hotel and take a rest?"

"Xiaolan, it's okay. Brother Li won't do anything to you, so you don't have to worry.

Heye on the side also nodded and said:"Yes, Xiaolan, let's go back and rest. It's broad daylight and the weather is too hot. I can't walk anymore."

Seeing that both of them had said this, Xiaolan had no choice but to lower her head and shyly agreed:"Okay, but we agreed that we will just rest and not do anything else.""

"Don't worry, we are serious people, how could we do anything else."Li Mu said righteously.

As for whether to do other things, Li Mu will definitely do it anyway. Otherwise, is it really a vacation to come here this time?

Yuanzi and Ye couldn't help covering their mouths. After laughing, they didn’t believe that Li Mu did nothing anyway.

Xiaolan also knew that Li Mu was supporting her, so she didn’t particularly care, and she actually missed Li Muju a little in her heart.

Li Mu hugged Xiaolan and headed towards the hotel Walking in the direction.

Arriving at the hotel, Li Mu first opened two large guest rooms, giving people the feeling of living in separate rooms. The

Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage: The Invincible Slashing of the Crimson Eyes begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu novels

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