In July, in the blue sky, the sun hung like a fireball. The clouds seemed to be burned by the sun and disappeared without a trace.

In this scorching summer, most people will go to the beach to enjoy the coolness brought by the sea water.

Even the excuse Li Mu used to persuade Hattori Heiji and others was to go to the beach, and no one would question it.

It is precisely because of this that the poor Hattori Heiji has to look for traces of Kazuha on the beach in the scorching summer.

"Okay, Li Mu, we must go shopping today. I want to buy a lot of things, and you will pay for them."

Yuanzi has made up his mind to buy a lot of things, which made Li Mu bleed heavily.

"OK, let's go then."

Li Mu didn't refuse. He's so happy today, so it doesn't matter if he spends some money.

Moreover, after taking care of Yuanzi and Ye, Li Mu can do what he wants as long as there are no other people in the future.

"OK, let's go."

Yuanzi, Ye and others took Li Mu's arm, left the hotel, and went shopping in the hot summer.

Fortunately, it had been a long time, and it was no longer the hottest noon, so Li Mu and others did not feel too hot. At the same time

, At the same time, when Li Mu and Xiaolan were happy and went shopping.

On a beach, Hattori Heiji was wearing a T-shirt and slippers, walking alone on the beach.

Gulu Gulu...GuluGulu...

Hattori Heiji took a big gulp of a bottle of mineral water, and then looked around with weak eyes.

"Damn it, where is she and Ye? Why haven't she been found yet?"

This afternoon, Hattori Heiji asked many people, but no one had seen Kazuha.

For this reason, Hattori Heiji asked Mori Kogoro for some details, discussed with Conan, and made countless phone calls.

But he still hadn't seen him. He Ye, not even the shadows of Xiaolan and Li Mu have been seen.

"Forget it, make another phone call. If there is no news about He Ye, I will tell him that He Ye is missing. Then we can ask Officer Dalong for help."

Hattori Heiji sneered, with a treacherous expression in his eyes.

Being able to take advantage of the police's abilities is probably something these detectives often do.

Ding ding ding...Jingle Bell……

"Heye, your phone is ringing"

"Yeah? Is my phone ringing?"

Because we were in a crowd, the noise was very loud. If it weren't for Li Mu's good ears, most people wouldn't be able to hear it.

He Ye picked up the phone and frowned slightly.

"It was Heiji who called. He had made many calls and now he called again."

Before going shopping in the afternoon, Kazuye was afraid of being disturbed by other people, especially at noon, so he turned off his phone.

Unexpectedly, just after turning on the phone, Kazuye discovered that Hattori Heiji had made dozens of calls.

Although he was speechless, Kazuye still answered the call. Telephone

······Asking for flowers·······

"Heye, you idiot, why are you turning off your phone when you have nothing to do? Do you know that I am worried about you?"

If it was in the past, Hattori Heiji cared so much about her, Kazuye would have been very touched.

But now that Kazuye is Li Mu's person, not only is he not touched, but he is a little unhappy.

"Heiji, did you call just to scold me? If that's the case, I'll hang up. Hattori

Heiji was immediately frightened and said quickly:"Hahaha, Kazuya, I'm sorry, I was just joking. What about you, where are you now? I'll go find you.""


"I..."He Ye quickly looked at Li Mu and asked if Li Mu would tell him.

Li Mu's eyes lit up, he grabbed his throat and said in English:"Is this Qunma County? The scenery is still very good."

Then another voice said:"Yeah, wait, let's go there and have a look , it should be very nice there."

He Ye reacted and said dissatisfied:"Why should I tell you, Xiaolan Yuanzi and I don't need you to disturb our three-person life."

After saying that, He Ye hung up the phone directly.

Hattori Heiji listened to the beep sound on his cell phone and grinned.

"Hum, Gunma County, I see, if you don’t tell me, I still know."

Poor Hattori Heiji didn't know that this was a trap.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Slash of the Crimson Eyes began with!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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