Gunma Prefecture, after Hattori Heiji arrived, everyone was confused and didn’t know where to go.

"Gunma County, Gunma County, this is Gunma County, wait, isn’t Gunma County an inland county? Where is the sea here, where should I go to find He Ye."

After arriving in Gunma County, Hattori Heiji realized that there was no sea here, let alone going to the beach to look for Kazuha. At this time, Hattori Heiji still didn't understand. He was being tricked.

Either that or what he just said The English people said this deliberately, in order to frame him, or Kazuha was not at the beach at the beginning.

Hattori Heiji thought about it, and then determined that Kazuha should not be at the beach, but deliberately lied to him and dumped him Open.

After thinking about it, Hattori Heiji came to 16 and showed interest, waved his hand and said:"Okay, they must be in Gunma County, then I will go to all the tourist attractions in Gunma County and try to find Kazuha and the others today."

After saying that, Hattori Heiji started searching seriously in Gunma County.

Until late at night, Hattori Heiji was still looking for Kazuha seriously.

Li Mu happily went shopping and ate with Sonoko and others. In short, Hattori Heiji was better than Hattori Heiji. Much happier. It was not until night that Li Mu returned to the hotel where he was.

After all, Hui Yuan Ai was still in the hotel. It was impossible for Li Mu to leave Hui Yuan Ai in the hotel until night.

Of course, not only Li Mu, Xiao Lan and He Ye were all a little worried about Hui Yuan Ai.

When they arrived at the hotel, Li Mu just opened the door to the room and saw Hui Yuan Ai sitting at the door, looking at Li Mu and others seriously.

"Li Mu, the five of you are very nice. If you go out on a date behind my back and leave me alone, do you think you don't want me anymore?"

Xiaolan, Ye and others' faces froze.

"Xiao Ai, don't talk nonsense, how could we leave you behind?"

"Yes, I came here specially to accompany you"

"Yes, yes, we still care about you."

Hui Yuan Ai listened to the feeble explanations from Xiaolan and others, and did not believe the words of the three of them at all.

"Are you sure you are not tired from shopping and you have bought so many things?"

I saw a large number of product bags on the ground on one side.

Most of these products were sold by Li Mu and others. But there were too many, so I asked the courier to deliver them.

Xiaolan, Ye and others froze again.

They were indeed They were tired of shopping, and there was also Haiyuan Ai, so they came back.

But it was embarrassing for Haiyuan Ai to say this.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Haiyuan Ai took a few bags from the bag, and then put them away behind oneself

"I was just joking. I believe you are not this kind of person. You should have bought this for me. You must still be thinking of me."

Li Mu was speechless for a moment.

The bags in Hui Yuan Ai's hands were all brand-name bags and the like, and they were all for her own use.

And she was counting them carefully. All the brand-name bags and the like were all bought by Hui Yuan Ai. She took it away.

There were only some clothes left that she didn’t need, so Haihara Ai didn’t ask for the remaining things.



For the first time, they discovered that today's children are so outrageous that they don't look like children at all.

Especially Xiaolan, looking at Huihara Ai's expression now, subconsciously thought of the last time she went camping.

She was caught having fun with Li Mu, and ended up being blackmailed for a limited edition bag.

Although she didn't buy it with money, the scene at this moment is exactly the same as before.

"That's right, I bought this for you. I've known for a long time that I like bags, so I bought it specially."

Xiaolan agreed first.

After saying that, Xiaolan was stunned for a moment. She had no idea how she could subconsciously agree to Huiyuan Ai.

Seeing that Xiaolan had said this, Xiaolan and Ye could only nod their heads and agreed:"I understand. This is indeed bought for you, just take it."

In the end, only Yuanzi was left.

Although she was a little reluctant, she was not short of money, so she had to nod and agreed. 097

"Thank you, you are such good people."

Hui Yuan Ai thanked her, then calmly received the bag and put it aside, indicating that it was hers.

He Ye looked at Hai Yuan Ai's back and said softly:"Xiao Lan, this is a A child? Why do I think she is an adult?"

"Yes, just like that little guy with glasses, it’s very annoying. Yuanzi said with the same dissatisfaction.

Xiaolan smiled awkwardly and said nothing more.

"Okay, let's go have a meal and continue shopping after dinner. I'll make up for it when the time comes. Anyway, I'm not short of money."Li Mu patted the three of them and consoled them.

Yuanzi was overjoyed after hearing this, and quickly patted Ji and said,"Okay, let's go rest now and try to go shopping early."

"OK, I'll clean it up."

The three girls quickly returned to their rooms and did their own things seriously.

After watching everyone leave, Hui Yuan Ai came to Li Mu's side and pulled Li Mu's trousers.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage's Invincible Killing of Crimson Eyes begins! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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