"Okay, Li Mu, get up quickly. I have another case today. Don't you want to help me investigate?"

"Got it, I'll get up right now."

Li Mu glanced at the sun outside. If he didn't hurry up, he might not be able to investigate so much today.

After quickly getting dressed, Li Mu drove Reiko Kujo to her office.

"Li Mu, wait for me, I'll get the file, and then you can take a look at it for me."

After Kujo Reiko got off the car, she went directly to her office and picked up the case file.

A few minutes later, Kujo Reiko came downstairs and sat directly in Li Mu's car.

"Okay, take a look at it and see where there are any doubts."

Li Mu took the case file and took a serious look at it.

This case is nothing more than a simple robbery and murder case, but although there is a lot of evidence, there are more doubts. 097

Moreover, this case looks like the Duel Concubine Yingli in the original work. The case is almost the same, there is not much difficulty at all.

Well, Li Mu is actually bragging. Although he can see the doubts, it is impossible to see the result.

But as long as he sees the murderer, Li Mu can listen to the voice of all things to It shouldn't be too easy to find the murderer

"Reiko, go meet the murderer. Then I will know who the murderer is."

"Don't call me Reiko, call me Prosecutor Kujo."

Kujo Reiko blushed and turned her head shyly.

Li Mu didn't say anything more and went directly to the Metropolitan Police Department.

When he arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department, Li Mu directly found Officer Megure. He just mentioned that he wanted to see the murderer, but Officer Megure didn't say anything. He hesitated and agreed.

During the journey to the prison, Kujo Reiko said with emotion (bgdf):"Li Mu, you are really capable. I didn't expect that you could meet the suspect directly. I couldn't do it before."

In the past, Reiko Kujo, even as a prosecutor, was not so easy to see. It was only after she became famous that Prosecutor Kujo could easily enter the prison.

Unlike Li Mu now, even if he is just an ordinary citizen, he only needs to say hello , you can see the prisoner

"Of course, after all, I go to the Metropolitan Police Department."Li Mu said proudly

"Yeah? I see."

Kujo Reiko didn't say anything more, and behind Mu, he entered the prison.

"Li Mu, why are you here?"

Li Mu suddenly heard a familiar voice and turned his head.

He didn't know when Fei Yingli appeared behind him, still following Miss Kuriyama.

"Lawyer Fei, you are here too. Do you have a case today?"

"Yes, I do have a case today, which is about a divorce homicide case. I am defending the victim. What about you?"

Fei Yingri glanced at Reiko Kujo next to her with her beautiful eyes, and then stared at Li Mu.

Her eyes seemed to be asking, what is the relationship between the two of you?

Li Mu still didn't know what Fei Yingri meant, so he explained:"I'll do it. Prosecutor Kujo asked me to help with the robbery and murder case. What’s wrong?"

"Yeah? It's nothing, I have something else to do, so I left first."

Fei Yingri bypassed Li Mu and also walked towards the prison.

Although Fei Yingri looked very plain, Li Mu could see Fei Yingri's dissatisfaction.

It is estimated that Fei Yingri will act coquettishly towards Li Mu later.

Kujo Reiko watched. After Li Mu left, he walked next to Li Mu and said with a smile:"It seems that the concubine's lawyer is unhappy. You probably have to comfort her today, right?""

"Okay, no more talking, let’s go."

Li Mu did not continue to tease Kujo Reiko. After all, there was still a case today.

After seeing the murderer, Kujo Reiko whispered:"Li Mu, that's him, the suspect, but there is insufficient evidence to convict him. Can you help me solve the case."

The corners of Li Mu's mouth raised, and he immediately listened to the sounds of all things.

Just as Li Mu thought, in just a moment, Li Mu could hear the heart of this criminal suspect.

It was he who killed the person, and he also made a disguise, pretending that he was Innocent.

But for the first time, a trace of evidence was inevitably left behind. However, the prosecutors were not very strong and the evidence was incomplete.

So the situation was frozen. The prosecutors were unable to convict the suspect, nor were they able to convict him. Let go

"Okay, let me ask."

Li Mu pretended to ask him some questions, and then left the interrogation room. After leaving the interrogation room

, Kujo Reiko asked quickly:"What's wrong, Li Mu, do you have any clues? Is he a murderer?"

"Let me tell you."

Li Mu leaned in Kujo Reiko's ear and whispered something.

Kujo Reiko was overjoyed after hearing this.

After that, Li Mu left directly.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage: The Invincible Killing of the Crimson Eyes begins!_Please read the ununderlined version of the novel Download Feilu novel

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