Kujo Reiko quickly solved the case with the help of Li Mu.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Li Mu, because Li Mu has already left.

Downstairs in the Metropolitan Police Department, Li Mu stood next to the elevator and waited patiently.

I don’t know when, Fei Yingli and Kuriyama Midori walked out of the elevator of the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Hi, Lawyer Fei, Miss Kuriyama, why don't you and I go have breakfast?"Li Mu waved his hand and said hello.

Fei Yingli was also overjoyed, but she thought of Li Mu and Kujo Reiko, her enemies, being together just now, and suddenly felt a little unhappy.

But Kuriyama's green eyes lit up, knowing that she was not He should be in the way, so he quickly said:"Lawyer Fei, I have something to do today, so I'll drive the car away first, bye."

After saying that, Kuri Shanlv winked at Li Mu and Fei Yingli, making Fei Yingli blush.

Li Mu gave Kuri Shanlu a look of praise. This girl is so sensible and will definitely have a future. He must give her some rewards.

"Wait, Miss Kuriyama, I……"

Before Fei Yingli finished speaking, Kuriyama Midori had already left.


Fei Yingli turned her head proudly, then glanced at Li Mu and walked towards the underground garage.

Li Mu looked around and confirmed that there was no one nearby and there was no monitoring equipment. He quickly stepped forward and grabbed Fei Yingli.

"Li Mu, are you crazy? This is the Metropolitan Police Department."

Li Mu was very calm. Anyway, he could sense that there was no one nearby, so there was no need to worry about being discovered.

"Yingli, do you want to go back with me? If you don't agree, I can only take you to my car, but my car is quite far away and may be seen by others."

Fei Yingli glared at Li Mu, but she actually didn't intend to refuse, so she nodded.

"Okay, I'll follow you, that's it, put me down quickly, don't let anyone else see you"

"Dare, I got it. Fei

Yingli blushed, glanced at Li Mu with her beautiful eyes, and walked forward.

"Yingli, my car is over there, over there."

Fei Yingli blushed again, turned her head arrogantly, and walked to the other side.

After getting in the car, Li Mu lit the ignition and turned on Fei Yingli.

"Yingli, you have a nice day today. Is this a lawsuit? You will win today."

"Humph, I want you to take care of it."

Although Fei Yingli was very happy in her heart, she was still very unforgiving. She turned her head arrogantly and faced Li Mu with the back of her head.

Li Mu shook his head, drove the car, and slowly left the Metropolitan Police Department and entered the street.

Fei Yingli glanced at the nearby streets and asked curiously:"Li Mu, where are we going now, isn't it to my law firm?"

"Are you ready for work?"

"My job is already done, all I have to do is go to court."

"Yeah? That's good, now that your work is done, let's set off immediately and go to a fun place."

Li Mu turned the steering wheel, and the car turned into a street on one side, and then came outside a small house........

"Li Mu, where is this and why are we here?"

Fei Yingli looked at the house in front of her with some curiosity.

Li Mu raised the corner of his mouth and said nothing. He just pulled Fei Yingli into the room.

Once in the room, Li Mu took Fei Yingli's hand and walked up to the top floor.

Fei Yingli He glanced at Li Mu's hand, but there was no struggle.

"Li Mu, what on earth are you going to do?"

Li Mu smiled.

"Yingli, look at this attic and what is opposite this window."

Fei Yingli looked out of the window suspiciously. She saw that the opposite side of the attic happened to be the second and third floors of the Maori Detective Office.

And she could see it very clearly, and could see it in the entire living room.

Li Mu leaned on Fei Yingli, She whispered something in Fei Yingli's ear.

Fei Yingli's face turned red instantly.

An hour later, Li Muyi 3.5 leaned against the window on one side and looked at Maori Kogoro in the distance.

"Yingli, look at it. The Maori detective opposite is so excited. He must be watching the horse racing."

When she mentioned Mouri Kogoro, Feiyingli sat up straight and looked at Moori Kogoro in the distance.

She didn't even need to look at Moori Kogoro who was so excited, she knew that Moori Kogoro must be betting on horses.

"Humph, that bad old man, if he wasn't like this, he was still a good person, I wouldn't be with you."

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage, the invincible slaying of the red pupil begins!_

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