In the coffee shop, although it is a coffee shop, there are still some Western food.

Li Mu ordered a meal for everyone, and then everyone started eating.

During the meal, Li Mu stretched out one foot and approached Xiaolan.

Conan had given him such a look just now, so he wanted to bully Xiaolan and the people he liked no matter what.

Xiaolan felt something abnormal below her, her face instantly turned red, and her body trembled slightly.

But then he reacted and glanced at Li Mu secretly with his beautiful eyes.

The Xiaolan now is not the Xiaolan before. Although she is still shy easily, her resistance is relatively strong.

Brother Li 097 is true, he is still like that at this time.

Xiaolan was so shy that she could only eat food from time to time to bury her shy heart.

Conan didn't notice that the person he still didn't know he liked was being bullied by Li Mu.

Time passed bit by bit, and we almost had lunch.

In the end, Xiaolan couldn't bear it anymore. Looking at Conan who had finished eating, she quickly stood up.

"Conan, have you eaten? Shall we go back?"

"Yes, Sister Xiaolan."

Conan had also wanted to leave Li Mu for a long time. When he heard what Xiaolan said, he quickly sat up.

"OK, let's go."

Xiaolan couldn't bear Li Mu's foot and couldn't help but run away quickly.

On the other side, Li Shanlu kept paying attention.

Seeing that he had almost eaten, Li Shanlu was too embarrassed to talk to Li Mu and quickly stood up to leave.

"Lawyer Fei, I’m leaving now. Goodbye."

After saying that, Kuriyama Midori turned around and left.

"Okay, Li Mu, that’s it for today."

Fei Yingli stopped Li Mu, then picked up her bag and left.

Li Mu watched Fei Yingli leave without stopping Fei Yingli.

After all, he had relaxed enough today, and if he continues like this, his kidneys may not be able to bear it ( bgdf).

And Li Mu also planned to go shopping today, buy things, and relax.

After paying for the meal, Li Mu left the coffee shop and walked to a nearby store to kill time by shopping.

He didn’t visit many stores. In the store, Li Mu suddenly saw Xiaolan and Conan, and quickly walked up to say hello.

"Xiaolan, Conan, are you here too?"

When Xiaolan saw Li Mu, her cheeks turned red subconsciously and she felt a strange feeling in her body.

"Brother Li, it's you, you're here too, what's the matter?"

"It’s nothing, I’m just strolling around. Do you want to come with me?"Li Mu smiled.

Xiaolan also had Li Mu in her heart and agreed without hesitation:"Okay, brother Li, let's go together. Conan felt a little unhappy, but he couldn't say anything. He could only force out a smile and said,"Brother Li, do you usually have nothing to do?" I see you often go to Uncle Maori's."

What he said was actually asking Li Mu why he was so boring, but he was too embarrassed to ask it in person.

Li Mu directly ignored the implication of Conan's words and said with a smile:"I can't help it. He is too good. There is no need to worry about money and the future. , I'm confused too."

After saying that, Li Mu shook his hair and sighed.

Conan was speechless and had an urge to hit someone.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Cut of the Crimson Eyes begins!_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading -Collect and recommend

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