Conan ignored Li Mu, and he didn't want to say anything in his heart.

Li Mu is really too shameless, and it has exceeded his psychological endurance.

But one thing is for sure, Li Mu's life is really enviable to the three of them.

Xiaolan also smiled, but didn't mind Li Mu's words.

After all, this was just a joke by Li Mu, and it didn't have a domineering tone or expression.

"Okay, Xiaolan, let's go shopping."

Li Mu pointed to a store on the side and went in with Xiaolan.

In the afternoon, Xiaolan just walked around for a while and then went to school again.

Li Mu passed the time alone.

Just like that, at night, Li Mu was While driving, the ever-present domineering spirit suddenly sensed a person.

No, it was two"zero-ninety-seven" people.

One of them was Belmode, who had had several romantic relationships with Li Mu, and the other was Li Mu's part-time worker. Boy Bourbon.

Li Mu was very curious for a moment and hurriedly followed him, and then came to a restaurant.

Seeing Belmod and Bourbon entering the restaurant together, Li Mu also quickly walked in.

Then Li Mu He walked straight to a relatively empty place in the lobby.

Bourbon might want to discuss something, so he found a place with fewer people around and had dinner. At this moment, Bourbon was wearing very ordinary clothes, but Belmode was obviously She was dressed up and put on makeup carefully, which most people couldn't tell at all. After

Li Mu ordered a dinner, he ate by himself, pretending that he didn't notice anything.

But Bourbon saw Li Mu and subconsciously looked more After a quick glance,

Bermod noticed something strange about Bourbon, and then looked at Li Mu.

The moment he saw Li Mu, Bermod was also stunned, but it was fleeting.

Similarly, because Bourbon's attention just now was Li Mu, so he didn’t notice anything unusual about Belmode.

"Bourbon, what's wrong, do you know him?"

"Well, he is the owner of the restaurant where I work, and he is also a rich man. Whether it is reasoning or other things, he is one of the best. I have always suspected that he does not seem to have any weaknesses."

Speaking of Li Mu, there was a solemn look in Bourbon's eyes.

He investigated for a long time. Although he couldn't investigate the past, there was nothing unusual about Li Mu when he was in Neon Country.

Of course, he couldn't find this, after all, Li Mu was outside. How could others find out about being a philanderer?

Belmod didn't say anything, just sneered.

She had already known Bourbon's identity from Li Mu, but Bourbon didn't know it yet, which shows how powerful Li Mu is.

And Not only is his ability powerful, but Mu is also particularly powerful.

As he thought about it, Belmod's face looked as shy as a blossoming cherry blossom.

"How about, when you see your boss, why don't you go and say hello, so that you can get a promotion, a salary increase, become a CEO, or become a general manager."Belmod joked

"Forget it, my goal is not to become a CEO, and a restaurant doesn’t need a CEO."Bourben shook his head and said.

Bermod didn't say anything. He continued to eat his dinner and talked with Bourbon about things in the organization.

After a long time, Bourbon had almost finished eating. He looked at Bermod and said,"Okay. Come on, let's go, I'll take you back"

"Thank you then."

Bellmode followed Bourbon, peeking at Li Mu on the side from time to time.

Li Mu also finished his dinner, wiped his mouth, and then followed the two of Bellmode.

After leaving the restaurant, Li Mu When no one was paying attention, he patted Belmod with one hand.

After a little bit of relief, Li Mu smiled and said,"Isn't this Amuro? Why are you here? Are you having dinner with your friends? Bourbon also reacted and smiled quickly:"Yes, we have been good friends for many years, so we just came over to have a meal and say hello.""

Belmode lowered his head, not knowing what to say.

Li Mu actually pretended to say hello and eat her tofu.

If Bourbon hadn't been here, Bermode would have taught Li Mu how to behave.

It was really too arrogant.

Li Mu ignored it Seeing Belmode's resentful expression, he joked:"Bourbon, you can eat here and you look very rich, how come you think of working in my coffee shop?"......."

"Ah, this? I wanted to learn reasoning from the Maori detectives, so I worked there, and the salary was not low, so I regarded it as a work-study program."

Being able to tell lies so fresh and refined, Bourbon is worthy of being a member of the organization.

Li Mu did not expose him, nor did he stay for a long time.

"Well, Amuro, I will go back first and meet again later."

After that, Li Mu left.

Bourbon watched Li Mu leave, then looked at Bermod and said:"Bermod, I will send you back first. I may have to ask you for help in the future."

"It's okay, I'll help.

Belmod smiled and nodded, then got into Bourbon's car.

More than twenty minutes later, Bourbon parked the car near a high-end apartment.

After getting out of the car, Belmode entered the high-end apartment.

When he arrived at the door of his home, Belmod looked at a person's figure and subconsciously became nervous.

It wasn't until he saw Li Mu's face clearly that Belmod breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Mu took a step forward, hugged Belmode, and held her plump and fierce breasts tightly with both hands.

"Belmode, do you still live here? I thought you had moved."

Belmode glanced at Li Mu with her beautiful eyes, and didn't pay attention to Li Mu's unconscious hands.

"Humph, what are you doing here? 3.5, and this is my apartment. How did you get in? Is it so easy?"

Her high-end apartment has an electronic lock, and there are guards watching. It's hard to imagine how Li Mu got in.

Li Mu smiled and didn't say anything.

He couldn't explain to Belmod that he was invisible. Then he jumped lightly from the first floor to the fifth floor.

I guess Bellmode wouldn't believe it.

Seeing that Li Mu didn't speak, Bellmode didn't ask any more questions, opened the door and walked in.

Enter the gate , Li Mu closed the door, put on his slippers, and sat on the sofa on the side.

Belmode looked at the familiar Li Mu, with black lines on his head.

You must know that this is her home.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage, the Invincible Killer of Crimson Red Hitomi begins!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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