Belmode ignored Li Mu. She felt that if she continued to watch, she would have the urge to slap Li Mu to death.

When Li Mu saw that Bellmode was not entertaining him, he had to walk to the drunk driver on the side and chose a bottle of Bellmode wine.

"Belmod, this wine is good. Would you like a drink? I’ll pour you a glass of wine. Belmode

's head was covered with black lines and he said with a dark face:"Li Mu, this is my home, can you just act as if nothing has happened?""

"What's wrong? After all, I'm your man. What's yours is mine and yours, so why divide it between each other."

Li Mu ignored Bermod's dissatisfaction, poured a glass of wine by himself, and then drank by himself.

Bermod didn't say anything, picked up the wine glass, poured himself a glass, and sipped it gently. Take a sip.

Li Mu looked at Bermod, put down his wine glass, and walked towards Bermod.

This sudden hug shocked Bermod.

"Belmode, what are you doing with Bourbon today? Do you have any other missions?"

Belmod glanced at Li Mu's hand and held down Li Mu's arm with one hand to prevent Li Mu from continuing.

"Did you say bourbon? What else can he do, other than investigate the matter about Akai Shuichi? It seems that he still can't let go of Akai Shuichi."

As he spoke, there was a cold glint in Belmod's eyes.

Since learning the identity of Bourbon, Belmod has become more wary of Bourbon.

After all, she is always dark and is the main member who cannot be washed away. Once caught, it is life imprisonment.

Unlike Bourbon, at least he can be protected by the public security.

Li Mu saw the sadness in Belmod's heart and gently hugged Bei.

"Don’t worry, there is nothing in this world that money cannot solve, especially the United States.

By then, even if the black organization is gone, I can donate one billion U.S. dollars to the CIA and arrange an identity for you, and then you will have no problem."

Belmod was overjoyed after hearing this, and put down Li Mu's hand, letting Li move around her body.

She also knew about American politics, which serve the capitalists.

As long as Li Mu is willing to help, she will most likely not. It's not a big problem, but you can still live well.

Thinking of this, Bermod was a little touched by Li Mu.

Seeing that Bermod's inner defense collapsed, Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth, and quickly hugged Bermod tightly and pulled her Tight

".Belmod, I like you, I will always like you and I will never abandon you in this life."

"Hum, you know how to talk sweet words. I'm afraid many people have been deceived by you, including Yukiko, right?"

Obviously, Belmode also knew something about Li Mu, and even more about the matter between Li Mu and Yukiko.

Li Mu didn't care, and smiled:"Bermode, don't worry, I will never abandon you in this life. It's my promise to you."

Belmod grabbed Li (De Nuo Zhao) Mu and put his head in Li Mu's arms.

After embracing each other for a long time, Bellmode suddenly said:"Li Mu, I have been working for a long time today and I am a little tired. Let's go wash..., what do you think?"

"Wash~?"Li Mu's eyes lit up, he lowered his head, leaned on Belmod's ear and said,"How about I go with you?"

Belmod's face turned slightly red and he nodded shyly.

The Great Voyage: Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!

_Feilu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Favorites and Recommendations

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