"Hehehe... you are finally mine, forever and ever."

Koizumi Anko opened Li Mu's arm and laughed in an exaggerated tone.

In the original work, Koizumi Anko was very obsessed with Kaitou Kidd and tried to possess Kaitou Kidd many times, but failed.

This time , Koizumi Hongzi likes Li Mu very much, and wants to occupy Li Mu from the bottom of her heart.

Especially seeing Li Mu and Kuroba Qiankage together, she is more determined to get Li Mu.

So this time she plans to get Li Mu, even if Using magic, one must completely possess Li Mu.

Li Mu saw Koizumi Hongzi so happy, the corners of his mouth raised, and he was very happy in his heart.

Koizumi Hongzi wanted to get Li Mu, and Li Mu didn't want to get Koizumi Hongzi.

Now the opportunity came to his door. How could Li Mu let Koizumi Hongzi go?

And it was Koizumi Hongzi who came to the door, so it was naturally impossible for Li Mu to refuse.

Li Mu suddenly picked up Koizumi Hongzi and walked towards the place where Koizumi Hongzi had just walked. past

"Hongzi, I must get yours this time, just wait."

The next day, when Li Mu woke up, he looked at Koizumi Hongzi who was sleeping beside him, and recalled what happened yesterday in his mind.

It is hard to imagine that Koizumi Hongzi is just an ordinary high school student.


Koizumi Hongzi moved her body, then opened her eyes, slowly grabbed Li Mu, and then sat up straight.

"Li Mu, from today on, you are mine, and I will love you well."

Li Mu's head is full of black lines, and the words 'love' are so weird when used in Koizumi Hongzi's mouth. Even if this sentence is to be said, it should be said by Li Mu.

Koizumi Hongzi does not know that Li Mu He was not confused by her at all, but hugged Li Mu tightly. No matter how you looked at it, you felt that Koizumi Hongzi was a boy and Li Mu was a woman.

Li Mu lowered his head, looked at Koizumi Hongzi’s attractive cheeks, and said she blinked

"Hongzi, can I ask you something, why am I here, and why are we like this, what happened yesterday?"

If Koizumi Hongzi knew that Li Mu was not there and pretended to be seduced, I don't know what Koizumi Hongzi would think.

Koizumi Hongzi didn't know this kind of thing and said:"What's going on? Are you not being seduced? Have I got it under control? how so?"

After saying that, Koizumi Hongzi reacted and quickly covered her mouth.

"Oh, control? Li

Mu raised the corners of his mouth, and then said with a serious expression:"Hongzi, you used magic to control me yesterday. If I hadn't been so powerful, would you have planned to control me for the rest of your life?""

"No...It's not me, I'm not prepared to do this, you..."

Koizumi Hongzi became anxious, fearing that Li Mu would be angry, and then ignored her.

Especially since she had been eaten by Li Mu.

Li Mu looked at the anxious Koizumi Hongzi and hugged her tightly.

"Very good, Hongzi, you actually dare to do this, I must teach you a lesson and let you know how powerful I am."

After a long time, the sky became brighter, and Li Mu and Koizumi Anko also woke up.

Li Mu made a breakfast for Koizumi Anko, and then sent Koizumi Anko to Ekoda High School. At the school gate, Li Mu looked at Koizumi Anko Said:"Hongzi, let me leave first. You have to be careful.""

"Okay, I get it, dear, bye."

Koizumi Hongzi clicked on Li Mu's face, and then walked into the school with a weird posture.

Although Koizumi Hongzi used red magic to recover her body, she still had some pain in her body, so her walking posture Weird.

After Li Mu watched Koizumi Anko leave, he shook his head and drove away.

Not long after Koizumi Anko entered Ekoda High School, he met Kuroba Kaito and Nakamori Aoko.

Nakamori Aoko saw Koizumi Anko walking. Abnormal, he quickly asked with concern:"Hongzi, what's wrong with you? Why are you walking a little weird? Did you fall?"

"Yes, I accidentally fell while walking today, and I still have some pain."

Koizumi Hongzi smiled and covered her abdomen with her hands. All she could think of was Li Mu's figure.

How could she be uncomfortable? It wasn't because Li Mu worked too hard yesterday. She was in great pain now and her walking was a little abnormal..

Kuroba Kaito noticed Koizumi Anko's abnormality, the corners of his mouth raised, and he said proudly:"I don't think he fell down. Could he be with his boyfriend?" What should you have done yesterday? Koizumi

Hongzi's face turned slightly red and she smiled and said,"Yes, I spent the night with a man yesterday. What about you?" Have you ever spent a night with the police?"

Kuroba Kaito's expression froze.

Yesterday, he was tricked by his Kuroba Chikage and almost spent the whole night in jail.

Although he explained to the security guard yesterday, it was nothing serious, but when he thought about it, He still felt a little headache.

Kuroba Kaito looked at the smiling Koizumi Anko and didn't say anything. He turned his head and didn't look at Koizumi Anko.

Koizumi Anko also didn't talk to Kuroba Kaito and was alone. Sit down and rest.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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