Outside the school, Li Mu drove a car and drove freely nearby.

"Alas, I'm really bored today. I don't even know what to do."

Li Mu parked the car in a parking lot and leaned against the car window, not knowing where to go.

He just made a call. Xiaolan Yuanzi went to class, and Fei Yingli and others needed to work, which meant that Li Mu could only Together.

It’s hard to imagine that Li Mu has so many girlfriends, but no one can accompany Li Mu. How lonely it is.

"Huh, damn it, no, we can't be together alone, why not go find Hongzi."

As he said, Li Mu did not hesitate and passed the time nearby, then drove to Ekoda High School.

When he arrived at Ekoda High School, Li Mu picked up the phone, sent a text message to Koizumi Anko, and then secretly entered the school..

Arriving at school 097, Li Mu found Koizumi Hongzi’s teaching building, went to the top floor of the school, and opened the door on the top floor.

Then Li Mu stood on the edge and looked at the surrounding scenery.

"This place is really nice. It is a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters. Let’s stay here today."

On the other side, Koizumi Hongzi had just finished class and picked up her phone to check the time. Then she saw a text message from Li Mu. When

Koizumi Hongzi opened the text message, she saw a few big words from Li Mu.

See you on the rooftop of the school, I'll wait for you.

Koizumi Hongzi blushed, quickly deleted the text message, and then put the phone away

"Qingzi, I feel a little tired now and am going to school to take a rest. Please help me ask for a leave."

"Okay, I understand, Hongzi, go ahead."

Kuroba Kaito looked at Koizumi Anko suspiciously.

He always felt that Koizumi Anko had something going on and was deliberately hiding it from them.

Suddenly, Kuroba Kaito's eyes lit up, and something came to his mind.

"Qingzi, wait here, I'll be back soon."

After Kuroba Kaito left the classroom, he followed Koizumi Anko secretly.

After following for a while, Kuroba Kaito reacted and said hurriedly:"Isn't this the way to the top of the building? What was she doing on the roof?"

After thinking about it, Kuroba Kaito had nothing to say and didn't think too much. He quickly followed Koizumi Anko. On the top of the building, Li Mu sensed Koizumi Anko's arrival and immediately stood up.

But after a moment, Li Mu Feeling Kuroba Kaito behind him, he frowned slightly.

"This guy dares to disturb me, I must treat him well."

Although Kuroba Kaito is considered half of his son, since he dares to disturb himself, even his son must teach him a lesson.

Li Mu first became invisible, and then secretly came to Kuroba Next to Ha Kaito.

Kuroba Kaito didn't notice Li Mu, but stared at Koizumi Anko

"Hum, Hongzi, don’t let me know your secret, otherwise, I will definitely...Hey hey hey……"

But before he finished speaking, (bgdf) Li Mu hit Kuroba Kaito on the back of the head with one hand.

Kuroba Kaito suddenly fainted and passed out.

Li Mu stared at Kuroba Kaito closely, raised the corners of his mouth, bent down, and took off all the clothes on Kuroba Kaito's body.

"Huh, let you have nothing to do to make trouble. Do you know how powerful I am this time?"

After taking down Kaitou Kidd, Li Mu left the place and returned to the roof again.

At this moment, Koizumi Hongzi had been waiting on the roof for a while, but did not see Li Mu.

Just as Koizumi Hongzi was a little disappointed and was about to leave. , Li Mu appeared.

Koizumi Hongzi's face turned red, and then she shyly threw herself into Li Mu's arms, enjoying Li Mu's warmth.

When Li Mu came here, no matter how arrogant or evil a witch was, she would be Li Mu did it easily

"Li Mu, why did you come here just now? I've been waiting for you for a long time and thought you wouldn't come."

"It's nothing. You were just followed by Kaitou Kidd. I knocked him out specially for you. No one will bother us now."

Li Mu was talking, and he was putting his hands around.

Koizumi Hongzi was about to ask something, when she felt Li Mu's hands, and she didn't care about so much, and gently cooperated with Li Mu.

"Wait, Li Mu, things are not going well here. What if we are discovered?"

Just when Li Mu was about to take a step further, Koizumi Hongzi blocked Li Mu and looked around shyly.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. I'm fully prepared."

Because there are many high-rise buildings nearby, it is difficult to prevent those otakus from using telescopes to peek.

Therefore, Li Mu deployed many idler dispersing techniques here so that no one would see this place and take no pictures.

As for why it was not used before, then In the past, the environment would not be exposed, so Li Mu did not waste time.

After hearing Li Mu's explanation, Koizumi Hongzi no longer refused and allowed Li Mu to ask for it.

Li Mu hugged Koizumi Hongzi and put one hand on her body. Then a violent storm attacked Koizumi Anko.

Time passed bit by bit, and soon it was noon.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!_Feilu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Collection, Recommendation

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