"Okay, Hongzi, you should take a rest. By the way, this is the lunch I brought for you."

Li Mu waved his hand gently, and a bento appeared in his hand.

Although Koizumi Hongzi had some doubts about where it came from, she didn't think much about it and reached out to take the bento.

Li Mu looked at the shy Koizumi Hongzi, The corners of his mouth raised, and he reached out and patted it gently.

"Hongzi, don't be so shy. It's not like I'm going to eat you."

"I want you to take care of it, don’t ask any more questions"

"Li Mu, I'm leaving. Don't look for me today. I can't bear it anymore."

"I understand, don't worry."

Li Mu has no intention of continuing to play Xiao Xiaoquan Hongzi.

"Then, Hongzi, I will leave first."

Li Mu clicked on Koizumi Hongzi's face, then jumped off the school building and disappeared in a flash.

After Xiaoquan Hongzi watched Li Mu leave, he also opened the door on the roof and left the top floor.

Returning to the classroom Finally, Koizumi Anko unexpectedly found that everyone was gathered in front of Kuroba Kaito.

Koizumi Anko remembered what Li Mu had just done and quickly took a step forward.

"What's wrong, what's wrong with Kaito?"

At this moment, Kuroba Kaito's face turned red after being talked about by everyone, and he kept explaining something.

After hearing Koizumi Anko's question, Kuroba Kaito suddenly became anxious and said quickly:"I didn't do anything. Nothing happened, they were all bullshit."

Besides, a man said proudly:"Miss Anko, you didn't see that Kuroba Kaito-san was knocked unconscious just now, and his clothes were also stripped off."

"Oh, is it so? I see."

Koizumi Anko finally understood why Li Mu had a strange smile when he mentioned Kuroba Kaito.

It turned out that he had taken off Kuroba Kaito's clothes.

Kuroba Kaito covered his head, feeling in his heart He scolded the person who attacked him

"Damn it, if you let me know who it is, I will ransack your house and steal everything, leaving only your underwear."

It's a pity that Kuroba Kaito is just thinking about it. He doesn't even know who attacked him, let alone stole Li Mu.

Neither of these two things can be done by Kuroba Kaito."

"Kuroba-san, I didn’t expect you to be so unlucky. I told you that you have been unlucky recently, so I asked you to listen to me."Koizumi Anko couldn't help but joked.

In her heart, Koizumi Anko was also very worried.

Who made Kuroba Kaito actually plan to follow her? This is a sin committed by God, but it is forgivable, but you will not be able to survive if you do it yourself.

Look, Kuroba Kaito He looked at Koizumi Anko and gnashed his teeth angrily.

If it weren't for following Koizumi Anko, he would have encountered such a very embarrassing thing.

Of course, Kuroba Kaito was not pregnant with a child. He only thought that he was accidentally raped by someone in the school. He was tricked.

For a moment, Kuroba Kaito had a lot of thoughts, and a figure emerged in his mind, who had tricked him.

On the other hand, after Li Mu left Ekoda High School, he drove back to the Maori Detective Agency in Yoneka Town.


In the afternoon, Li Mu waited for a while at the Maori Detective Agency, and Xiaolan and others were also after school.

As soon as school was over, Xiaolan, Sonoko and Sera Masumi all came to the Maori Detective Agency and sat in front of Li Mu.

The three women sat in front of Li Mu and didn't say a word. They just looked at Li Mu silently, as if they wanted to say something.

Li Mu drank a cup of tea and slowly put down the cup.

"Xiaolan, Yuanzi, Seriang, what's the matter with you looking at me like this? Could it be that you were attracted by my charm?"

After saying that, Li Mu even touched his handsome and beautiful face.

Xiaolan, Yuanzi, and Shiliang Zhenshun:"……"

They finally know what it means to be shameless.

This is really shameless.

Xiaolan didn't hesitate and asked directly:"Brother Li, when is your birthday? We have known each other for more than a year, and I don't even know your birthday."

"Yes, Brother Li, we discussed birthdays today, but then we thought, we don’t know your birthday yet. Yuanzi also said

······Asking for flowers·······

"Yes, my birthday."

Li Mu also thought about it. It has been decades since he traveled to the world of One Piece and now, and he has not celebrated his birthday.

That was not once, so Li Mu subconsciously forgot that he also had a birthday.

"In my case, it was the 24th of the ninth month of the lunar calendar. If we count the days, well, there should be sixteen days left."

This is Li Mu's birthday before he traveled through time. He hasn't celebrated it in so many years, and I finally remembered it this time. If

Xiaolan Yuanzi hadn't mentioned it, this year's birthday would probably have passed by.


"What? There are still sixteen days left."

Xiaolan exclaimed, then looked at Yuanzi, and said anxiously:"So there is not much time, so we have to prepare well. This time we must celebrate Brother Li's birthday."

"That's right, Xiaolan, we missed it last year. This time we must organize a big birthday party for Brother Li."

Yuanzi stood up with fire in his eyes.

Li Mu stared at Yuanzi closely, feeling a very bad feeling in his heart.

Why did he feel that this birthday party was very unreliable.

On the other side, Sera Masumi also stood up and looked serious. Said:"Okay, leave this matter to us, go to the hotel to reserve a lobby, and then have a very good party"

"No, there is no need to go to the lobby, go to my house. You rarely go to my house. Then hold a party at my house and only invite some relatives and friends."Li Mu said seriously.

For so many years, Li Mu has not had a good birthday, let alone reported a birthday party.

It is also very good to hold a good one this time.

Moreover, if possible, Li Mu feels that he can bring all his women Find them all.

At that time, Li Mu can also try the ultimate limit of his indestructible kidneys.

Thinking about it makes me a little excited.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage, Invincible Dragon Ball begins with!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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