The fifteen days passed quickly, and soon it was Li Mu’s birthday.

On this day, Li Mu invited many people to his home, most of whom were people related to Li Mu.

There are mother and daughter Eri, Yukiko and Tomoko Suzuki, mother and daughter, and Miwako, Yumi and Naeko Miike from the Metropolitan Police Department.

Then others such as Belmode came over as a friend of Yukiko, and Kuroba Chikage Koizumi Anko came over as a good friend of Li Mu.

Two sisters, Ai Haibara and Akemi Miyano after their disguise, and Kazuha from Osaka.

Basically everyone came.

In addition to those who have had a relationship with Li Mu and are about to have a relationship, there are also some people who are in the way and are also invited by Li Mu.

For example, Kogoro Mouri, Dr. Agasa, Shiro Suzuki of the Suzuki Foundation of the Young Detective Team, and the last Heiji Hattori.

But Li Mu didn't care. Anyway, he had already thought of a way to deal with these people, and then he could bully them.

On this day, Li Mu had already dressed up and was waiting patiently in the living room.

Not long after, cars parked in the parking lot of Li Mu's house.

The first people to get out of the car were Hattori Heiji and his family, Moori Kogoro and his family.

In the car at the back were four people from the Young Detective Team led by Dr. Ari.

After Xiaolan and others got off the car, they walked to Li Mu097

"Brother Li, I wish you a happy birthday today. This is the gift I prepared for you."

"Yes, happy birthday."

The Young Detective Team and others also happily took out their gifts.

"Thank you all."

Li Mu accepted everyone's gifts one by one. Although they were not very valuable, Li Mu was still very happy. This was the first time that Li Mu received a birthday gift in so many years, and he had a very different feeling. Li Mu accepted them one by one.

After passing the gift, he handed it to the servant who was invited by the side.

"Everyone, please come in."

Everyone followed Li Mu and then entered a garden.

Li Mu and others first passed through the garden, then passed a small forest, and then came to the residential area.

After entering the residential area, everyone saw A huge Western-style house, designed by foreigners, in a typical southern American style. The white pillars stand majestically, the marble rolls up with snow-white swirls, and the ebony doors and windows are all carefully carved, and it is even more beautiful under the shadow of the trees. Out of Jun's deep and majestic beauty

(bgdf) There is a circular fountain pool in front of the villa, which sprays clear blue spring water from time to time.

This mansion is somewhat similar to Bai Lai in the United States, but also somewhat different.

"Great, Brother Li, is this your home? Got it"

"Yes, if you play football here, you can still play hide and seek."

The children of the Junior Detective Team were the first to get excited, running around happily.

Because it was summer, there were many flowers and colorful butterflies flying not far away.

A few little kids were chasing butterflies there.

Among the adults, Maori Kogoro looked at this manor and became a little excited.

"Li Mu, is this your home? Can you live alone? If you want me to come and live with you, I won't mind it. Xiaolan

's face darkened, and she pulled Maori Kogoro's ear and said,"Dad, please be careful today. There must be a lot of people on Brother Li's birthday, so don't be too embarrassed.""

The corner of Li Mu's mouth also twitched.

He didn't dislike him yet, he even disliked Mouri Kogoro.

"I know, Xiaolan, so do you."Mouri Kogoro rubbed his ears, then looked around and said curiously:"But there are not many people today, it seems there are only these few people."

Everyone looked around curiously.

As a rich man, there should be a lot of people at this birthday party, but now it looks deserted.

Li Mu saw everyone's thoughts and explained:"Oh, it's nothing, it's just them. Most of them are in the United States, which is inconvenient, so I invited people I know here."

"Yeah? I see."

No one had any doubts. After all, it was a bit inappropriate to come all the way from the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

Beep... a ​​car horn sounded. Li Mu and others turned around and saw a car parked far away. After a while, two people walked out of the car.

One of them was Conan's mother Yukiko, and the other was Bermod.

After Yukiko and Bermod got out of the car, they came to Li Mu's house talking and laughing. Next to them.

Conan and Haihara Ai were shocked when they saw Belmode.

They never expected that they could meet members of the organization here, and they were also core members.

For a moment, Conan began to doubt Li Mu in his mind..

He felt that Li Mu might be related to people from the black organization, otherwise how could Belmode be at Li Mu’s birthday party?

"Yukiko, you are here too."

Mouri Kogoro's eyes lit up, he quickly stepped forward, smiled and said:"By the way, Yukiko, who is she? Is she your friend?"

"Yes, Kogoro, she is indeed my friend and an actor. She is at my house these days, so I brought her here with me. Yukiko said with a smile.

This was also arranged by Li Mu, otherwise others might suspect that Li Mu was related to Bellmod.

And Bellmod was also very obedient. After a little threat, Yukiko took Bellmod with her. Came here together

"Yeah? It turned out to be a great beauty."Moori Kogoro sighed in admiration, and then took out a flower from nowhere.

"This beautiful woman, my name is Mouri Kogoro, and I am a detective. If you need anything in the future, please bear with me."

But before he finished speaking, Maori Kogoro was pulled aside by Xiaolan and gave him a good scolding.

Fei Yingli noticed this scene the whole time and was not worried at all. She just decided to take good care of Lin Fei and take revenge on Maori Kogoro..Li

Mu had the same plan. He bullied Mouri Kogoro's wife and daughter at night and asked him to hook up with his own woman.

Poor Moori Kogoro didn't know that there were two people ready to retaliate against him, so he still glanced around from time to time. Let's see if there is any beautiful woman.

Conan sneaked up to Yukiko while no one was paying attention, and winked at her.

Yukiko nodded in response.

The Great Voyage: The Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!_Read the novel without underline Please download Fei Lu's novel

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