"Mom, what's going on? Why did you bring her here? Conan asked dissatisfied.

Belmod was a member of the organization and his biggest enemy, but Yukiko actually brought her enemy here. Yukiko smiled and said,"It doesn't matter, she won't do anything, you just Do not worry."

Although it's bad to deceive Conan, you can't say that you have a relationship with Li Mu, and Belmode knew about it, and then blackmailed you.

Can you tell this kind of thing?

Conan looked at Yukiko suspiciously, and then took a peek not far away Belmode, who was here, had a lot of thoughts in his heart.

He didn't think that Belmod came here just to attend the banquet, but in his heart he thought that Belmod came here to kill people.

It must be someone from the organization who wanted to kill Li Mu, so"Zero Nine Seven" Belmod was specially sent here to inquire about the information and then make a move.

In fact, Belmode did come here to 'kill people'.

But instead of killing people with guns or knives, she was going to use her to kill Li Mu.

Conan was thinking in his mind. , wondering if I should find an opportunity to ask Belmod what the purpose of coming is. Although I don’t like Li Mu very much, it is impossible to watch Li Mu being persecuted by the black organization like this. Conan hasn’t had time yet.

Go ask, and Belmod comes over, bends down, and puts his hand on Conan's head.

"Conan, you're here too, how are you doing? Conan glanced around, and then asked softly:"Do you have any thoughts about him, or do you want to kill him?""

Belmod was happy. She just came here to meet Li Mu. When she came to Conan, she actually did bad things.

"Yes, we did come here for a purpose, but it depends on whether you can think of it."

After saying that, Belmod stood up, walked towards Li Mu, and said hello to Li Mu.

Li Mu also said hello, and then said to everyone:"Okay, everyone, why don't you go in and have a seat, I will buy it. Lots of great ingredients"

"Thank you then."

Everyone entered the living room with smiles, and Li Mu came to the door.

Although Xiaolan and others came, Tomoko Suzuki and her family, as well as the three police beauties from the Metropolitan Police Department, Kazuye and others did not come. When they arrived at the door, a A relatively luxurious convoy drove over.

Looking at this convoy, Li Mu knew who it was without having to think about it.

Apart from Li Mu, only the Suzuki Consortium had such great capabilities.

As expected, the one who got off the car was none other than Suzuki. Suzuki Shiro and Suzuki Tomoko and their group.

When they got out of the car, Suzuki Shiro saw Li, with his trademark bright face.

"Li Mu, today is your birthday, happy birthday"

"President Suzuki was polite, let's go, the banquet is ready."

Li Mu also smiled and politely invited Suzuki Shizhong.

At the same time, Suzuki Tomoko, mother and daughter looked at Li Mu in formal clothes, their hearts pounding, and their cheeks had a blush.

Each of them was taken down by Li Mu. , naturally only Li Mu is in his heart.

When they suddenly saw such handsome Li Mu today, they all felt like they were in love.

Li Mu also took advantage of Shirou Suzuki not paying attention, glanced at the three of them, and winked at them.

Li Mu passed by today On their birthday, they all thought it was a big birthday party, so everyone wore a dress.

Sonoko and Suzuki Ryiko were okay and more conservative, but Suzuki Tomoko was different. She wore a fiery red dress, and she was still wearing a fierce look. She pretended to be very seductive, just like a mature queen.

The three of them thought that Li Mu was winking at them, but they didn't know that Li Mu was actually winking at three people and seducing three people.

As soon as they entered the living room, Suzuki Tomoko quickly recovered , regaining her arrogance and innocence again.

On the other side, at the gate, Kazuye just got out of the car and saw the well-dressed Tomoko Suzuki and her group, and felt a little guilty in her heart

"Heiji, what should I do? Everyone else is wearing formal clothes and we are wearing our normal clothes. Is that okay?"

He Ye is also a little annoyed now........

Only now did she remember that Li Mu was also an upper-class member of society, so the birthday party was naturally very unusual.

And she came here wearing normal clothes. This was not to embarrass Li Mu.

Even Hattori Heiji was a little embarrassed.

Of course, he was not afraid of losing face to Li Mu, he was afraid of losing face to himself.

After all, there were so many upper-class people, but he was the only one who wore particularly ugly clothes. And then he was even more embarrassed when he stood with Li Mu.

"Heye, why don't we leave so that we won't be embarrassed." Hattori Heiji encouraged.

This way, you won't lose face, and you can also avoid being with Ye and Li Mu. It's simply killing two birds with one stone.

"No, Brother Li rarely celebrates his birthday, why should I leave."He Ye said dissatisfied.

She finally got together with Li Mu again, and she was afraid of Li Mu's birthday, so she didn't want to be separated from Li Mu.

She even planned to be with Li Mu

"He Ye, why are you here? Why don't you go in?"Li Mu asked curiously after he came over.

He Ye was startled at first, and then he reacted and said a little shyly:"Brother Li, I only wear a suit of clothes today, not a formal dress. Wouldn't it be too embarrassing?"

Li Mu 3.5 looked at He Ye, then put a hand on He Ye's head and rubbed it gently.

"He Ye, are you joking? Today we are all people we know, and I have a lot of men's and women's clothes at home. You can go and change."

"Well, thank you, Brother Li."

Kazuha lowered her head shyly, like a little kitten, and let Li Mu stroke her little head.

On the side, Hattori Heiji stared at Li Mu, gritted his teeth, and wanted to eat Li Mu immediately.

Li Mu took back his hand, smiling broadly. He looked at Hattori Heiji, then smiled and said:"Okay, everyone, let's go, I will take you to my house, and change into nice clothes at my house later."

The Great Voyage: Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball Begins!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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