"Okay, He Ye, you go in, there are still some people, I will pick them up and the banquet will start then."

Li Mu sent Ye and others into his home, and then quickly came to the gate.

At this moment, the last Miwako and three beautiful policemen came over

"Miwako, Yumi, you are here, you are the only ones left, let’s go"

"How many of us are left? Miwako said a little shyly:"I'm sorry, I was a little slow in choosing clothes today, so I wasted a little time. I'm just sorry.""

"Yeah, sorry."Yumi also smiled awkwardly.

"Okay, no more talking, let's go."

Li Mu and Yumi waved their hands, and then walked towards their mansion.

Behind them, Miike Miaozi looked at Li Mu with a hint of shyness in her eyes.

Miike Miaozi's shy expression naturally fell into Li Mu's eyes.

Obviously, Miike Miaozi looked at Li Mu. Miaozi was very interesting to him.

After Li Mu entered his home, he took Meihezi and said hello to others.

Miwazi looked at the people around him and said in surprise:"Is there just such a few people? You are not a rich person, so why are you just acquaintances?"

Not only Miwako, but other people are also a little curious.

"It's okay, these are my friends, and the others are all in the United States, so I didn't invite them."

Li Mu explained, and then walked to Xiaolan and others aside.

"Everyone, wait here. He Ye, I have some clothes above. I will take you to change."


Kazuye quickly followed Li Mu.

Hattori Heiji looked at Kazuye leaving, and quickly followed Kazuye, fearing that Li Mu would do something to Kazuye.

After arriving on the third floor, Li Mu went directly to the two rooms

"He Ye, here are all women's dresses, next door is men's dresses"

"I know, I'll go in first"

"Okay, I'll go down."

After Li Mu waited for He Ye to go in, he also walked towards Huxia.

Hattori Heiji saw Li Mu leaving, and he entered another room alone without Li Mu.

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth, came back quickly, and then entered the ladies' ceremony.

He Ye looked at Li Mu who came in, blushed, and said,"Brother Li, why are you here?""

"Of course I will prepare a particularly nice dress for you and then change your clothes."

Li Mu walked to the side, picked up a black one, and walked to He Ye.

"He Ye, look at this dress and try it on."

He Ye took over the black dress without hesitation.

Li Mu waited until He Ye changed clothes and asked directly

"He Ye, what do you think of this dress? I personally think it is very good. It perfectly shows off your beautiful figure. He

Ye felt Li Mu's gaze and said shyly:"Brother Li, it's very good. How about just these two clothes?""

"OK, but you also need a pair of high heels."

Li Mu walked to the side, picked a crystal-like high-heeled shoe, bent down, and grabbed Kazuye's feet.

Kazuye leaned on the wall on one side, looking at Li Mu shyly.

Outside, Hattori Heiji changed his clothes After putting on the suit, I walked outside the ladies’ dress room.

"He Ye, are you okay? It's almost time, it's time to go out."

Li Mu changed for He Ye, then hugged He Ye

"Heye, let’s go out"

"ah. Kazuye was startled and said quickly:"Brother Li, Hattori is outside now. Can we go out?""

"It doesn't matter, just say that I chose the clothes for you and you changed them in the changing room. Is it possible that he still doubts you?"

He Ye glanced at the changing room in the distance, and after thinking about it, he didn't say anything more.

The two hugged each other, walked to the door, then separated, and walked out one after another.

Just went out , Hattori Heiji saw Kazuha and was completely stunned.

"He Ye, why is Li Mu here? Did you do something? He

Ye blushed and said calmly:"What can we do? I just asked him to help me choose a dress. What do you think we do?""

Hattori Heiji glanced at Li Mu suspiciously, and then at Kazuye. The two of them didn't seem to be doing anything. And the time was only a few minutes, and they were wearing the same clothes. It was impossible to do that kind of thing 097

"Ha, Heye, I was just joking, okay, let's go, the banquet below is probably starting now. Hattori Heiji said with a silly smile. Kazuya snorted arrogantly, without saying anything more, and left on high heels.

Hattori Heiji looked at Kazuha who was wearing a dark dress and crystal high heels. Such a sexy and youthful Kazuha, Full of charm.

Even Hattori Heiji, who was usually rather dull and silly in this regard, couldn't help but take a second look. At this moment, Hattori Heiji realized that Kazuha, who was wearing a dress and high heels and had been carefully dressed, was actually So beautiful, so cute.

Li Mu glanced at Hattori Heiji, who was looking dazed and a little infatuated. The corners of his mouth raised, and he couldn't help but snickered. Poor

Hattori Heiji, what did you do earlier, and now you realize that he is so cute with Ye? Beautiful, by this time Kazuha was already Li Mu's.

Hattori Heiji heard Li Mu's smile, and immediately reacted, quickly turning his head and looking aside, pretending that nothing happened.

The Great Voyage of the Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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