Downstairs, there are many dining tables in the lobby, with all kinds of delicacies on them.

A large number of very high-end delicacies such as red wine, foie gras, and caviar specially brought from France

"It's delicious. This is the caviar I brought back from France. I heard it was very expensive, but I didn't expect that I could actually eat it."

Mitsuhiko tasted the caviar seriously, with a smile in his eyes.

"Yes, it is indeed very delicious, but unfortunately, there is too little."

Gentai shook his head, looking like he was dissatisfied with desire and not full.

Mitsuhiko's head was full of black lines, and he still disliked not having enough food for such expensive food.

And if he wanted Gentai to eat caviar, most people would probably Yuantai was left poor.

Upstairs, Li Mu and Ye immediately attracted everyone's attention when they came down.

After all, as a birthday boy, he was naturally the focus of the audience.

After Xiaolan saw Li Mu, she hurried over. Pulled He Ye to his side

"He Ye, are these the clothes you changed into? returnis good"

"Yes, but Li Mu, why do you have women’s dresses at home? Did you specially order them? Yuanzi asked curiously

"Oh, it’s nothing, it’s just that it existed before, and it was just for this time."Li Mu explained calmly.

No one asked any more questions and chatted with Li Mu about other 097 matters.

After a while, the sky gradually darkened.

Seeing that the sky was almost dark, Li Mu snapped his fingers to the maid waiting on the side.

Suddenly, The big light in the living room was turned off, and then some colorful neon lights lit up, shining on the road to the side.

In the center of the neon lights, a man pushed a huge cake over.

The cake had a total of eighteen layers, symbolizing Li Mu's year this year. He is already eighteen years old.

As for how old Li Mu is, Li Mu himself has probably forgotten it, so he will naturally not remember it.

Li Mu walked slowly to the front of the cake and picked up a plastic knife and fork.

He and Ye waited Everyone gathered around Li Mu, looking at Li Mu seriously without saying a word.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!"

I don't know who was the first to sing the birthday song, and then everyone else sang the Christmas song.

For a moment, the entire living room was filled with the singing of the birthday song.

Li Mu slowly opened his mouth, blew gently, and The candles above were blown out.

Then Li Mu cut a few cakes and handed them to the children of the Junior Detective Team.

"Everyone, please eat a little first."

"Thank you, Brother Li."

A few children came over quickly, took it, and ate it happily.

Then Li Mu cut a few pieces of cake for others and gave them to the children.

Li Mu looked at the people eating the cake, his mouth raised, his face There was a smile on his face.

Li Mu made this piece of cake specially.

As long as he eats it, he will gradually fall asleep.

And he will not fall asleep all at once, but gradually, without any feeling.

As long as Li Mu gets it done These people will definitely be sleeping together tonight.

Thinking about it, Li Mu was a little excited.

Next to him, Hui Yuan Ai lightly kicked Li Mu and sneered:"Hey, why are there so many people today and only a few of them?" Man, you shouldn't have a relationship with all of them."

The corner of Li Mu's mouth twitched. Except for Sanchi Miaozi, it doesn't matter at the moment. Others are related.

But Li Mu won't say it.

"How is this possible, am I such a person? It's just that these people are my friends here and there is no special relationship. Don't think too much."

Hui Yuan Ai glanced at Li Mu suspiciously and didn't say anything else.

"Okay, Xiao Ai, go and accompany your sister. There is no one she knows here. She will feel lonely alone."

"I understand, you don’t need to say anything."

Haihara Ai didn't say anything, turned around (bgdf) and walked to Miyano Akemi, talking to her.

Li Mu toasted another glass of wine with Mouri Kogoro, and then walked to Kuroba Chikage

"Qianying, you didn’t notify me when you came so I could pick you up."

"I thought you had a lot of friends, so I didn’t bother you. Also, why are all your friends women?"

Kuroba Qiankage looked around with the same suspicion.

Apart from the children, there were only a few men, less than one hand. And there were many more women, at least a dozen, occupying three-quarters.

"It's okay if you think too much."

Li Mu comforted, then said hello, and walked to Koizumi Hongzi on the side. After a few casual words with Koizumi Hongzi, Li Mu went to prepare the most important dinner of the night.

As long as you eat this dinner, Tonight is Li Mu’s good time


Half an hour later, Dr. Ali, who was old and frail, covered his forehead and said:"I drank too much today, I'm going to take a rest first."

"Well, I'll send you to rest."

Li Mu first sent Dr. Ali to a room on the second floor, and then returned to the first floor.

As long as all the men are taken care of, Li Mu can sit wherever he wants to do today.

In the next few minutes, Suzuki Shiro also fell asleep in one of Li Mu's rooms because he drank too much.

As for Mouri Kogoro, Li Mu didn't need to do anything. He was already drunk and was sent to rest by Hattori Heiji.

The entire first floor In addition to so many beauties, there are only some unsightly guys like the Young Detective Team and Hattori Heiji.

Li Mu's eyes wandered around, then he thought of something and smiled:"Everyone, I have a lot of game consoles at home. What do you want? Don't you want to play together?"

"Really? Very good."

The young detective team looked happy and hurriedly walked upstairs and took Conan away.

Li MuIt made them have a lot of fun, and after a while, he came over and drugged them, making them fall asleep.

In the end, the only eyesore is probably Hattori Heiji.

As long as this guy is taken care of, he will be the only grown man on the entire first floor, and he can do whatever he wants with these beauties.

Moreover, I can roam from tonight to tomorrow morning and test the limits of my body.

Li Mu was looking forward to it just thinking about it.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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